Weird mark along my spinal cord

For the past few years I've noticed a dark mark along the skin covering my spinal cord in my lower back. What could have caused this?

It's time you knew. You were part of an experiment. You had a spine transplant shortly after birth using a prototype material developed in secret. In approximately a week's time you will begin to feel protrusions sprouting out of your back. We will contact you shortly to address the associated pain that will accompany the upcoming process.

Probably AIDS or some shit.

Stretch marks because you free too fast in puberty

how old are you OP? growth spurts cause this, and if you look at a teenagers lower back, you'll see this

back to Veeky Forums faggot

They're called faggot stripes. They mean you're gay.

No shit there are stretch marks there. But what stretch mark goes along the skin covering your spine?

Stretch marks brah. I had the exact same ones. They've kind of cleared up now.

It's because your body grow very fast and the thin skin on the back can't handle it as good as the skin on your stomach, many people have them it's not Aids or anything stop acting retarded

Are stretch mark creams just memes or do they work

Does it glow when you have sex?

You might be a Cylon



Not OP, when I had gf she thought I have been beaten in the past or some shit

use bio oil


i have stretch marks on my spine and on my ass since early teens and i've always been fit (so no fat stretching)

Are the ones on your ass from guys stretching it out with their huge penises?

I used to have it, now i dont. Beats me

I'm pretty sure OP is talking about how the skin along his spine is darker than the rest of his back, not the stretch marks. The dark skin is caused by sitting with a curved back for too long, I have it too from when I used to play vidya and sit all hunched over. I'm not sure how to get rid of it; I'm assuming if you just don't sit like that for a while it will go away but I don't know cause mine is still like that.

Stretch marka from growth spirts in puberty. I have them on my lower back.


Ehhh they do some good if the marks are fresh, but mostly real treatment is expensive as fuck with lasers and shit.

wrinkles in bench material

>real treatment is expensive as fuck with lasers and shit

what about 3mm micro-needling & platelet rich plasma?

are you really this much of a faggot?

Stop sleeping on wires

> Laser Stretch Mark Removal. During a laser stretch mark removal procedure, a beam of light removes thin layers of skin around the stretch marks. The excimer laser is uniquely effective for this procedure.