Guys some girl at work asked me yesterday if I've been lifting because it looks like I have, and poked my shoulder asking "are these real"
I fucking made it brahs, I made it
I sperged out on her though
But I don't care, who needs girls lmao
Guys some girl at work asked me yesterday if I've been lifting because it looks like I have, and poked my shoulder asking "are these real"
I fucking made it brahs, I made it
I sperged out on her though
But I don't care, who needs girls lmao
Get laid nerd
I couldn't give less of a shit about your blog but that girl really activates my almonds.
Black hair + white skin is the superior female
black hair + white skin + green eyes
asians have better skin tone and age better bruh
don't give a shit about the last part
brown hair + white skin + blue eyes is god-tier tbqh
sweeping generalizations like these are stupid. its called complexion and it depends on the individual, not the race. There are white people pale as a sheet and others have a beautiful, healthy complexion. Same goes for asians.
racemixing faggot jew
Not as good as blacks though :)
>posting a 2/10
post a white girl that looks better than pic related
Correct response is "touching ain't free" and slap her ass
This girl is definitely Eurasian
don't even need to because there's already 2 in this thread
you have shit taste, racemixer
Whoever made chokers popular again is a goddamn fucking hero.
no man I agree, asians are super kawai
she's not
pic on the right is a 6/10 at best
and you can do the same with every girl, but asians typically wear less makeup than other races
She doesnt look
>post a white girl that looks better than my example of plastic surgery
>post a white girl that looks better than pic related
>but asians typically wear less makeup than other races
are you literally an asian girl and not even a guy?
that pic could have been posted by you if you didn't have the ugly comparison of reality, your girl wasn't any better
Thats when you poke her tits and ask "are these real"
I got my own. She's the best.
Green eyes are god tier.
>plastic surgery
i see girls like this regularly, she doesn't have plastic surgery
how do i get an avg korean gf?
ITT furious hapas who can't get Asian women
>post a white girl that looks better than pic related
>bags under eyes
>round face
Nice cherry you picked there newfag!
Reddit called
Blue or green eyes
She's good, but true 10/10 Asian girls are in a league of their own.
Even if true, still better looking than that chink hybrid you posted.
Funny how all you "white girls BTFO" phaggots post mixed-race examples of so called non-white beauty. Cute mental acrobatics, buddy boyo.
>implying he actually posted a 10/10 gook
I didn't imply that. She's got far too much makeup on to be 10/10 in my book.
Jesus fuck it's only like 5 posts in and it's already descended into race war bullshit you fucking pol niggers need to fucking leave Veeky Forums forever
agreed, they really should have kept them together with /mlp/.
Fair enough.
Nu-male cuck spotted
lel, is that how you cope? by pretending she's mixed?
she is pure chinese
Can't leave yet, niggerino.
Have to get Veeky Forums for the impending race war, and also to make my future nazi waifu swoon for dat dere BWC.
same here
niggers and gooklover racemixers BTFO
Cope with what? Shes just a 7. Barely fuckable. Post an actual 10 and maybe ill start coping.
Also, shes clearly hapa or she had eyelid surgery which is quite common in Eastern countries.
Raxemixing is a fetish, this guy literally adds 3-4 points in his head because he has a fetish towards gooks in particular, and thinks he's being remotely objective
it's like if a guy with a diaper fetish was saying some girl wearing a fucking diaper is a 10/10, you know it's skewed
I don't really understand this nu-male meme. You went to high school right? Were the cool kids nu-males blasting foster the people with indie glasses? No they were fucking chads that could beat the fuck out of you.
so what separates you (a Veeky Forums loser) and some non-chad that chose to be a hipster? Is it just the fact that one is a dumb racist and the other is a liberal that probably has sex? Is this what assblasts you about nu-males? The fact that one is still socially acceptable while you're just a Dillon Roof-tier creep?
You do realize that South Park dedicated an entire season to mock PC lefty faggots like you, right?
How does it feel to be the laughing stock of the entire universe and not even know it?
>posts a plastic gook
you yellow fever weebs are hilarious
holy shit, literally 50% of asians have double eyelids, have any of you insular fucks met more than 5 asians in your entire life
Nu-males are poor excuses of men, but then again, so are you
>asian girl is good looking
>must be a hybrid
>must be plastic surgery
nice cope
go away racemixer shoo
>so what separates you (a Veeky Forums loser)
>The fact that one is still socially acceptable while you're just a Dillon Roof-tier creep?
Someone here is assblasted, and it's not him. Someones projecting lol
pic you posted OBVIOUSLY has had plastic surgery. you've clearly never actually been to asia as you don't seem to realise how prevalent it is there.
i have had asian classmates and coworkers who look like that
i've had less attractive ones too of course, but i see girls like that almost every day, are you saying all of them have had plastic surgery?
Literally look up south korean beauty industry
It's actually very probably a lot of them DID have surgeries or at least 10 pounds of makeup
I think those are contacts though
>20 procedures per 1,000 people
>13 procedures per 1,000
almost no difference
>no double eyelid
>natural looking makeup
doubt they have had surgery or wear excessive makeup
this is excessive looking makeup
>I made it
>But I don't care, who needs girls lmao
No bro... you didn't make it.
>lifting for girls
This, light complexion and dark long straight hair gives me an emotional erection.
GJ brah, post pics