Who else using /philosophy/ to cope

Who else using /philosophy/ to cope

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How to get into philosophy. I'm a complet newb on the subject, got any good recommendations for a beginner?

Da Greex

Read Crime And Punishment by Dostoevsky, it's a novel.

lmao this fucking wojak is great

Who the hell keeps making these


There is no shortcut. The best thing you can do is start reading some entry level works such as plato, marcus aurelius, the prince, or camus.

>tfw feel so good when reading nietzsche but he also creatures more venues for my sense of inferiority to pour into

i wish he was alive right now so I could give him a hug

You mean Pride and Prejudice*

Philosophy is gay good luck with your welfare get a job learn a trade read a physics book you fucking faggot


Ye olde start with the fucking Greeks god damnit.

Oh fuck that was more of a literature guide than a philosophy guide.

Still a good list anyways.

Start with the greeks
Plato is the usual start because the form is meant to be imminently readable

The philosophers often reference the ancient myths though, so if you would actually read the original texts it is best to know more about greek culture before starting. Not really everything is necessary though. There's this big intro to philosophy file on lit.
or read a book about philosophy in general, then go and read specific shit.

Read Plato's The Republic.

Then read all of H.P. Lovecrafts work.

Finally, read The Hobbit while simultaneously watching Jordan B Peterson lectures.

Your mind will be thoroughly fucked.

novels != philosophy
neck you are self

Ask questions and then answer them. Is it justifiable for me to take a 30 minute long shit at work? What if I'm mostly just looking at memes and not even pooping? That's all. Philosophy is a meme. Smart fags with huge egos trying to compartmentalize reality into something understandable and meaningful but at the end of the day still no gf and infinite questions to ask and no reasonable way to answer them. Just don't bother. Live as hedonistic as you possible can without consideration for others. Life has no meaning because death absolves it of that. Legacy is a meme. Literature is a meme. Bunch of faggots trying to show their brains off with their book shelves for validation. Literally worse than cam whores.

The best way to get your foot in the door, would be to read as many of Plato's dialogues as you can. They are very easy to understand (relative to other philosophical works) as they are written in dialogue form. Plato's works are pretty much the foundation of western philosophy, and most of the post Platonic philosophers draw from him in one way or another. After reading all you can of Plato, if you so feel inclined, you would probably benefit from reading as many of the works from his student as you can: Aristotle. The works of these two make up the majority of basis of western thought in general.

From there, I would recommend reading in this order:
-Descartes' Meditations on First Philosophy
-John Locke's Essay Concerning Human Understanding
-Leibniz's New Essays Concerning Human Understanding
-Berkeley's Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge
-Hume's Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding

This order recommended because all of these were more or less responding to Descartes/the other works published before them.

If you get through all these, and really want to go deep, then I would recommend these:
Kant's Critique of Pure Reason
Kant's Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals (this is the most technically challenging philosophical work I have ever read, and I have read everything listed above)
Mill's Utilitarianism
Kant's Critique of Practical Reason

Don't bother with reading 'philosophical novels', or whatever, if you are seriously interested in philosophy proper. These above works are proper philosophic works, and are very technical in how the arguments are written.

Personally, I would not bother with any of the existentialist writers, as a lot of their works are pretty incoherent, though if you just want to be able to make pithy quotes to your friends and seem edgy, then by all means, read:
Anything from Nietzche, Sartre, or Camus
But there is not really any content in these that is as philosophically heavy as what I list above.

>as a lot of their works are pretty incoherent
He that writeth in blood and proverbs doth not want to be read, but learnt by heart.

In the mountains the shortest way is from peak to peak, but for that route thou must have long legs. Proverbs should be peaks, and those spoken to should be big and tall.

Listen to this guy, user. Only good post in this thread.

what do you even do with a philosophy degree, except for teach other people philosophy? you dont need it to take decisions or anything

I can't tell if this is serious or not.

