/fat/ general - Holy /fat/her Wojak Edition

Who is /fat/ for? Fat members of Veeky Forums who want
>Lose weight
>Get a more Veeky Forums body by lifting weights
Here we ask others for advice and give moral support to one another if you are too weak to survive solo. We all know losing weight when you are fat is easy if you just reduce calorie intake, literally piece of cake. At the end of the day this is a support general whose goal is to help and motivate the chubby channers who need to lose weight for a number of reason. Please be warned that there are some chronic idiots who post in this general giving horrible advice to troll or to reassure their extremist autism works for themselves, don't bother, always remember calorie intake, if it is lesser than how many calories your body burns you'll be fine.
And remember, if you are a loser when fat you'll still be a loser if you are thin, your weight isn't the problem.

>Even though it is easier to ask, ignore the read the sticky fags
>Calculate your Body Fat Percentage
fitness.bizcalcs.com/Calculator.asp?Calc=Body-Fat-Navy(Gonna need waist/neck measurements)
>Calculate your TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure)
If you eat 500 less than that daily you lose weight, can go lower but never very low
>Plan your weight loss week by week
>Track your calories and macros with MyFitnessPal, works best on smartphones

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weigh-in today at 3PM, feeling stoked. how's everyone else doing

I just got red pilled on adipocytes and I think I'm gonna commit suicide.

basically once you're fat, the fat cells are forever and they only 'deflate' and shrink in size and are ready to be filled up again, so if you lose weight and then start to bulk to build muscle, you will just gain the weight back in fat more than muscle as opposed to a person who has been lean their entire life because your body wants to refill those fat cells

>Even after marked weight loss, the body never loses adipocytes. As a rule, to facilitate changes in weight, the adipocytes in the body merely gain or lose fat content. However, if the adipocytes in the body reach their maximum capacity of fat, they may replicate to allow additional fat storage.






>citation needed


And? Did you think you would get to your goal weight and just start eating like a pig again with no worries?

On the wikipedia page you linked you fucking retard it says a citation is needed. Citation of the ncbi document is still required.

>down to lowest of 221lbs yesterday
>have a day of only veggies and around 300 calories worth of snacks, I'd estimate around 1200 calories at best
>up to 222lbs again
Loving this cycle. Have a family roast today so I'm sure I will jump up to 223lbs and complete the fourth week of the yoyo.

not the guy you are replying to but I think what he is trying to say is fat people who lose weight are more likely to put it back on much faster than a person who was lean/skinny their entire life eating the same amount of food

Post MFP usernames and open your diary up. Let's do this shit together, /fat/.

>tfw literally sharpei-mode

What's even the point tbqh

Is there any hope of looking more aesthetic without a shirt than this? I'm sitting at 170 at 5'11" and my body looks like this.

Could try a vest, or pull your shorts up higher. Unfortunate amount of flab.

Plastic surgery mane

Feels good to hit those macros.

forgive me /fat/her, i have sinned.
i had 50g of chocolate today and now i'm craving more.

What do you think about Bryan Alsruhe training method and the giant sets he's preaching?
Guy's got a ton of injuries but has size and strength...

today's the fucking day

i looked at myself in the mirror, and you know what, i'm not even ugly, i'm just fucking overweight

i could be a solid 9 with a lean body and more defined jaw

i rarely drink fizzy drinks and my diet isn't AWFUL, i just have a super sedentary lifestyle

i'm joining the gym tonight

today is the fucking day

Dude what are you eating to get those macros??

>be constipated all week
>still see steady incremental weight loss on the scale
>on friday eat a ton of fiber (fiber one cereal, beans, veggies, supplement etc.)
>shit a gorillian times yesterday
>today i'm somehow up 2 pounds

I don't fucking understand how anything works. I kept within my deficit and everything.

How about "now" instead of an unspecified time in the future. If you keep dating it away you'll never do it.

Water retention likely

because i'm at work "now" you buffoon, but I appreciate the gesture

This is what I'm eating today.
Banana/Peanut butter/yogurt smoothie
Oatmeal with fruit and yogurt
Post workout shake
Pretty standard day. I guess I use a lot of whey, about 4-5 scoops a day, c'mon.

you'll always be ugly on the inside, friend.

Weighed myself this morning, lost another kg, seems good.

that's fine

i only need to look good on the outside to get that sweet ass

tfw not sure if dyel because I am too fat or dyel because I eat too little. this is the lifting purgatory ive been stuck into for the last 6 months. at this point I will just listen to scooby and eat at maintenance untill I am fit

Just did mine and feelin' good despite worrying about Easter dinner and a few other things, down ~3.6 lbs from last week (though it's also the first time in a few weeks I've been able to shit right before weighing so it's probably more like 2.5-3). Nothing spectacular but right about what I was hoping it to be so I'm pretty happy.

