Who's getting /thicc/ here? Discuss thicc specific inspirations, routines, nutrition, etc.
What is Thicc Mode? >Thicc mode is traditional male aesthetics. Thicc mode for Veeky Forums has been described as a body built from barbell strength training with accessories (texas method, madcow, 5/3/1), 13% to 17% bodyfat that has crossover to strength or contact sports ability. Twinks, ottermode, & contest ready bodybuilders are not thicc mode.
> /thicc/ Pastebin pastebin.com/fmyJtHVM Before asking questions, please take a look at the pastebin.
>drop bar behind your head >leaned too far forward >barbell comes down on your back
Jace Watson
Adrian Evans
thicc is about women with a fat ass though
stop creating stupid generals
Josiah Jenkins
I second this, the term fat-strong is much better.
Liam Rogers
Are you 3/4 retarded and never done push presses or jerks? You literally just take a step forward or push the bar back a tiny bit and it goes behind you, you just barely need it to be over your head, otherwise you can catch it in a front rack.
Christopher Williams
>>Thicc mode is traditional male aesthetics. Thicc mode for Veeky Forums has been described as a body built from barbell strength training with accessories (texas method, madcow, 5/3/1), 13% to 17% bodyfat that has crossover to strength or contact sports ability. Twinks, ottermode, & contest ready bodybuilders are not thicc mode.
so its just the regular powerlifter look? we used to just call this bearmode. do you really have to appropriate shitty internet nigger slang for everything instead of sticking to established words?
Jack James
Cut down to 229 at 6 foot 2. The muscle definition is coming in in he upper body but their is still fat to cut and gotta get my gyno surgery. Think I can hit 190 by summer next year? Was thinking of trying to lose around 4 pounds a month and keep on the barbell training till I hit 5/4/3/2.
Levi Lewis
fuck off lascek shill
Chase Gutierrez
Ayden Martinez
But Husbando-mode sounds faggy, even if it's what we're after here.
Zachary Green
Thicc is genetics and nutrition, with a marginally sensible amount of training to finish it off. TM is also an atrocious program for looking anywhere close to juicy; big legs are neccessary but the upper body needs way more volume to grow.
Zachary Jenkins
I don't know what I'd eat first in that pic
Jacob Howard
tfw no justin
Joshua Wilson
You guys forgot to say No Homo
Jayden Rogers
I think this is just bulking and not cutting to below 15% not really a mode. I mean I guess its a mode but its not really that much different from what everyone else is doing. its just getting big
Jaxon Martinez
Why is 5/3/1 a meme over at /plg/?
Lucas Sanders
I've never been over there, but it seems to be perfect for what you're looking for here.
Christian Gray
Call it Man Mode. Because it's what real men look like as opposed to gay twinks or plastic bodybuilders, or fat unathletic powaliftas.
Henry Brown
>forgot I've some bad news and some bad news...
Ethan Harris
Low volume, Low frequency, Slow progress.
Ayden Anderson
how silly of me. no homo
Oliver Barnes
wrong, this is gonna sound faggy but that is specifically daddy mode
Levi Torres
'real men' insecurity detected
Brody Hall
/thicc/ is by far the most homoerotic thing on Veeky Forums tho, even more homoerotic than the hardcore gay porn that gets posted here
Caleb Roberts
strong-fat sounds better but isnt that just strongman lifting?
Brandon Myers
I was hoping to learn about becoming zangief mode, and though I may learn something relating to this, I am never the less in the wrong place.
Can we have a /gayfit/ and /heterofit/ board?
Jace Butler
But you can put as many accessories as possible. And with joker sets and amrap sets and first sets last you can easily progress your numbers. /plg/ is whack anyways I asked them about conditioning and they had no answers.
Tyler Gonzalez
It's near impossible to drop it anyways at lockout. When it comes out lockout you duck your head back and bring your arms down with it to your chest.
I feel like OHP are one of the safest lifts for this reason. If you are ever at risk of failure, you won't get the bar above your nose.
Austin Johnson
Skinny fat normie here, what routine from the pastebin is recommended? I'm planning to start my bulk, and while my gut is pretty flat I hate how small my arms are and how no ass I have
Ethan Garcia
so like are you guys actually gay or is it just an ironic lifting meme
Bentley Ross
who is this? no-homo but id fuggem.
