progress thread.
Progress thread
>tfw 4 months in and i look like the left pic
Don't stop.
its all relative man we all have a different starting point
You became white?
what are you talking about?
OP is a negro on the left pic and a human on the right hand pic
I made this face today and it really helped me stay tight on dumbell chest press
> OP is a negro on the left pic
is there some joke I am not getting? is this having to do with the color shirts? because his skin color is the same, but the shirts changed colors.
Been on ppl a few months now, how am i going?
Why do people take progress pics at completely different angles and lighting? You're just cheating yourself out of an honest critique
it helps me sleep at night user, thankyou for the insight though
I'm a year in and I look like the left (just slightly better), it sucks man but I used to be anorexic
Lost about 2lbs since left pic, gf has been feeding me mexican food though so I've been bloated as fuck.
6'2 186 lbs
Cut for a year from 235 to 175ish at 6'. Still having touble making decent muscle gains i think im just cursed with shitty insertions. At least my face isnt as fat r-right Veeky Forums?
get a not shitty haircut
Ill have you know sir that i have the respectable haircut of you average lesbian thank you
It takes discipline to get a good body. Those who don't just don't put the work in.
What do I do after the noob gains? I've been lifting since February 24.
Where's the progress?
Senpai please, tell me exactly how you did it. 120lbs 6'0 here. I'm depressed. Everyone treats me like a dumb kid, and I'm fucking 22.
You have plenty of noob gains left