/plg/- Powerlifting general
For powerlifting and powerlifting related discussion
Good luck Fat Retard
/plg/- Powerlifting general
For powerlifting and powerlifting related discussion
Good luck Fat Retard
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what is the purpose behind slingshot?
Keeps the chest and bis cozy and warm so you're comfy during your set.
>Two weeks ago PR'd 240 lb bench
>Today failed to make one rep at 225
>Proceeded to get pinned under the third rep of 210 later
It was a rough day.
sounds like somebody needs a deload week
Has kbooey hopped on the juice? The PRs are comming a bit fast in succession tbH
you straighten your legs too early
>hasn't put on any weight
>puts majority of his training focus into increasing his deadlift
Doubt it
:( i can't do it any other way
Focus on locking out your knees and hips at the same time. Right now you lock out got knees and do sort of a half good morning on the way up. You want everything to be one quick, solid, fluid motion beginning with your hand, knees, and shoulders making a straight line, and ending with a mighty dick thrust through the middle off the barbell.
My body is ready
what are you talking about u fucking banan why do i have to lock my hips and knees at the same time, who came up with this abitrary concept rEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Dont lock out, youll actually hurt your joints in the long run. He just means, as mentioned by , you need to straighten your hips and knees at the same time. Try to at least. You may need to add more weight, it looks like its too light. Otherwise form looks pretty good man.
National gymnastics coachfag here. Take it or leave it.
You got pretty good strength doing it how you are now, but you're going to bottleneck your progress putting all of the weight on your lower back.
>>>>>>>>Don't lock out
cant tell form with a weight thats like 60% of your max
>don't lock out
Sounds like a good way to have weak joints and slow strength gains
>knees and hips at same time
>not knees then hips
just no
ULUxULx is the superior style for compounds
Enjoy arthritis plebs. Locking out actually puts more strain on your joints. Rheumatology ftw.
Yoou can take my word for it or not just know Im more qualified. Get angry.
Go away Sean
Im jeff
>not doing SBDxSBx
Weighed in at 102.78 lads
Would doing 4/2/1 instead of 5/3/1 give less gains? Doing le BBB afterwards.
tbqhwyfa.m ego lifting the best aspect of 5/3/1, this would make it betterer and hopefully stop my legs from getting thiccer which coupled with my narrow hips is getting ridiculous.
Is that fat retard in the webm
>hey guys how can i make less gains
this literally makes no sense to me
4/2/1? Wtf?
You do realize 5/3/1 is just a name, most of the time you're not hitting 5, 3 and 1 rep on your max sets. You start off at sth like 11/8/5 or so (because it's a % of a %, much lighter than your actual RMs) and each cycle the reps slowly go down.
That's if you don't skip the shitty sets Wendler put before the good stuff..
zero tightness in the descent
330kg/727lbs deadlift at 80kg.
Going to focus on competing at Jr. Nats.
Before you ask why I edit the videos the way I do, it's simply just an expression of what goes through my head when I lift. I have the tools to bring this vision to a platform which I know inspires a lot of the younger lifters out there and is why I do it. Being just another person who lifts X amount of weight just makes you a statistic.
Thanks for watching plg.
Open to any questions in regards to memes or lifting.
you still go to Pitt?
It looks much better now, believe me. That was months ago.
You mean you copy frank yang hoping you can also become big on youtube?
couldnt watch, too cringey music and editing
sick lift though
I'm going to take your question seriously even though I know you're being cynical. The videos I make are based on self awareness rather than "copying" other peoples work. Fronk does not come to mind when I edit my videos. However, like himself and everyone else, there is inspiration drawn from all forms of media. Also, I mention in the video how it is fulfilling to motivate others, so if my reach/influence does expand and I'm able to do so through putting effort into my videos then I will do it.
Hopefully this answers your question
Thoughts on pic related?
Also, do you ever post here as user or do you strictly come to post your youtube?
The music isn't for everyone that's for sure but you can't please everyone. Thanks for watching though
Hello Chinese boi, u are very small :(
I didn't read the entire post, but I get the gist of what's being debated.
Every type of form has a trade-off. Yes, pulling with thoracic flexion and protracted shoulders is easier off the floor because your hips are more open and you have better leverage of the weight off the ground.
You then have to create a neutral spine in order to lock out from above the knees, which is stated. I agree, lock-out is more difficult this way, however, I supplement this by doing heavy rows and accessories to facilitate this draw back.
Pulling with a neutral spine on the other hand is much slower off the floor because you have less leverage over the weight due to your hips being more closed off. So, with thoracic flexion, you could consider your hips being at a position as if you were rack pulling the weight and a neutral spine would be actually deadlifting it from a less efficient position as there's more range of motion that your hips have to open up to in order to lock out the weight.
Also, with the weight and bar speed, the concept of momentum comes into play where if it is moving at speed, it becomes easier to pull. If you see some of my warmups in my other videos, 60-140kg often flies up to my head/ up to my chest. I only apply the force about 1/3 of the way up the lift. If I continued to apply force I could probably throw 60kg 6 feet above my head.
So I rely a lot on how fast the bar comes off the ground because of this fact and work around it rather than making things difficult for myself with a neutral spine. It is simply more efficient. I would not be pulling 4.125x bodyweight otherwise.
Hope this is the response you were looking for
It's BSBxBSx
That last paragraph is. Thank you.
What about the other question?
I don't generally lurk on plg unless I have something to share and I will stick around for that period of time.
Someone shared my video on reddit the other day and everyone was complaining about the editing rather than watching the actual lift so seems like plg has a more tolerable community.