Jeremiah Rogers
trying very hard to be thicc
Brayden Allen
James Peterson
You look good desu.
Jacob Gray
Easton Williams
Having gone down that road myself: Just do The Juggernaut Method.
It's basically just 5/3/1 but block periodization and enough volume to actually realize some hypertrophy.
5/3/1 is great if you're old and strong as fuck already (see: Wendler) but it just isn't enough work on the main movements for most people.
Zachary Howard
shirt off m8
Lucas Phillips
It's justino
Kevin Ortiz
That's why it says you also need upperbody bb type accessory work in literally the next sentence retard.
Henry Wood
This is the third name this has gone through in a year. Originally Husbando mode. That kept getting nuked for being too gay. Then 70s Big mode that kept getting nuked for unknown reasons. The mods seem to have let us have Thicc mode.
Do we really need to rename it again because of some in denial closet homo autists thinking it's still too gay a name or nigga speak?
Camden Cook
>real men
Dominic Torres
no im fat
Easton Parker
jason blahino
Dominic Carter
Happens to me once and it hit me back, I was fine though, it happens two more times after that but I managed to dodge it pretty good
Ayden Thompson
He probably meant in the part that you finish the jerk and your legs are in the split position or the bobbed position if it's a power jerk and he also said if you lean forward too much Also it happens a ton of times to even the best lifters in almost every chanpionship so it's not really a rare occurence
Mason Williams
Mirin. How are those legs going tho?
Ryan Butler
Dmitry Klokov Russian Oly lifter. Thicc icon.
Tyler Wright
Samuel Kelly
>ywn be this manly
Robert Martin
I'm working on it, getting there.
Nathaniel Anderson
>5pl8 OHP
Adrian Thompson
You wanna do a 5pl8 ohp but only 2pl8 deadlift?
Are you literally a t-rex?
Liam Thomas
>tfw no /thicc/ manlet bf
Henry Hernandez
Mirin. Solid thick tight. n-no homo.
Leo White
give me 2~~ years
Julian Rogers
tfw king of manlets at 5'11"
I got so close only to fall short. I look manlet as fuck in pics because I have fridge proportions.
Bentley Brown
Imho 4 years is about right to be be properly thicc. 2 years to get well into intermediate progression and onto intermediate routines like MadCow, Texas Method, 5/3/1. 2 more years to get optimal size vs bodyfat levels.
Lincoln Russell
you look manlet because of your huge ass phone. I just assumed you were 4' something
Aiden Hall
Why would you want to look like this unless you're a huge faggot looking for ways to attract other faggots?
Jordan Scott
Last thing to come in will be the delt/trap shelf. Naturally, it takes forever to get thick and wide in the shoulders and traps. I've been lifting for over a decade (not necessarily for aesthetics, played sports and all that jazz) and my shoulders didn't really start coming in thicc until a few years ago.
Kayden Baker
i heard texas mode is kind of bad?
right now im doing program made by Eric Bugenhagen which includes heavy pull (deadlift variation) every day
and desu it works like magic
Caleb Brooks
What is your program like? I've been meaning to work more on my Deadlift lately, I want something where I'm pulling more than once a week.
Matthew Jenkins
I'm 2 and a half years into training. So got some nice gains and started competing at powerlifting meets but not advanced.
I enjoy Texas Method tho only started it recently. I did SL to MadCow which was fine but the under exert for 4 weeks then over exert from then on before resetting thing on MadCow annoyed me.
Texas Method is great so far. It just needs more bb type accessory work for thicc mode. But adding much upper body hypertrophy work is hard since TM is a tough routine that leaves you beat up especially on Mondays/Volume Day.
Isaac Lewis
Mirin. Yeah 2.5 years in. Solid progress. Still no delts despite working them. Traps nicely coming along because of heavy deads especially from competing.
Colton Rodriguez
Owen Robinson
These gays really have male aesthetics figured out. N-no homo.
Ryder Price
How do I get to be thicc as a woman?
A certain proportion of both muscle and fat?
Henry Peterson
Are child-bearing hips a pro or a con when aiming for thicc mode? Also at what weight should I stop cutting I'm at 183lbs ~20-21%bf 5'9
Jose King
god damnit, i might be gay now
Charles Jackson
Just be as big and strong as you yourself can be. Don't worry about genetics like you would with other modes. Thicc is pretty flexible.
