What happens if I leave my horizontally facing wisdom teeth in? I heard it was a scam that you have to get them removed...

What happens if I leave my horizontally facing wisdom teeth in? I heard it was a scam that you have to get them removed. The problem is that one of them is coming in kinda on the bottom right.

I had this. What happens depends on the size of your mouth. In my case I was lucky, the teeth just closed up all the gaps between my teeth.

If you have a smaller mouth, it can double stack your teeth, cause them to break, or ride under the touching teeth and push them up and out.

It's up to you OP, if they cause you pain and mess up your other teeth, take em out. If not, may better to leave em in, because the surgery to get them out is expensive and horrible.

Perhaps your wisdom a shit

A cyst. You might end up losing your whole mandible. It doesn't hurt nor gives any sign, it's usually found while checking something else on the dentist with xrays. If you leave that as it is, in about 3 years you might get your mandible cracked and when the doctors check it up they will notice there isn't much bone left, just a hollow shell.

You mean the ones under the gum, the partially erupted or all of them? The top ones are slightly tilted and the bottom are horizontal

don't know senpai, but I almost died of sepsis from an abscessed tooth last November, and finally started to feel better about a month ago

if you have a tooth that needs to be removed, get it removed ASAP and talk to a professional -- use your insurance

it's not a scam. you're scamming yourself if you don't do something about it senpai

If youre not having any problems dont get them removed. I had two impacted (horizontal) wisdom teeth and I got them removed + the tops removed as well. I ended up getting dry socket which feels a bit like someones actively drilling a hole in your jaw, and the old ghetto ass surgeon cut into my sinus cavity at the top. I ran two different antibiotics for the resulting sinus infections which trashed my gut causing me to catch an opportunistic ass infection where I spewed particularly awful smelling diarrhea 8-16 times a day in between extreme stomach cramps. When I went to Urgent Care the Dr didnt give a fuck because there was no blood in my stool so I basically had to lay around in my empty apartment for a week and run up my credit card debt because I couldnt go to any job interviews (I had just moved). Finally I went back to Urgent Care and they let me shit in a cup for them at which point I got antibiotics but overall it costed a lot of money and suffering and let me just tell you, I didn't EVER feel a single thing wrong with then in my life. Also eating putting for a week was miserable.

Yes it's a scam. The medical profession has been infiltrated by Jews. Don't let them take your precious wisdom teeth. Only get your medical advice from 14 year olds on Veeky Forums

That picture is for ants but seems like all of them are either inside or partially erupted which means they all could generate a cyst, altho different ones for each situation. Technically even fully erupted ones could but it's a lot harder.

My dad is a dentist and I can confirm the need** to remove them is mostly a scam. They are potentially dangerous if left alone tho

I had mine removed and everything was fine, I went under general and everything healed up in a month or so.

Hey op I have all four. However the bottom right one is growing horizontally. I can already notice my front bottom teeth caving inward. I'm getting it removed ASAP.

holy shit
nvm im just going to suffer

they give oxy after right?

It's a scam to get healthy ones pulled. They can come in fucked though, and you need to get those pulled.
Pic related is my teeth, notice the really fucked wisdom tooth. I got that one pulled. You can also see another kinda fucked wisdom tooth coming in on top, but I can wait a year or so for that to be in a better position.
I was prescribed hydrocodone.

Sideways widom teeth can get infected and seriously fuck your shit up. You should get it removed ASAP if you're still young (

shhh let him learn

One of mine won't break through fully and it seems to smell like mothballs. I try brushing and flossing it but the smell remains.

My teeth are also fucked. Well not fucked, but I have a lot of baby teeth. So I'm scare that it will cost a fuckton if I go to the dentist.

I'm 25

My wisdom teeth hurt

Dentist recommended I get them taken out

They hurt some more

Then a bit more

Then they stopped hurting

They haven't hurt in 3 years

Fuck dentists they are money grubbing scum. If your teeth aren't fitting in your jaw, that means YOUR JAW/PALATE ISN'T BIG ENOUGH. It needs to be expanded by your tongue or with an instrument

I used my tongue

I have impacted wisdom teeth and they haven't caused me any problems yet. I am worried about getting them removed because I am afraid the bone resorption will give me an incel jaw.

I'm 23 and never had any wisdom tooth pain, I went to a dentist and he gave me this whole speech on the dangers of keeping them, pain or not, he talked about infection or something

I went to a different dentist after and he said that as long as they don't bother me it's fine, considering it's a somewhat big procedure to remove them all

Who is right? I don't mind a surgery I just don't want to be sick

If there is no pain there probably isn't a problem, though the easiest way to check is to get it x-rayed, something that your dentist should be doing anyways. You can see it if your wisdom teeth are problematic.

Had a wisdom tooth grow horizontal. It emerged from the gumline without crowding the second molar, but it always trapped food. Didn't stay in too of it well enough and developed large cavities in both. Had them removed over the summer.

If they're growing in poorly, it's realistically a coin flip. When you get the time to deal with painkillers for a few weeks, just get them cut out.

Meant for

They are both kinda right. If the teeth erupted fully without causing problems then you are fine. If any little part of the crown (even a bit of the sides) is still inside the gum it might cause a shitton of problems. I'd suggest you keep them but check it up once a year. If you do martial arts then you need to remove then because you are risking a mandible fracture or even worse

my bottom wisdom teeth never existed and my top ones aren't crowding anything so I haven't got them removed
>mfw the next step in human evolution


I was punched out from nowhere on a night out and received a broken jaw because the angle that my wisdom teeth were at made my jaw easier to crack at that place

Gonna have them taken out soon and my main fear is saying odd things while coming out from anesthesia.

>tfw I have the same mutation

I had the same thing and the dentist said we could jsut leave it, but then it opened up just a tiny little bit in the gum and I got a raging infection. Half my face swelled up and I could taste the pus. Had to have surgery and was in penicillin for ages. Not fun

>expensive and horrible
No. Couple hundred bucks and a few days of recovery.

>leave my horizontally facing wisdom teeth in?
They will erupt and cause you problems

if you know you have horizontal wisdom teeth, you need to get them removed.

>I heard it was a scam that you have to get them removed.
Maybe your dentist didnt explain it to you

Wisdom teeth are those four teeth at the back of your mouth that will at one point (usually between 18 and 25) 'explode' forward. Now if the teeth is facing upwards it should just expose itself through your gum and be fine. But if its facing another tooth either partially or entirely then when it 'explodes' it will push against those teeth

That can cause a whole bunch of painful issues

The reason a lot of people call wisdom teeth removal a scam is because a lot of dentists want to remove them regardless of any future risk. Even if the tooth looks like it will explode fine without an impact they say you should get them removed.

But you have horizontal ones, so you know when they explode they will push against your teeth and cause you issues; so go get them removed. You have a right to see your xray scans so ask him to show them to you and explain which teeth he thinks are an issue.