What would you do if you got this fat?
What would you do if you got this fat?
Drink only water until I lost the weight, easy.
Lose weight. I used to be way fatter than that.
3 cups of coffee per day to stave off hunger
5k on monday, tuesday, thursday, friday
Gradually make strategic changes to my diet
Give it 1 year and you'd be down to a healthy size
I'd be impressed if I managed 2k's right now but I guess it's a goal
If you got that fat, you've got a problem.
No willpower? Lack of vision? Straight-up depression? Whatever.
If you're fixing to fix it, you're on the right path, and your mental problems are for you and your therapist.
Anyway, count calories, count macros, do intermittent fasting, train hard.
That's the receipe.
I'd read the sticky
I actually broke my leg and just piled it on due to the inactivity, but good advice man thanks
Dieting is about gradual change. You aren't 'dieting' - you're making a conscious permanent lifestyle change.
Choose one thing to cut out per month and then do it over the course of that month. Maybe in the first month if you're drinking soda multiple times per day swap one of those for diet soda and then two weeks later both.
In this way you can make major changes without really realising it.
You have to ensure that your immediate social circle such as spouse or friends know and support this because the biggest killer of diets that i've seen is being constantly asked to restaurants with workmates.
Motivation and discipline aren't about single huge 'hits', they work with long-term sustained low level effort.
You have to treat a diet more like a pension.
You gotta admit that's a problem. A different kind of problem, but nonetheless.
Can you train, or is the leg still healing?
If you can't, you probably can at least swim.
It's a great exercise to lose weight, the cold water already has your body burning more calories just to stay warm.
Oh yeah it's a problem I can't believe how much I have let myself go, and yes swimming is what I'm trying to do now but Iv never been much of a swimmer so it's a tough exercise but best way to recover
>due to the inactivity
shoving food into your face is not inactivity
I honestly would start dieting and losing weight but i dont think it would change much in my life
Dating is extremly hard even as a tall fit guy, i doubt performance at school or work would be affected so there really isnt any upside to being fit besides being able to look with pride in the mirror
That is reason enough however
i wouldn't
I would lurk /fph/ and give advice on /plg/
Go to the doctor and get a blood test done. Then stop at the store on the way home to replace all of the shit in my cabinets and fridge with healthier foods.
I recently came close to that, so I started exercising and losing weight again. I've lost like 10 lbs in the last 17 days.
debase my self every day in front of the mirror and post pictures of my self in /fph/ until i lost the weight and had a 6 pack again
post my cute belly onto /trash/
cuddle myself
Just go on a cut
>19cm around neck, 110cm narrowest above belly button=38% fat
>tdee is 2200
>Tdee without body fat % is 2700
What is this your measurements?
I'd kill to have that body. My fucking skin is destroyed.
Kill muhself
start hiking or walking 4 hours don't stop
How does someone do this to their body? it's pathetic
I got about that fat so I stopped eating so much.
Lose weight?
As soon as I even begin getting slightly fat when I'm bulking I lose that shit
The only way I can see myself becoming as fat as OP is if I became a legit alcoholic and got wasted everyday drinking beer. At least drinking is fun, people who arent alcoholics and are fat are legit fat fucks
binge eating/snacking/liquid cals
I'd personally rather be blaha mode than natty ripped. Steroid bear mode is ideal but I'm not willing to take steroids so... blobha it is. I don't want to be small.
for some it's a fetish
OP you have very good belly genetics, not every belly looks that nice.