I'd aim for 15%. Slightly lower or higher depending on personal preference.
Angel Torres
lift everyday deadlift variation everyday dont just do conv / sumo
jefferson, behind the back, rack pull below or above the knee etc
shit works your back cray cray
add to that some leg exercise, arms compound (rows, or some presses) finish up with core or grip exercise
Christian Hughes
Same way as with men. Unequipped powerlifting, Oly lifting, and bodybuilding type accessories (tho maybe not as important for women or more focus on lower body bodybuilding accessories rather than upper body as with dudes). Not sure of the bodyfat levels for women.
Chase Morris
Zachary Reed
biggest load of bullshit I've read all day.
I did TM with a split template, each lift twice per week and much lower volume than 5/3/1 and made great gains.
There was some bullshit article published on SS in which the writer (rip?) shat on the TM and 5/3/1 and /plg/ has parrotted how terrible they both are ever since. Rippetoe and that lot definitely have their merits but they hve been wrong as fuck on more than one occasion.
Gabriel Young
Joocy ass m8
Asher Miller
TM is Ripp's method tho..
William Walker
Ryan Brown
It wasn't Rip, it was someone he trained. He's a fuckin cuck that doesn't want to try too hard at the gym desu.
Parker Bell
>Unequipped powerlifting what does this mean? without belts and such?
Michael Young
powerlifting with no equipment only acceptable thing really is chalk
Mason Gomez
mirin. best thicc i've seen around here what do you do? powerlifting?
Ayden Howard
needs another 4-5 years bro.
Jonathan Miller
My routine isn't too regular since I'm a submariner and our schedule sucks. But I deadlift heavy at least 3 times a week, conventional and unassisted. I've been lifting for a long time so it's more just doing what my body feels like doing over following a written routine. I generally focus on the big compounds and don't do much isolation work.
Jack Cruz
>implying t-rexes don't have tiny arms and massive legs
Joshua Anderson
belts are allowed but no crazy bench shirts or squat suits or knee wraps, these things add weight to the bar by manipulating elastic forces in the equipment. belts don't confer any advantage outside of allowing your abs to work harder so they're allowed
Jaxon Sullivan
nice man. keep up the good work, you look good as fuck. thanks
Brayden Gray
oh I see, thanks. was just curious but I don't use any of that anyway
Justin Morgan
Move dl to Wednesday /Tuesday and add more upper body accesorios on monday
Asher Butler
>wednesday bad idea imo, wednesday is for recovery, not the heaviest lift you are likely to perform that week.
DL friday, cleans after volume squats on monday and make good use of recovery day.
i personally LPed weighted chins then moved to vol/int style progression when they stalled and this was more than enough for my back. i also added in cgbp, klokov presses and laterals to good effect
Christian Walker
That's because you need to actually read the 5/3/1 books to understand the program The 531 for beginners is quite good, and there's the krypteia which essentially it's just 531 with FSL and 2 accessories in a pull/push format, plus some box jumps and med ball throws for warmups and explosiveness, it's not the best for full PL program but it's great for general strength building and conditioning
Joseph Morgan
Shoot for Rin Nakaimode
Jack Lopez
one day
Hunter Reed
Was humongous /thicc/?
Julian Bell
IIRC, the actor who played him was an olympic lifting coach who took the job for shits and giggles.
Ian Parker
So I take it is is safe to say yes then?
Cooper Martin
Not the worst back in the world. What's your routine?
Caleb Green
Bodybuilder actually.
Jackson Sullivan
Does this look like a good thicc routine?
Monday: Dead lift 5x5 Front squat 3x8 Ohp 3x5 ss with chin ups Landmine press 3x8 ss with landmine row Upright row 4x10
Wednesday: Back squat 5x5 Romanian dead lift 3x8 Barbell row 3x5 Barbell bench 3x5 DB press 4x10 ss with curls
Friday: Dead lift 1x5 Front squat 3x5 Close grip bench press 5x5 ss with Yates row One arm linear jammer 3x10 ss with farmers walks
Lucas Hughes
I'm sorry but that's a pretty bad routine senpai, rep ranges are all over the place, ratio of pushing:pulling is very imbalanced, high risk of overexerting yourself and stalling or snapping your shit up, I'm not trying to be a dick but honestly you need to read a book like Practical Programming or 5/3/1 if you want to learn how to formulate an effective program