8 months lifting. ive made okay progress, in my opinion, on my shoulders/arms/back/lats. how do i unfuck my chest...

8 months lifting. ive made okay progress, in my opinion, on my shoulders/arms/back/lats. how do i unfuck my chest? i flat bench 3x a week but i cant really feel it in my chest when im benching. within the past month ive switched exclusively to incline bench and dumbbell flyes, which i can really feel in my chest. should i be doing anything else?

more calories. benching 3x a week is too much. do some cable flyes. too much benching is self defeating and could wang out your clavicles

Why the fuck are you benching 3x a week? That is one of the reasons it is not growing. Once a week is completely enough. Also i am 99% sure you are benching with your delts, not chest (idk how to put it) try retracting them when you bench and not move them foward, also, squeeze the chest when you bench.

all of the starting meme programs say to bench 3x a week

Also, up your calories, go on a hardcore bulk, you look like you just escaped Auschwitz

Your shit grows when you are resting, not while you are in the gym, kek. If it is your weak point you could try to squeeze bench twice a week, but 3x is just too much. You are giving 1-2 day rests inbetween, that is far too less.

5'9 163 pounds

bump for more advice

>8 months of progress.

Looks more like 3 months to me. You're either lying about the time, or you're not putting enough effort in. Either way, work harder.

this is what i started with

Damn it's like muscle don't want to install on your body.
Fix your form, maybe the shoulders are doing all the job don't train it too much (Front Raises), eat/rest more.
Also 3x/week is too much and if you add more chest exercises you may have too much volume.
keep it up


you have really bad noob gains bro. u need to change some shit. take the advice in here srsly.

If you would have taken a weightgainer, you would have been more big

Serious mass can get you 10 lbs and that is a lot

Are you double jointed OP?

Don't listen to these fucks. Good progress so far from skeleton mode.
I feel my chest much more while dumbell pressing compared to barbell try alternating. Keep doing flyes and eat a bit more

why would i take a mass gainer?

To gain mass

i dont want to get fat. i already have love handles.

thanks. ill try your advice.


You can gain either fat or muscle

Take protein to gain muscle. Eat fat to get fat. This isnt hard.

>Take protein to gain muscle. Eat fat to get fat.

For the record, this is not how this works. It's not this basic at all.


2/10 trollpost

benching 3x a week is great if you want to bench more

most good bench programs have you doing it 3-4x a week

Incline bench is great, you can also do a few sessions of weighted dips and come back to regular bench press in a month or two. Diversity is key, so to speak.

why not?

Muscle protein synthesis only occurrs for up to 48 hours after training a muscle.

Fuck off marketing shill