What are you guys doing on this holy sabbath day?

On the train, 650km travel to the barracks.
Ayy conscript lyfe

Army or retard?


First of all sorry for making a blog post and kinda spilling my heart out here on a chinese knitting forum, but I thought putting my thoughts into words might make me feel a bit better.

I'm 19, 5'11" or 6' tall, roughly 260 lbs. I've been a fat fuck my whole life, never really made an effort to change that, never really cared or maybe rather never admitted to myself that I care. Just a couple days ago something inside me broke and I told myself I'm fucking done with this, and I fucking hate myself for doing this to myself for so long. I can't even look at food right now, I hate it, I have to make effort to even convince myself to eat something. I'd gladly starve myself at this point, but I figured that's not the best idea to go about this.

I want to start exercising on a regular basis. Can I get anything done at home without any equipment? Going to a gym is out of question atleast until autumn, as even if I gathered the courage to visit one (considering I'm a shy antisocial fuck and just the thought of going there terrifies me) there aren't really any nearby. When my next semester at uni starts I might be brave enough to ask a friend to show me around, but until then I'll have a lot of free time after my finals are over.

I'd eventually want to start running. Is it a good idea to go all in considering how out of shape I am or will I just fuck up my knees or something? Should I rather start with walking and lose some weight first?

I'm scared of having a lot of excess skin. Is there anything I can do to keep it to a minimum other than taking it slow and exercising, or do I just have to pray and hope for the best?

>stuffed my face until I was almost ill on Easter
>still lost over a pound this week
Feels good, man.

First weigh in in 6 months. Kfcfag here reporting 200 on the nose at 6'3 from 250.

I went through, and am still going through this phase, it's a definite mind fuck of a headspace. And the overall response is it depends on your goal: You wanna be fit and healthy? Do cardio and diet properly and you'll be fit and healthy without being built like a brick shit house.

You wanna be muscular? Then you need to lift while also reading up and maintaining the correct diet. If you're at home and don't have access to weights, it'll be difficult, and you'll resort to a lot of body weighted exercises.

I'm at the moment 101kgs, came down from 120, got to 80 and have gained (let myself slip a bit, and trust me, it feels like shit). I have always had shit knees and a whole lot of family inherited health issues, honestly, the thing that fucked me most was running; if you have a treadmill, something with suspension to help absorb that impact of weight to ground bounce, then use it, running on concrete (for me atleast) causes massive inflammation on my knees, so there's that.

The biggest thing though with weight loss is diet. And i mean that, don't diet, you probably won't lose... don't be the guy who doesn't eat anything, that's just as bad; find your Base Metabolic Rate, find a dieting plan (using the tools above) and stick to it like it's god damn scripture. Then from there you're gonna understand that it's a fucking slow process.

It's a very, very fucking slow process, 30kg doesn't just drop off, and you won't always continually lose weight, get that outta your head now, focus on the simple fact that you want to lose, and keep going at it with a proper, realistic mindset that you need nutrients, you need calories, but you also need to move and be active enough to be at a deficit for your calorie intake.

I'm a fucking idiot, i meant "if you don't diet, you probably won't lose"

Don't give up you fat fucks.

It's a never ending fight but you'll pull through. As I have.

Hope this will motivate you.

Dude you look exactly like a friend of mine I met through martial arts and he slays. Mad props man. Proud of you!

I've slipped up a lot lately. I just got (officially) diagnosed with depression after trying to fight it for years and knowing I was failing. But I'm back on track. 8kg to hit my interim goal, 15kg for my main goal

>Dude you look exactly like a friend of mine I met through martial arts

Funny you say that. Big fan of MMA myself.

>I've slipped up a lot lately. I just got (officially) diagnosed with depression after trying to fight it for years and knowing I was failing. But I'm back on track. 8kg to hit my interim goal, 15kg for my main goal

Rise above brother. Keep pushing through. You're going to make it.

I'm 24 and fat all my life too, got down to 220 from 300. You can make it, my first advice is to cut out soda and have only diet, if you drink soda that is a huge part of the problem. Cut down on things at first, take it slow and track your calories. At 260 you can lose a decent amount of weight as a big guy.

I didn't exercise at all until I hit around 240, diet is 90% of the weight loss. Don't worry about the excess skin at 19 it should still be elastic, but it's really just a random chance. At worst it's still better to look good clothed than look fat all the time.