But in general a lot of powerlifters seem to be heavily insecure, egotistical people which is why I don't go out of my way to interact with them unless I have something relevant. The shit storm that comes, comes but it's relevant material which I feel is worth sharing
Impressive stuff mate. What's the goal for stiff bar + comp plates?
"I don't really care about the number that I deadlift. I do this for you guys"
I can't tell if serious. All your titles and even the first words in this post are your numbers. You obviously care a lot about how much you can lift at what weight. I'm not saying that's a bad thing in fact I respect the pursuit of strength. Just comes across as sort of dishonest. You can do it for yourself and to motivate others but I have doubts as to doing it for others being the primary motivator.
>But in general a lot of powerlifters seem to be heavily insecure, egotistical people
Agreed, but imho it's true for pretty much every type of training.
The title and the attention grabbing aspects are things I've learned in marketing and operating a business over time. You're not going to reach anyone being a shadow amongst the saturated content which floods social media and youtube in general. I understand that the lifts are outstanding to some peoples standards and they will click on it.
Essentially, everything that you do even if the motive is to help others is for yourself. If doing something for someone makes you happy, then you are doing it for yourself without the intention. I've held free seminars at gyms before with generally 50+ people attending etc.
If I were just to lift heavy and not worry about the content itself, it would be depressing. The weights are just a number, the progression is just a number. Inspiring others and being remembered for it is fulfilling to me.
All those lifters out there you see lifting massive numbers, they die and they're remembered for the numbers they lift. If I am able to connect with the people who watch my videos and have them do something for themselves the number of achievements that I bring to the table aren't going to exclusively define me.
To answer your first question
I want to lift more than the world record on the platform for now and then think about the limits I can push after the fact. Like I said in the video, I'll take one step at a time
>If I continued to apply force I could probably throw 60kg 6 feet above my head
Id like to see that on video t b h
I don't disagree with you. However, what you do with your ego is a decision you make. You make it transparent and be honest with others whilst still having great ambitions. Or you can have a fragile ego where you aren't completely happy with yourself so you decide to take it out on someone else.
And this comes down to what you do with your insecurities as well. Everyone is insecure about something. Combine that with a fragile ego and you have people who bicker over stupid shit
shitty angle but it didnt look like you hit depth
also, I have the same rack as you :)
you need to do block pulls to engage your hips because that 330 was miles away from being locked out
oh to be a newbie again and think shirtless training is cool
Not the guy you're replying to but I remember I used to do this and just kinda stopped lol idk why
do you have air conditioning in your garage? Im in the uk too and train in my shed. its been so hot the past few weeks Ive been lifting in boxers
Cool. Wanna meet up?
The knees weren't locked out completely, not the hips. I'll be working on my quad extensions.
not srs.
i know what i said
but if you work on getting the hips through with more force the knee issue goes away, if you insist on having a rounded thoracic then hip positioning will do you the world of good, pete rubish had the same issue, fixed where his hips were and his pull started going up again
no just a fan, its hard to breathe sometimes, but i see so many people complaining after summer comps about how hot it was, the humidity, the bar was slippy, so wont be anything new to me and if its better conditions than im used to in theory ill do better
when you actually get some weight on the bar and its a decent bar with good knurl you dont want that tearing up your back
I do ULULUxx is this dumb?
Sure. I`m pretty weak. I just started power lifting trying to join the club at Pitt
What I'm wearing is some black shirt. I took it off so one can see the back properly
Shame that it's finals week, I won't be lifting until maybe Thursday evening or so. You wanna meet up at the Pete then? And I'm gonna try to join in the fall.
Yea I`ll be there Thursday. I`m also staying at Pitt over the summer. I`ll hit you up on the discord
Oh cool, I'm taking summer classes so I'll probably see you around at the gym then
Post video of you fucking
>tfw slept ~12 hours today
Who here amazing recovery?
How long until lifting?
on thursday when i get my CPAP i will
>isn't even a natty sleeper
mate i cant breathe and wake up about 30 times a night
i dont even fall into a deep enough sleep to dream
Nice trips and double dubs. You fat tho
>to dream
i havent dreamt in months (i can recall the last time i did though), should i be concerned?
Try harder. Mind over matter
my abs are coming through in the morning i dont know how im eating to grow, its down to the fact i have a 19 inch neck, the muscles relax as i fall asleep so my throat closes and i cant breathe properly
i was under the impression dreams come in one of the later stages of sleep
are you tired a lot?
just too thicc to live
Hmm lay off the teen perhaps
i wont touch tren, i know it wont agree with me
plus in practice its more for lean tissue than strength, its only strength function is as a nervous system stimulant
I'm different guy, but I also noticed I only have dreams when I sleep a lot, when I get 6-8 hours of sleep I never get any dreams.
not really, no
if i end up waking up during sleep im unable to rest again though
I have a question which is just about general strength but I come here for advice.
Is it common to have a front squat which is about the same as your bench? I'm not sure if I'm in proportion or my squat is lagging a lot.
My 5x5 bench is 70kg and my front squat 5x5 is 75kg.
ive never thought about it but i think my 1rm on the two is about the same
fuck i need to throw in front squats as a secondary movement post comp and really focus on getting it up, as its so weak, improving it could really bump up my squat
thankyou user you have provided me with a training focus
Lol, tall dudes have to do this. How the fuck else are they gonna get the bar past their knees you fucking retard?
your shins should be upright when you start...
squishing some shit out of my butthole right now
Gotta hurry though I don't have much time !!
OK Dino
Pushing the bar that far up almost to the point of locking out is bad right, thats why he broke his form?
I'm not a Dino you fucking piece of shit
shit keeps pouring out I don't have time
For this !!!
Wow dino calm down. Its ok
I'm not a Dino you fucking piece of shit
OK Dino