how do i stop my hands from getting kill when i do romanian deadlifts?
> i already do the mixed grip
how do i stop my hands from getting kill when i do romanian deadlifts?
> i already do the mixed grip
Stop doing over under and start doing hook like a proper man.
i wanna train my lowerback/hamstrings
not my fingers desu senpai
You stop griping the bar like a fucking gorilla
Or buy gloves
Fix your grip!!! If your grip is weaker than your Romanian deadlift, you do not work out your forearms at all.
>don't wanna train muh fingers
>muh fingers are weak!
See the problem? And don't use mixed grip om RDL
When they gonna invent internet scratch n sniff
do stiff legged dl or good mornings
>Dat pic
Damnit Veeky Forums.
I don't want to go to jail for rape.
my sides
>not having the grip strength to do double overhand romanians
I have a real shitty problem where I simply cannot bend over all the way down for the weights to touch the ground and still have a straight back, so I end up always holding the weight throughout the set. It works fine but really is more of a workout for my fucking arms.
What are straps?
Holy fuck you people...
>romanian deadlifts?
If you're having grip issues doing Romanian Deadlifts then you're doing them wrong.
>straps for romanian deadlifts
>small forearms in 2k17
Use straps OP.
I do Romanian diddilifts with 3.5 plates 3x5. Then 4x12 with 3 plate. Then box romanian deads 3x15 with 2 plate. Fucking mad lower back, traps, glutes, and hamstring gains. Your hands won't be able to handle that much volume without straps. Don't be autistic and let your hands hinder the progress of the muscles you're working.
>being this autism
>being this small
If you use straps every masculine Olympian God in mythos will curse you for being a beta faggot.
Exercise your fucking grip.
Farmer's Walks
Wrist Curls
Wrist extensions
Wrist "windshield wipers" (you get the picture)
Crush grip trainers
Hang from a bar for an hour, like a gorilla.
Work on your grip strength pussy, if your Romanian is too much for your grip strength you have muscular imbalance and need to buff up your grip strength.
>wrist curls
KEK! You're one of those faggots.
Should i do stiff Legged deadlift or romanian deadlift? Which is better? Pls respond