Hi Veeky Forums

Hi Veeky Forums,

I am trying to switch to a more vegan diet. To make my life easier I am considering upping the amount of protein shakes I take. I have read a million times that 'real foods > protein supplements', but I have a really hard time finding any facts to back this claim up. Especially in the context of me eating a shitload of plant-based wholefoods (for minerals/vitamins/fiber/etc).

Do you guys know of any legitimate studies which indicate this is a bad idea?

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second bump

I doubt it matters much, just don't eat animals

real food + a lot of supplements > real food + not as much supplements > real food > only supplements

When people say food>supplements they mean the last part, because a lot of newbs neglect their diet.

>real foods > protein supplements', but I have a really hard time finding any facts to back this claim up.
protein isolates will give you protein, food will give you protein, fibre, nutrients, vitamins, not contribute to jaw muscle atrophy etc.

Thanks, and yeah that's the plan.

Cool, thanks.

It's weird because this idea that protein shakes are somehow far inferior has heavily influenced my dietary choices the past few years, but it feels good that this misconception doesn't limit me anymore.

You're literally going to make no gains on a vegan diet unless you start roiding gg

>jaw muscle atrophy
Care to expand on that some more?

No offense, but I am kind of assuming here that you are an inexperienced weightlifter who is sprouting bro-science. You got any type of proof?

BS. Calories are calories, proteins are proteins. I definitely havent stopped making gains since adapting a vegan diet, quite the opposite

Vegans with roids look like normal gymfags

Name one nutrient that exists in animal products but not plants. One.

How low is your IQ that you are unable to do anything more complex than copy paste different varieties of basically the same bro-science bullshit?

Don't forget using-your-fucking-brain day.

Well not the same guy as you were replying to (because he appears to be an idiot), but uhm.. B12?

Not saying you can't take supplements for that, but still.

B12 is produced by bacteria. You can either consume B12 fortified products like most plant milks or nooch, or you can eat cow meat that has been fed a B12 supplement. Or just consume a supplement yourself.
Point is, animal products don't have an advantage in B12 content compared to plants

Meal prep in advance and include beans, quinoa, tofu.

Interesting stuff. I still have quite a lot to learn about this stuff, so thanks.

>implying people who eat meat do it to get a balanced a diet with every micronutrient including B12.

Don't worry about it, there will be plenty of time to get nutrients from real food when you grow up. For now, just b urself and save teh animals :D

Thanks. That's what I am planning to do. But being a 90kg guy, lifting 5 times a week, I need quite a lot of protein. So protein shakes do make things a lot more convenient.

Lol, thats true. It's a bit 'scary' though changing what you've always thought was the normal things to eat.

the modern diet is very soft which affects facial muscle development and even bone structure. something a lot of people miss when they live off blended food or retarded shit like "soylent" is that you need to chew for the sake of your jaw, teeth etc so you don't look like a mouthbreather with a beakerhead


Lol oke.

But yeah I think that with a vegan diet + protein shakes you chew a lot more than with a regular high fat/meat diet, seeing as most plant based foods are a lot less calorie dense.

you'd be fine with vegan or non-vegan unless you have a small exceptionally soft diet. i only wrote the post because you asked me to elaborate.

Yeah oke not trying to argue here lol. Thanks for the information, it was quite interesting.

Post current body.

fuck off