Veeky Forumsizens, as soon as I started going out with my girl I got her into lifting. She thoroughly enjoys it now but struggles making gains. She also spends too much money on food when she's out and complains about it. Has protein powder and has her shakes faithfully but still not much is changing. The problem is she's vegan.
TL;DR - How can you make a girl stop being vegan? Get creative.
Being vegan is like taking the ultimate redpill, you can't just go back once your mind is opened
If she's not making gains then she needs to eat more, simple as that.
Also don't give me the "veganism is expensive" bullshit it's one of the cheapest diets you can follow
Eli Jenkins
>The problem is she's vegan no the "problem" is shes biologically female. assuming she isnt a girl (boy) ofcourse. gains come slowly to women, just accept it and let her go her own pace
Im not even vegan, but I hate when people say its expensive. its the same as fatties who claim eating healthy is expensive and site a organic(tm) super lettuce from wholefoods costing £4000
Henry Stewart
Yes. The ultimate redpill.
Tyler Bennett
The thing is it seems like being vegan would even be cheaper but her protein definitely ends up costing more and she gets less calories for the same amount of food consumed, which is why she struggles with her gains. Also, she has to get food downtown on her lunch breaks and they are absolute extortionists to vegans, because they know vegans won't eat anything else and if they are there, they are making enough money to pay for it.
Josiah Robinson
Married to a Vegan (we live in Berlin), while not more expensive, you need to invest more time to it.
Aaron Ross
there are lots of high protein vegan foods, just teach her meal prep so she can take lunch instead of buying overpriced shit
Connor Clark
Beans, lentils and tofu are all cheap as fuck. And why can't she bring a lunch with her?
Hunter Harris
>groace farty vegans
Eat like a horse, live in a barn.
Josiah Lewis
>lentils Eat that with rice. I go 250g of lentils and 100g of rice,cook them, mix them together. Add salt and vinegar and boil for some more. It's incredibely yummy. And lentils with rice are great as they cover all the essential aminoacids and their protein usage is high. Bought pea protein and rice protein and always go 1:1 for best gains.