Do girls like flexible dudes?
As someone who's quite flexible I feel like I get more mires when I'm stretching than lifting heavy.
Do girls like flexible dudes?
As someone who's quite flexible I feel like I get more mires when I'm stretching than lifting heavy.
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Probably because you look like an idiot or weirdo. Don't worry tho, I do it to
Does the guy in the pic look like that? I don't think I do anything unusual desu
Well if any guy did a split at my gym, im sure he would get some stares
>pic unrelated ayy
>caring what girls like
Flexible guys are way more fun in bed, especially gymnasts.
I can do a split like it's fucking nothing.
Where is my qt gf?
Nah it's more of a feminine trait
Flexible qt here
I'm too busy with lifting and school to have a bf sry
Your gay af
and don't even say that your a grill. We know better
Prove yourself skank
Nice observation Sherlock.
Why dont 4channers believe women exist
put me in the screencap
I'm pretty flexible and can kick above my own head. Probably looks homoerotic when I'm stretching.
>she can smoke a pack a poles a second
Thats a man baby
That's a maaaan babyyy
> traps pretending to be a woman
Water is wet
wtf is wrong with your finger?
What do you mean?
Let me reiterate
Why don't 4channers believe women exist?
How do I get flexibility gains?
Stretching and Mobility Routine in the sticky looks like its for 40yo milfs who can't do yoga
> attention whoring this hard
>mfw you hurting bb
I'm double jointed (the reason I'm flex without regular stretching), but also have small hands, so I had to hold my post-it stack at a strange angle
> im a girl teehee
> pay attention to me silly boys
Fuck off and stop trying to derail the thread to make yourself feel validated
Sounds like you're just a faggot OP. Sorry you had to find out like this
but we all have two joints in our fingers
>provided opinion
>required proof of womanhood
>provided proof of womanhood
>accused of attention whoring
This is r9k level of retardation
who fuckin cares
Post feminine benis for proof
I already believe my femaleness is valid. user asked me for proof I'm a hetgirl, not a gayboi.
Not my fault y'all have shit attention spans
Because you didn't really prove you're a girl tbqh.
I'm also a girl btw, pic related. :)
are you from south?
Is there anyone that app doesn't make into 9/10 female?
> either a trap or mtf
> claims het girl
Are you a mexicunt?
I would not bang female me bro. Hair game is bullshit too
I've seen some hideous ones
>calls self a hetgirl
>expects literally anybody to believe xe is actual girl
I'd fuck female you
Lmao you look like a girl called Ellen with huge tits I fucked
T-thank you
Flexible dudes are my fetish.
I'm a faggot tho.
I wanna lick your face
If only someone would fuck male me
Jesus fucking christ is that your thumb
Go back go Mars
>being this thirsty
No way bruh. You can stare at my mound-bulge and decide for yourself
Flex d00ds are still hawt
Hard to tell by the picture, but the right one
Yes I am
let's us have a wank or w/e to a underwear picture of you, c'mon.
the left one is so much better looking
Listen to me, you motherfucker: LICK MY TURD CUTTER.
Nice bulge. How far into the transition are you
Indeed, but I don't know who that is
no one cares
>Pacific Standard Timezone
>No tits
Not far enough. Post ur beef, I need an estrogen spike
Today was a good day to log onto Veeky Forums
you need to work on your left core
the right side is pulling you
not proof enough we demand more bby
Fug bro we've gone a step too far and now it looks like my sister
B-but I was told that having a wet hole made me valuable in any conversation
What the equilavent of high test for girls?
Big hairy manly men?
>Lost 30 pounds
>tfw still "thicc"
Will I ever make it
>not posting feminine benis
Focusing on ligament training and cardio rn because of my shitty swimming but will keep on mind. You know I'm always chasing dat gud gud s y m m e t r y
No. Now stop trying to derail threads with your faux femininity
Decent thread derailed by autistic white knights the second they think there is a girl posting
Veeky Forums is the so shit now
Oh hey, you know my turd cutter? LICK IT.
High estro
>y so dum
>y no beef post
>need dat gud estro user
Will I not make it due to my overall bone structure/height or because I derailed your shitty thread
Saddest thing? She's an ex-fatty looking for validation. White knights still post for some reason.
That would require pictures in less clothing to further analyze, m'lady.
En garde, rancid swine! You... will... harrass... the... lady... no... more...
what's up bb I'm just chillen here on the couch and wanted to say that I believe your a grill and I have a 7.75"x6.25" peenor
Cool BB you go to langara or UBC? Come to re up next Wednesday with me
>Inb4 haha lesbo
Its a fucking man.
I know Veeky Forums is gayest board on the internet but can you stop trying to see this "girls" dik
I call BS. I've fucked some competitive gymnastic sluts before and while sex was more creative and experimental, I don't think it was "way" better compared to NEET cardio sluts.
Also: Tits or GTFO
>neet cardio sluts
where the hell did you even meet these lol
>people are looking at me
>I must be getting mired lol I made it!!
Guy in pic does look autismo though. What is that stance? He's clearly surrounded by modern western training equipment, but he's holding some pseudo martial arts pose?
BF is flexible and it gets me wet when he does stretches after he's all sweaty from the gym. So yeah, I'd say it's probably safe to say girls like a guy who can stretch.
Relax into stretching -Pavel Tsatsouline
or maybe because he is your BF... phaggot
That spider is cute, what manga is this?
This. Wetbacks get out.
Yes but no. Like good for you cuz that's fucking awesome but I don't want to see it because it's not sexually attractive and my tits will fall off from sadness. Unless you're a dude that can do ballet or something. That seems more masculine somehow. I just don't want my boyfriend to be the pervert with his dick hanging out of his shorts while he's stretching in the park...takes me back to childhood and all the no feels.
Being flexible is a positive trait, but I don't think anyone really cares, stretching or lifting.
>Does the guy in the pic look like that? I don't think I do anything unusual desu
Nothing againts stretching but the guy in the pic looks like a massive autist.
>As someone who's quite flexible I feel like I get more mires when I'm stretching than lifting heavy.
Probably because you don't lift heavy.