Now don't be a bitch and actually follow up with the diet changes, calorie tracking and what have you. You're not going to make it unless you start taking it seriously. Wish I'd dieted at 19, by now I'd probably look decent.

hey man, 24 here too

I'm around 230 now down from 280, i'm almost scared to keep losing from fear of excess

I second that no fizzy drinks helped a LOT though, I have no idea why I ever drank that shit

Good on you mate. I wouldn't worry about excess, I think you'd see the signs of it by now at your weight, like loose/saggy skin or stretch marks. Feel pretty sorry for those who get this badly, but one day maybe they could afford surgery if it really affects them.

Fizzy drinks must've been a good 1/4 or 1/3 of my total calories back then. I'd get 2-3 bottles of coke a week and drink it all myself. When I got off that is when my lifestyle change really began. But at the start it was really rickety given that I had nothing but some online friend in America to talk about this with, and looking at stuff online. But I'm making it.

>early on in the diet, first weeks
>why aren't I losing weight? I'm only eating burger and chips with tons of cheese!
>then I looked up calories, realized I was being an idiot and it changed my life

Fizzy drinks screwed me too, guys.

236lb was my max back October.

200.4lb on the scale this morning.

I stalled at 205-210 around Jan-March, but most importantly I wasn't gaining.

My original goal was 200lb. Gonna move the goalposts to 182lb and 13 stone. I would imagine this will allow me into a 34 jean which I purchased in 2013. Then I am going to start running/rowing/cycling and maybe starting weight lifting when I move into my next flat so I can get an extra room for a rack and my rower.

My diet is going to consist of.

3 small eggs with fried onions and a squirt of Sriracha.
Half can/ full can of tuna in wrap with greens mayo, and a Squirt Of Sriracha.
Chicken breast grilled and drained + fried onions/mushrooms/peppers with a SOS

I will allow options hot chocolates and I drink my coffee black.

I will allow an occasional small frozen pizza or nice bread buns with soya burgers with greens and salsa. I need them on stand by as I live in close proximity to... I'll go look... I shit you not... 176 takeaways on just eat alone. And I know some of these places are so popular they don't even deliver.

When I get my goal weight and start exercising I will be able to up the calories so I hope to start buying flank and skirt steak and I've got those sad looking prison tray prep boxes ready for them.

A fat friend started telling me he doesn't want me taking it too far and suggested I should be eating more or I will develop health problems :/ I stopped offering him apples back last year when he ate 70% of the skin of an apple and threw it in the bin. I thought he was gonna eat the rest just wanted the skin first for some reason. It would appear that's how he eats apples. I can't watch that motherfucker do that to my softball size pink ladies. I offered to cut the fucking skin off and i'll eat the apple... That's no good either, he gets no fucking apples now. He also 'can't' eat chicken for some reason' I asked him if it was something to do with his blood type... No.

Thanks for the reply, it really helps a lot being able to talk about it with somebody.

My goal isn't to be muscular or stick thin, I'm just tired of being this fat anymore. I don't expect it to go over night either, I didn't put it on over night in the first place, but just seeing some progress will probably make me feel a lot better. I understand that it's a life style change and not a short term thing and then back to eating shit again, and I'm definitely scared of losing this mindset down the road and getting back into my old habits. I guess the positive thing of this being such a mindfuck is that I'll remember these feelings, guard them, and never let myself go that way again.

I actually completely cut out soda earlier this year, all I drink now is water and black coffee. I used to drink a shit ton of soda a couple years back, there was even a time when I drank pretty much nothing but coke. Now thinking back of it I don't understand how I could've been doing this to myself, what the fuck was I thinking.

Pushups, chinups.
You spent more effort crying on the internet than you did looking shit up.

looking great user

Good job man, it's really fucking impressive how much of a difference can just a year make.

Yeah getcha man, It sucks to be overweight, and it's definitely hard. I think reading the fitness sticky, going through those tools linked up above and go at it then you'll be right mate.

You'll probably go through the anger stage where you hate yourself, hate that you got to where you did, and that's a very fine line to tread before you take it too far. I won't delve into my shit, but you gotta understand that you're gonna work your fucking ass off to not be that guy again, and once you get 10kg, while you can still dislike how you look, try to appreciate that you've lost something, that you're on the right track.

But yeah, do cardio at first, my suggestion is an hour long, brisk walk (I go at 6-8 Km/h for brisk walking at 6ft.) The way i did it was that every 3 minutes, i'd increase the incline by 1, till i got to incline 12 (my max on the treadmill), then lower it back down, skipping 1 straight to 3 inc. then jumping back down, and staying at 6Km/h. I built up to this, and then later on added in proper 2-3 minute 13Km/h sprints varied throughout. If you don't have a treadmill, do that outside, but again, i caution you to be careful with concrete.

