Is it acceptable to use several equipments in the gym at once? Like without rest inbetween.
Is it acceptable to use several equipments in the gym at once? Like without rest inbetween
only if you're a sandnigger
Do you virgins actually believe pic related is even remotely true?
No, it's really fucking annoying and selfish. Please don't do it.
They're not a meme my dude
It is true, some girls are completly clueless when it comes to sandwich making
I do it when im doing dips. Ill do a set, go do the HS high row or some pullups, then go back. No one ever does dips at my gym and as long as you arent sitting at a machine after a set i dont see why you cant.
So that's were Lucas got inspiration for Return of the Jedi
if a gym is pretty empty and you've got plenty of space, sure.
if there's tons of activity in a gym and you're within pissing distance of someone else at all times, fucking no. get a home gym if you always need to do your special snowflake combination workouts.
Took me a legit 2 minutes before I got it.
i don't get it.
Wait 2 mins
it's not like it's technically wrong, until you start calling the left one a roastie slut
all i can think of is this, since were talking about OP's pic right?
>It is true, some girls are completly clueless when it comes to sandwich making
yeah. it's fucking disgusting.
Oh! I Get it.
Ham Solo. Because it's a ham sandwich and any girl that looks like this will be alone. Funny shit
le upboated le fellow leddit XD
Which Star Trek episode was this from?
fellowship of the rings.
Thanks m8
I don't get it
>yes honey i totally love to go down on you, i'm not doing it because i want to be really fucking nice or anything and then gag thinking about it afterwards
>it's k, it's k
>hehe ilu
>Do you virgins actually believe pic related is even remotely true?
do you think beef curtains are a fairytale that doesnt exist?
Fucking kek
Probably not. Only dadbod fitbit cucks do it.
Whose perspective is this supposed to be from?
Fuck you. Some piece of shit was trying to take up two squat racks doing this garbage the other day.
Guy, obviously. Do women realise how fucking awful it smells down there?
lul virgin
>tfw some guy uses sandwiches to mark the squat racks as his
Just say that you don't want to suck on her mini-dick cave entrance.
depends how bust the gym is. Prime time absolutely not. When it's low pop, go for it, but let people work in if they want.
Who are you quoting? Archie?
I've never smelled a vagina, but I can smell my hand after I jack off. Is it comparable?
Don't you dare ruining the clitoris for me.
You mean a superset?
The clitoria is just a mini dick. Look at latge vlitted women their clits of penis shaped heads
If you dick spends 25 hours inside of your body and regularly secretes liquids involuntarily then yes
I really really hate you guys.
My fucking sides
Yeah I meant do you actually believe that fucking causes labia to look like the one on the left. Not that some labia are larger than others. The latter is obviously true.
What fucking women have you been with?
It doesn't, so maybe the armpit of a fat guy is a better comparison?
Urban myth is the only problem with the women's body is that it is not very clean.
Have you ever forgot to wash a protein shaker for like a week? Yeah, it smells like that.
Great syntax. What the fuck are you attempting to express?
Do jayjays like the one on left actually exist? Like wings? Or are you guys fucking with me?
If you paid less attention to the guy while masturbating, you would have known.
>tfw someone squats in the sandwich rack
Ive been with several chicks and none of them have ever smelled anything close to poor down there
Maybe they just dont shower because they think poorly of you?
Either way, false
Maybe you smell like shit, so you don't notice.
It's a trap posting. These faggots are always trying to shilling their boipucci on Veeky Forums
>how do I get a Veeky Forums bf as trans
>would you fuck a trans girl if she looked like this
Smelly vag is always their ammo of choice because they can't say women are mentally as they are too
>someon left their barbell in the sandwich rack
>free barbell
It's the jews.
Go back to tumblr
But user, I'm a fat fitbit dadbob part timer and no one calls me a fa-
Oh, I see what you did there.
Vaginas taste like pennies and sometimes blood with a hint of salt. It smells like when you open a gymbag with sweaty clothes from 2 days ago.
This one is new to me.
This classy guy gets it
depends on the situation. if you are, for instance, using 2 "unique" machines at the same time, you are a douchebag. however, if you are, for instance, using only a free bar and one machine, its ok because if anyone wants to use a free bar they can get one and go somewhere
you've obviously never jerked off to sheena shaw
Pretty much everything is acceptable, as long as you're willing to let people work in
no one here implied that fucking makes the difference, you inferred that yourself
>unique" machines
What does this even mean?
Theres some truth it.
Not all of us fuck fat unhygienic cows breh
fakes news
Some actually have a decent taste, some taste like nothing and other like licking a quarter.
Excuse me, excuse me. What does me being a virgin have to do with not knowing what a fucking vagina looks like? Better yet, why are you in gripes about sandwiches that somewhat resemble the visual representation of vaginas?
>Some actually have a decent taste
usually virgins are vaginas experts due to excess consummation of various porn. A friend told me. Not like I ever watched porn or anything
Fucking kek
>finger a girl
>it literally smells like nothing
What kind of disgusting sluts are you guys going out with? or are you all virgins trying this hard to sound experienced by regurgitating the smelly vag meme?
literally one night stand sluts
homewrecked one who told me every dude she banged; felt like garbage everytime
yet my ex from college was fine
am i retarded, or is this comic impossible to comprehend
Underage banned
i read i a few times it makes no sense
>girl fucks everyone
>after being rejected so latches onto the doctor
>chad somehow meets the doctor and tells him she's a hoe because he fucked her
Found the roastie
Underrated he posted as he saw the 7 other replies before him
>Do women realise how fucking awful it smells down there?
>Do you not realize how gross dicks can get?
If a girl gets enough water and eats healthy she'll taste fine. Pussy shouldn't smell bad/like fish/gym bags or whatever else you're spouting out. If she actually has any care for personal hygiene it literally doesn't taste like anything.
Seriously though, how is that shot not horribly uncomfortable.
You are literally a virgin yourself if you think all vaginas are innies
Only if you shower twice a week
I don't go down on women anymore because of how bad it always smells
This is why I came back here