>finally making decent progress
>fall off skateboard and fracture wrist, damage elbow so I can't bend it
How do I deal with this? I don't even know what my maintenance calories are without lifting
How much gains can I expect to lose?
Snap city
>mfw he fell for the skateboard squat meme
>not wearing wristguard
what did you think was going to happen? Wrist injuries are #1 in skateboarding, followed by shoulder and elbow. You are a fool.
Jesus Christ you retard. Did you even read up on what a skateboard squat is? You don't actually stand on a skateboard.
I wasn't doing skateboard squats, I was actually skateboarding
I've been skateboarding for years without pads and this never happened
>hey look at me I'm not going to wear any protection
Even fucking Tony Hawk wears pads
well skateboarding is a super high-risk activity in terms of getting the exact types of injuries that hinder serious weightlifting
this will happen again you faggot, choose one or another
or wear a helmet, knee and elbow pads, and gloves with wrist protection
but you won't do that you fucking child so I shouldn't have even mentioned it
Tony hawks also skates huge vertical ramps, the few times he skates smaller ramps in the street he doesn't wear protection
Literally nobody wears protection to the skatepark, it would be seen as extremely autistic
are you seriously such a pussy that you would stop yourself from wearing a helmet because it was seen as uncool by teenagers at a skate park lol