> 125 calories
> actually tastes like something
> unlike Michalob Light you won't look like a faggot drinking it
Is Guinness the ultimate lifters beer?
> 125 calories
> actually tastes like something
> unlike Michalob Light you won't look like a faggot drinking it
Is Guinness the ultimate lifters beer?
>drinking the liquid jew
>sideways pic
I've been trying to stick to vodka and soda when I drink but its fucking boring
Nothing beats pic related
>still drinking calories, just in the form of pure sugar
Why not just drink neat liquor most of the night, and punctuate it with a single nice hearty beer every couple hours?
fite me motherfuckers
That's not a bad idea, I was referring to club soda btw, not coke or pepsi or some sugary bullshit
I want to get drunk with as little calories possible
I only weigh 160 lbs, what do I drink?
Why you underage fagots keep peddling stouts and shit as in "it actually tastes like beer"?
What if the fucking weather is hot as fuck and im thirsty and i actually can drink more than 4 pints?
What if i want to get fucked up?
Do you think is going to end well the hangover with all those RICH ROASTED coffe notes up in my dried shrivel tongue?
Get stuffed you fucking cuck spastic jew mongoloid.
125 cal per serving? Guiness is heavy af. Got to be more cals than that
>cuck spastic Jew mongoloid
no u
Guinness and most similar dark beers are good. Avoid American corn syrup piss water like bud, michelob, coors, miller, pbr, etc.
Red wine and certain craft beers are my personal choice.
Try harder degenerate.
>tfw taking gulps out of 10$ plastic handle vodka followed by water for chaser again
atleast its the lowest possible calorie option r-right?
>no german beer
r u even tryin ?
can someone decipher this god damn troglodyte's message for me
Im a guinness fan but even I think this is viral marketing
single malt whiskey, double shot, neat.
1 Guinness
that's all I need, I dont get drunk, feel good and stay under 200kcal.
and Ive had some 150$ single malts, phew tasty.
>not drinking red wine exclusively for dat dere test boost
Never gonna make it
>not mixing protein shake with whiskey
Never gonna make it
>craft beers
what a faggot
Purple drank
I specifically gave up drinking to help my lifting, it gives you a pot and weakens your ass muscles
Lmao at your life desu.
>he hasn't been mixing his protein with mixers
Never gonna make it
The calories are neutral if not negative, thermogenic and lowers blood sugar
>drinking Guinness outside of Ireland let alone Europe
Bet it tastes awful
Literally the best beer of them all. Not even shilling.
>You can slam them if you're in the mood
>Fucking delicious
If you enjoy craft beers, you're a certified DYEL hipster cuck
Get aids
Pleb, Ireland has the worst Guiness