Just got fucked over big time

Ex gf of 4 years found someone else and dropped me in 1 week, have taken me 5 years to get over it. Finally doing well and stopped thinking about her. Suddenly find out one of my best friends just started dating her. In about 1 month all of my friends have ghosted me to be friends with them instead of me (bet she told them all kinds of shit to turn them against me). Don't bother fighting for it as they are shit friends for dropping me for that shit. Still feel like dying inside... Been 2 weeks now and the feels get worse. Only in the gym a feel a little better but im seriously considering if anything is worth it.

What advice would you give me for handling this situation? I don't do drugs as i have done it prior and im not going back to that.

>where should I post this blogpost ? hmm
>/adv/.. no
>/b/... no
>Veeky Forums... yeah that'll do it
Enjoy your ban filthy shitposter

Convert to Islam, seriously, nothing is more motivating as far as improving yourself than knowing that someday you will be able to bring the wrath of allah upon your enemies

>What advice would you give me for handling this situation?

Join meetups and volunteer to find new friends. Das it.

I really feel like it is not even worth it as these friends were my good friends for 10 year+... Never did them any harm, and the one that is fucking my ex i was hanging out with a couple of weeks before mane. Might as well neck it

Good luck man, I believe in you. None of those people are worth it

Fuck em op, they are worthless

I had a group of 'friends' one time, had a manic high and lost every single one of them. These people are a waste of space, just understand that there are good people out there, I know you will find some good people bro

I know that, and that is why i wont pursue to get them back or even try talking to any of them to know whats going on.

It is still really fucking tough being alone on a friday night an realize that you have 0 friends to call. I can't even remember the last time i was alone in the weekend.

I don't know how to cope with this in any way, had a regular panic attack last night lying on the floor thinking i could die from this (lame i know)

Time for a new hobby. Pick something that seems fun

>Necking yourself over a tight hole and a group of friends when there is billions of people on this earth


>had a similar situation happen to me
>for an entire year pretty much worked and fucked tinder girls (back when tinder was good)
>eventually some of the friends came back around, was happy to continue our friendship

such is life with your day one niggas.

anyway, make some damn money, travel, do some crazy fun stuff. just get the most out of your life.

> in the sixth panel she has 3 hands

Wtf, I can't jack off to this?
Also check em.

Friends are worthless.
Be like Bruce Wayne.
The only people in his life are people he pays or little dudes that look up to him.

Find new friends. Obviously they weren't true friends if they believe the cunt's serpent mouth.

Invite them all to one location. Kill them one by one, you friend second to last and her last

I'm so sorry dude, I'm going through the beginnings of something similar. She's already told lies about the circumstances of the breakup, but I know its to make her feel better. Be strong breh

There's nothing I can say in this moment to make you feel better OP. I would know because I was in a similair spot and tried offing myself to no luck. If mans are gonna drop you like that then they were never really your homies to begin with, no matter what you think you may have felt in the past. There's a lot more to life then the shitty comforts fake friends allow us. I'd suggest finding some nice hobbies, read some books,play some sports, the endorphins are nice and it's a good place to meet people. I know it hurts a lot now, and it will for a while, but eventually youll go numb and the thought of those people and your betrayal will be but a distant memory, so distant from you and your current state it'll be like it never happened.. and ya don't do drugs. I firmly believe you should only do them to enhance your life, never to cope, that's when shit gets out of hand. Remember, life is long(maybe) so either way shit gets better or you die. I hope you can find comfort OP.

And to add to that she is doing this on purpose to be a vindictive cunt. Don't play her game. If you just move on. She will have nothing over you. She is obviously insecure, and she will turn on your best friend just like she did to you.

Move town and start over
I'm truly sorry brah
Also you need to pick up a hobby anything to get your mind off of things music can be soothing and relaxing but good instruments are not cheap
You can pick up a guitar for about 200-300 that would do
Also try learn something new like a language or how to code
Read as much as you can and lift hard
You're gonna make it

can't unsee

Im really thankful for all the advice. I know already that i shouldn't think about it and just move on with a lot of other occupations and i will. The feels are just huge. It is very humiliating for me in some way.

But im already a little lifted. Guess ill use the next weekends in the gym and hope getting better

How old are you?


Keep going to the gym and make new friends there.

Most of the time, disciplined people are the best connections that you can have and it can easily make you change or improve your life much easier.

I work out at my work place and im always alone there. I get up at 5am and get home from work at 5:30 pm. Then i go to the gym (i have to get home first because of transport, not important) and get home at about 7pm. Only see my friends in the weekend and im exhausted mon-fri to do anything but work gym sleep. I have to go to bed at 9 pm to get my 8 hours.

Jesus you've got your whole life ahead of you, you can ever be bitter or be better make the choice.

Stop being a pussy. People change. Get over it and never look back. Nothing in this world is permanent, that's why marriage is a joke.

Someones bitter

she's clearly not over you if she made all your friends hate you after 5 (!) years of being separated

just leave them behind lmao, why bother with them

don't neck yourself, we're all gonna make it, and so on

If everyone around you and your friends treat you like that consider looking at yourself and ask yourself why that might be. It could be that you are just a shitty person