Also, while they're not bloody amazing for toning or anything, throw in Push-ups, Cross-crunches, Planks, Leg ups and Wall sitting.

They're body exercises that will help you work your muscles using your own body weight against yourself. Later down the line, look for some Parks and shit with exercise equipment so you can incorporate chin-ups and the like, but that's way further down the track.

For that matter..


I don't even go to a gym. The only ones around here are YMCA and Planet Fitness... and one of them isn't even a "gym."

And now that you've realized you're unhappy, only you can fix that, and the only person you can disappoint with that is yourself. So make sure that you damn well want it, and trust me, if you're overweight, you probably do. Then fucking throw your all into it, it's easy to quit, but you gotta push yourself through that and know that this is helping you for YOU.

>GF of 6,5 years left me on this day 4 weeks ago
>immediately started reorientation of life and body goals
>instead of broken relationship a focused on myself
>startet cutting, eating healthy and cardio at 112 kg
>i am down to 103 kg and and just returned running 9,65km in 1h12 min
> feel great all around
> people notice the weight loss
> even my stretchmarks dont bother me because fuck it

we all gonna make it someday


great advice dude

It's actually more impressive than that. I did both my weight loss over the course of a summer(3-4 months).

Oh shit, tell me more user. I have 4 months of free time ahead of me.

I don't know which calculator to use, boys.

The one in the sticky, that frog thing, says my TDEE is 2900 calories. But other ones say 2700, some others say 3300. What do?

Nothing really complex about it.

>What did I do?

Just counted my calories and ate well. Here's how I ate regularly:


Eggs + fruits + small bowl of high protein oatmeal


Boiled chicken breast + a bit of rice and vegetables


Fish or Horse meat + some rice and vegetables.


An apple or two if I ever get hungry during the day.

I guess I'm not saying anything really new because that's really all there is to it. There's no secret.

The hardest thing is staying loyal to your diet.

One of the things that really help me was drinking water. I remember having piles of empty water bottles everywhere in my house. Drinking lots of water dulls the hunger. It doesn't get rid of it but it helps by making it manageable.

If you tell me a bit about your own issues I could help you a bit more.

Do you live alone? Do you buy your own food?

>Horse meat
how the fuck do you get your hands on that, how are its stats, and how does it taste?

I would imagine it's like REALLY lean beef

>Horse Meat

cut below 2000. That way your actual TDEE doesn't matter.

Forgot to mention training.

First weight loss: Went 3 times a week to a semi-private gym. I didn't know anything about training and didn't have any real ressources(Didn't browse fit back then) so this help me in terms of acquiring some general knowledge on fitness and training.

Second weigh loss: Went to a normal gym and managed to get an average of 4-5 times a week at the gym + ran after every workout.

I would lose up to 5 pounds per week. Felt really good. I had some moments of weakness here and there but I pulled through.

Been eating better, cutting, IF for a while and am dropping pants sizes but my belly not changed at all. Anyone else experience this shit? Should I see a doctor?


for most people the last place they lose fat from is their stomach. It will change, just not as noticeably as elsewhere

Thanks a lot for all that, really appreciate it

I don't have a treadmill, but I guess I'll get one of those apps that tracks your speed/distance and start my days off by going outside for an hour or so for starts

Just go to your local butcher or ask somebody at the supermarket. You might need to go through a few supermarkets though. They don't always have them in stock.

If you're low on cash get it in grounded meat. If not get it in steak.

Tastes slightly worse than regular steak but I got used to it and I prefer it over regular steak now.


I'll be spending the summer home with my parents, I guess I'll have to let them know about my intentions

Take weekly measurements and monthly progress pics.
I keep thinking I haven't changed at all visually, then I look at a pic from january and there's visible (if not staggering) progress.

>Take weekly measurements
That's just asking for depression.

I'd take them monthly, but this is good advice. You might LOOK the same proportionally but your size is actually going down. Measure yourself and you'll know for sure.

Try to get the people around you to help you a bit.

I used to ask my dad to hide his snacks. Helped me a lot.


I'll have to, I just find it really difficult to bring a topic like that up, even though I know everyone would be supportive

I guess I can't keep making excuses forever when everyone is stuffing food to my face

>Get amazing job offer for after I graduate.
>It's in Houston which is where my dad just moved so I'll have some family nearby.
>Read online that Houston is still pretty conservative and maybe I'll be able to find a nonslut gf.
>Friend from Houston tells me that Houston is the fatty capital of the world.

