This is the ideal make body, you may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.
This is the ideal make body, you may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like
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legs too big
Ideal for what?
Peak performance for what?
He wouldn't be close to peak performance long distance running, swimming, climbing, or many other things.
>Peak performance for what?
Attracting womenz
this. maybe if humans evolve to have bikes attached to them then he would be peak performance.
nah those legs hurt more than they help
>Peak performance for what?
>6-time Olympic champion
Can you not read?
legs are never big enough you dyel
This guy has like the exact same muscle insertions as me.
A-am I gonna make it Veeky Forums?
i do like it tho
Fedor would like a word with you.
That's your choice to make user, so I don't know ARE YOU!?
i'll bite
>olympic is a form of sport
Are you ESL? He's not asking what sport, he's implying every sport has a different idea of peak performance.
Technically speaking, crossfit has a title, titled "worlds fittest person"
>manlet on the tips of his toes
Wait, do people really not know? Can you not tell from his massive quads, and the cycling shorts? I know Veeky Forums is full of autists who don't do/follow sport, but you can't be that ignorant can you?
[spoiler]He was a sprint cyclist - medals in sprint, team sprint, madison and kilo.[/spoiler]
This is the ideal make body, you may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.
*kierin, not madison
Fucking MUTANT
Ugly ass calves
do you want to look like a god and fight like a bitch?
or do you want to look like a bitch and fight like a god?
Not directly pictured: cardiovascular systems OF THE GODS
He's only so dominant because swimming has so many meme categories. Usain Bolt doesn't get to do the 100m over and over again with different running techniques.
Looks freaking great, I love it.
The guy's living life after his olympic career too;
Quite balanced.
Goal body.
That's true, but it also means he has 10 times more competition, so it's much harder to stay on top on so many categories.
If you look at multiple Olympic medalists, there's only Phelps for swimmers in the top 10 and if you account only for gold medals, only Phelps and Spitz.
The former enjoy your ptsd faggot
you will end with PTSD too after taking so much dick in your ass, boi.