
why the fuck are Russians so jacked?

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That is the only form of entertainment outside of drinking

They have to carry the weight of their WW2 war crimes.

All that pogroming

is Russia really that depressing?

Im exaggerating s little bit, but they got cucked super fucking hard after ww1

theyre poor

They also play csgo for entertainment, except they don't seem to enjoy it.


why are russian men so ugly? they look like brits except more masculine

t. Frog without his trip trying to shill his Slavic genes

Snow niggers do nothing but fight lift and drink.
Fun is getting strong and beating the shit out of someone.

They do not fuck around over there. Those niggas are crazy.

So why is USA not that jacked

Because they feel no pain when working out

>all that for one lunge

Holy shit why do literally every image coming from russia look like they're from some weird parallel dimension with a dystopian athmosphere?

Fuckin communism broke the fabric of space-time.

What a fucking retard.

Because you only see and hear the fucked up shit that's worth memeing about you retard

that guys off his shit man

3 reasons

1. cold temperatures actually increase lifting strength. Extreme cold can give you retard strength but is going to damage your tissues if exposed for more than a couple minutes. Saw it on TV several years ago where if I remember right they put the soft normie host of the programme up to try wearing this big fucking arm-mounted freezer, and lift a heavy thing. This weak ass TV personality suddenly had gorilla power and then had to be checked to make sure he didn't get arm frostbite.

2. vodka metabolism for cutting and
3. lack of food for cutting. russian lifters typically look either super shredded or like massive bloated bears. The latter comes about if they have the rubles for many potatos and steroids. The former is gopnik fitness

>russian men are ugly
bad meme

There's an awful lot of stuff worth memeing about there.

Cause we are animals

Russians are strong af

Requesting the fucked up russion school-life picture/vertical that I've seen posted here and on /tv/.

Nvm found it on my hd.

Don't be mean to USA, they just carry their weight differently...


Years of negative selection under soviet party ruling. Talented and smart people moved from here. Alcoholics, brainless and peasants stayed.
it's a pride thing

thats so fucking funny hahahaha

i wanna smash that girl with the hot dog penis getting a blowie from the other thot


I am a Slav who grew up in a commie block and I confirm everyone's fucking crazy

I am Serbian though, so I guess Russians are even worse

using monkey meme brand kettlebells instead giryevik for sport and he's russian, not making it

Is that picture really not shopped? what the fuck lmao

I like to think communism transformed the population in eastern europe into orcs

top fucking kek, it's like the eclipse in berserk except all the monsters are replaced with slavs


Muscles are the only thing communism can't socialize

there is literally nothing in this vidya about maximum strength

(its pretty awesome tho)

what the fuck is that tire flip

good steroids

She looks a lot like benis bus stop girl.

>Plato written in tip ex on vodka bottle

This is Estonia
>sticker is in Estonian
> and the car in the background has eu licence plate

it shopped

how to get a body like this?