Damn it, guys! I've just about made it too! I've dropped 20 pounds and I'll probably lose about 10 more before I get down there. It was going to be awesome. Instead, it looks like just going to be m and a bunch of Fatty's.

I allowed myself one cheat meal per week but It couldn't be a moment of weakness. It was always at the same time and on the same day. Saturday nights without exceptions. So whenever the temptation was really strong I could always stall my psyche by assuring it that I had a cheat day coming up.

but whatever you do, Don't let your friends find excuses for you.

>Come on dude, it's X holiday, just one burger.

Roast the shit out of them. If there's one thing I've learned is that you can always find a valid excuse for cheating if you allow yourself to do so.

Just ate 8oz chicken salad on 1 slice of toast and a cup of greek yogurt. altogether 780 cals. I'm feeling so full of energy. My dinner meal will probably be meat and veggies at around 600-900 cals. Ending the day below deficit, this is pretty easy!

What's for breakfast today /fat/?

is that couscous or quinoa?

Ground Turkey
Green beans

Half a cub of Fiber One, a third a cup of almond milk, two cups of black coffee, 40oz of water, a vitamin D pill, and a fish oil pill. I miss regular bowel movements.

Put on muscle and go as low bf% as you can.

This is actually a decent suggestion. If you got that much excess then you've lost a ton of weight, now's the time to get lifting and do serious bodybuilding to fill out the excess.

For dinner I had the roast dinner, only let myself have two potatoes. Food tastes so much better when you're on a diet.

I heard water fasting can get rid of excess skin. Look into it.

>have lost about 25 pounds in the past two months
>think i'm starting to look good.

>remember that I'm 10 pounds heavier than I was in freshman year when I lost 40 pounds because I thought I was a fat fuck.

>Ate whole pint of halo top
>only at 923 calories for the day so far

dang I love this stuff but it's pricey

if it was any cheaper I would eat it instead of protein bars/whey. It's honestly probably for the best.

Weighed in yesterday and am, too, feeling pretty stoked

>Just a couple days ago something inside me broke

What happened?

What are good habits to build on your off days? I'm working out M-Sat (doing 45 mins of lifting and 45 mins of low intensity fat burning cardio) and taking Sundays off.

Should I lower my calorie in take? Should I still take my post-workout protein shake? Do I do body weight exercises i.e push ups and sit ups squats and such?

I just feel bad about eating even clean food if I'm not going to the gym or something.

tfw ugly

Just a quick post for anyone who fucked up today

Medfag here and I've met lots of fatties, drug abusers, smokers etc etc. One thing I've seen a lot of, is people who did really well for ages, and then had one bad day and threw it all away. Now this might have happened to you just know, you might have finally caved and binged that whole pack of cookies that's sitting right next to your laptop right now. Or, two weeks ago, after losing all that weight, you gave up and just don't feel like starting again because hey, you've fucked up for two weeks now.

Please take a look at the graph.

An important step to recognise in the cycle of change, is "Relapse". Having a "relapse" is a normal step for the cycle of change, and what's encouraging is studies show that the more times you try, the more likely you are to finally succeed at some point (reach "lasting exit"). The important thing now, is to just draw a line under it and pick up where you left up. You're a human being, you fucked up. In 1999, Excite CEO George Bell rejected to buy Google for $750,000. There have been worse mistakes before that ice-cream, and there will be worse mistakes after. But the biggest mistake you could make to yourself right now, on an individual level, would be to give up on a goal you've already worked so hard towards.

Keep going guys.

>mfw I see the calories mushrooms have

This is literally me

>Start at 204
>Currently 177
>Remember that when I was 170 in sophomore year of high school I hated my body and got down to 150 and STILL hated my body

I just want off this ride.

What flavor do you like best? I really like the Chocolate almond crunch

>But the biggest mistake you could make to yourself right now, on an individual level, would be to give up on a goal you've already worked so hard towards.

Good post medfag thanks. I ate a weed brownie with a friend and overate a shit ton but it was fun and I can't expect to just remove fun from my life so I can be thinner. Just gotta do better today and tomorrow and every day after.

Peanut butter cup is my absolute favorite, though I also like chocolate chip cookie dough and mint chocolate chip. I haven't tried any other flavor besides those and lemon cake, but I absolutely despise lemon cake.

Officially crossed the 20lb lost benchmark
40 to go, the key is starving yourself and working out 4-5 times a week.

Who would have though.

The lemon cake one wasn't lemony whatsoever I hated it

The peanut butter cups is one the higher calorie ones right? I wanna try it though. You should try the chocolate almond one it tastes like cherry garcia from ben and jerrys for some reason

>the key is starving yourself


Is a 1600 calorie deficit not starving?