This is good and all, but it skips over all of the scholastic philosophy that laid the groundwork for Descartes and stops before the Modern period is even over. It's really just a tour of Ancient greek and early modern philosophy.

wew lad, the projection is so huge you could cover death valley with it and watch from space

>Going to school for philosophy

iTunes U - Sheffield university- Angie Hobbs lectures

after that do you have any recommendations
read a good bit of both plato and marcus aueralius
not the person you are replying to btw

disagree, all of the physical things you own or see are not always around you.

there are only two things you always have, your mind and body. improve both

Hedonism is for degenerates and it won't make your life anymore fulfilling assuming that's your end goal. You will fall for the same traps in life never asking why when it all has to do with your view on it. Since there is no conclusive answer philosophy will always be relevant, you are free to ignore it but why try to convince others too as well?

Existentialism is shit tho

Gotta be a stoic to confuse the mind, right babe? Fucking Socrates goddamit!!

Explain whu

what are you trying to say, my friend?

You are God is God tier.

So you want every human to be God

-1 and 6 are the same


How do you think people decide what laws to make, or what government to have, or how to act morally, or what is good, or what is beautiful, or how to life a human life?

>Expanding your mind is gay, go make some money

Also if you going to read Kant I would recommend reading the critiques one after the other if not at the same time and with a lot of help by secondary sources. It's worth it though.

certainly without a philosopher telling them what to do

Little, do the people understand what is great—that is to say, the creating agency. But they have a taste for all representers and actors of great things.
Around the devisers of new values revolveth the world:—invisibly it revolveth. But around the actors revolve the people and the glory: such is the course of things.

>How do you think people decide what laws to make, or what government to have, or how to act morally, or what is good, or what is beautiful, or how to life a human life?

Politicians user now go get a real job

I didnt ask WHO,
I asked HOW they
Law making along with how a government should come about, what the limits are, and how it should operate is literally political philosophy

>Political philosophy isn't philosophy


you mean to tell me....that political philosophy.........is not philosophy...
what is this
i dont even

Solid advice. Definitely a must do

Do it anyways

No, level 6 is seeing that all views are based off of faith since there is no right answer to questions most religions claim to solve. There is no "wrong" view to have and if someone chooses to stay at those other levels it is their choice to do so. You construct your own world view based on what information is most convincing or having no view at all.

>no argument whatsoever

You don't need an argument against someone just complaining that others shouldn't like what he doesn't like

your mom

He wasn't saying he doesn't like it, he was saying it's trash
>Philosophy faggot
>Also brainlet

Shocking desu

tfw reading aristotle and trying to overcome my vicious habit of overeating
history of philosophy without any gaps is a GOAT podcast. I skip all the interview episodes because that can get TLDR and too high brow for me

get any job that just uses a college degree as a gatekeeper.

go into he military and become marcus arilious

Don't touch anything post-Kant.

Really, just stick with Plato and Aristotle (stoics or Epicurus if you're interested in other Greeks), they wrote everything necessary.

If you're interested in anything after that, all early catholic philosophy is just neo-platonism: Pseudo-Dionysius, Origen, Clement of Alexandria, etc.

Aquinas and the scholastics are Aristotelian.

hur dur contributing to society in a meaningful way is (((jew))) instead i'll sit in my basement and work a dead end job and post to an anime fit board about fucking philosophy.

>lumping in Nietzsche with Camus and Sartre

vasubandhu's thirty verses and xuen tsang's treatise on said verses.

Drunk ATM but hedonism doesn't necessitate for an individual to act without inhibition or awareness of consequence
>path of least resistance over the span of the perceivers potential realm of influence

So if you think it's legacy that means the most to you from a hedonistic stand point then aim for as far as you can, spread your seed, do whatever the fuck it is you want to do that will lead you to have the longest legacy. God damn brainlets

>we are what we repeatedly do
>stop speculating on what a man ought to do and do it
>simply questioning whether or not you are happy is enough to obliterate it

Philosophy is a fucking meme for the pseuds

Just live your life as you would, reading about Kant isn't going To do shit for you, you'd unironically get more out of reading /r/theredpill

is there more of graphs like this?
want to know all about ancient greece, ancient rome and catholicism

>It's trash assumes it is objectively bad
>It can't be objectively bad because that is his opinion
>I don't have to take that opinion seriously
What's the point in convincing others the subject is bad though?

You sound spooked