>OHP today
OHP today
OHP is the best nigga what are you in abou
>literally anything other than OHP day
>cardio today
>tfw can almost ohp bodyweight
>be 135 pounds
>OHP today
>followed by heavy push press singles and jerks
>not liking OHP
OHP is fun, even if I'm only at 90lbs. Next week I plan for 95 tho
ohp is the best
>gym rapist gets out on parole today
>stall on OPH
>progress on OHP
>I love OHP! Never felt more alive and manly! :)
OHP is my favorite lift, whachat talking about?
I was 3x5 90lbs on OHP 3 weeks ago now I'm 3x5 135lbs we gonna make it senpai.
Ehhh check your form brah
>things that never happened
or someone that started push pressing and labels it ohp
Just hit 1pl8 for 5 reps today bros. Can tick off 1 of 2/3/4. Hit 90kg bench last session aswell. Im feeling good lads, were all gonna make it
>that ohp to bench ratio
don't cheat yourself
How long did that take you? Pretty impressive for a littlun
>current year
>still destroying your shoulders doing OHP
Deer Hunter is the greatest movie of all time
Debate me
all time would imply the future, seeing how fast we are advancing in technology, i'd argue that movies as a whole will improve to the point of making deer hunter look like a cave drawing.
Platoon is better Vietnamkino
Apocalypse Now is my all time favorite movie though
ohp and deadlifts are best lifts. squat a close second
Advancement in technology since the 1970's hasn't made movies better.
Most movies from that era blow anything made in the last 20 years out of the water
Counter-point: film has consistently been getting worse since 1980.
>someones body works differently than mine
>he must be telling fibs
I have no reason to lie on the internet mate, they are my stats, my dl is 140 and my squat is a whopping 100.... Thats how Im made
What's an acceptable weight to use a rack for OHP?
I'm pressing 185x3, getting tired of cleaning and setting grip.
truly jelly
this is what tall people say about squats
just because it doesn't work for you doesn't mean it doesn't work for everyone else
you wouldn't need to ask if you could actually press that much. unless you weigh something like 225-250, then it's more believable.
>tfw bench press tomorro
>push press today
>lifting on a friday
>not pregaming with the neighbor girls
40-50 years? a drop in the bucket. ALL TIME
>doing cardio
>Ohp shows my fat belly to everyone
>Confidence shatters
>tfw 135x10 Press
Feels good man
Wear a lifting belt that's what I do
Not that guy but I skipped bench because I used to hate it, so at one point my ohp was 1plate for 5 and my bench was 70kgs for 5
There was a point when I kept making progress on OHP and could OHP 185lb for a double and maxed out on bench at 265lb, not everyone fits your cookie cutter mold and everyone has slightly different proportions.
I think, short of the Olympic lifts, OHP is the coolest lift there is. I mean, come on, taking a weight and pushing it up over your head. It doesn't get any cooler than that.
>Ohp shows fat belly
>7 months later
>Ohp shows off my rock solid abs
OHP, push press and jerk variations are all very cool
Should I just kill myself if I can't progress on OHP while I'm starting. Feels weak
4 ur info I can only ohp 70lb for 5 reps and can't successfully do my 2nd set to 5
OHP can be tricky. take a day to go lighter than normal for a few sets and focus intently on your form. the bar path creates a window and you wanna stick your head out the window.
then do a few sets heavier than normal but a push press instead of strict OHP.
then do some dumbbell shoulder press, some seated, some standing.
do an assistance OHP day like this once every 3-4 weeks as needed.
and dont do 5x5 dude. start light, work up to the heaviest weight you can do for 3-5 reps and do one set for as many reps as you can, then do a few more sets for 3-5 dropping 5-10lb each set.
I'll try it out next OHP day, thanks.
Didn't think of doing heavier than normal push press as well as seated/standing dumbbell shoulder press.
Was planning on dropping to 65 (following GSLP deloading I actually should drop to 60 because of rounding) and trying to get the last amrap set up near 10.
Are you suggesting I do all that on the same day? Because it seems do-able but I wouldn't know if not
> can do 50kg OHP no problem
> can't do 52.5kg OHP
this means you lost weight which means 7 month later you OHP less then 1pl8
You are not alone
>weighted dips with improper form or some shit
>hurts coming out from under the bar after squats
>can't raise OHP above head or left shoulder hurts
>do mini ROM from chin to forehead with reduced weight
>can't deadlift either
I feel you bto
today I upped 9 lb on OHP because fuck you OP
OHP is fairly dependent on antagonist muscles (back) power cleans will help your OHP.
yeah that's definitely doable for a single training session. try out n-suns 5/3/1 template
I absentmindedly added 5kg (2x 2.25) to my previous weight today thinking they were 1.25s, needless to say I could barely complete all my reps and felt too ashamed to lower the weight to what I'd intended, so left after doing like 4 reps of 4 sets.
The future is a concept, it doesnt exist, therefore only films that have actually been made can be considered.
that third or fourth rep is always fucking suffering