>decide to take my gains for a test drive >go to bar with shit dj >get drunk >start dancing with ugly milf >she feeling my chest >buy her a beer >more dancing >she says she has to go outside to make a call >as she walks away I smack her butt >she giggles >go to bar to get more booze >bouncer says that chick told him I was being creepy and asks me to leave
Please help. I am autistic. I'm in great shape at this point but what use is it if I can't communicate with girls.
Josiah Parker
Don't be ugly.
Nicholas Smith
>act confident
Cameron Williams
Angel Jones
when you smacked her ass and she laughed you were supposed to follow her outside with your chloroform.
Charles Bailey
is that amanda bynes
Juan Hill
Now you have to make facial gainz brah. You cant be a 2/10 in the face and pull that shit.
Logan Murphy
Are you seriously letting one bad experience get to you this much? You're probably going to strike out more often than you hit a home run brother so just get used to rejection and don't let it bother you too much.
Ayden Hall
>How do you act confident? act like you own the thing and the people who are there are your workers
Jaxon Long
getting rejected by the bouncer is pretty bad desu. Thats never happened to me. But then again, I'm 8/10 face
Logan Butler
Yes I guess it's time to face this cold reality.
When I am in social situations I find myself smiling a lot. Should I just walk around with a straight face? I don't think I can significantly change the way my face generally looks besides my expression.
Cameron Edwards
rule #1 is to never buy drinks to girls in clubs. 99% of them are there just for that reason.
Nolan Williams
It didn't ruin my life, but I do want to try to learn what I did wrong and, if at all possible, avoid getting KICK OUT OF THE BAR in the future.
Austin Clark
Well, one time is an anomaly. I once went to a bar, the bouncer asked me where I was from, didn't believe me, let me in, and then asked me to leave after I used the bathroom. Didn't interact with a single person.
But if it happens regularly, then yes there's a problem.
Angel Ramirez
Lincoln Cooper
Yes she's fat now
Jonathan Lewis
It's nearly impossible for us to give you any advice about this shit when we weren't there to watch you spill your spaghetti. All we can really say is "lol she wouldn't have thought your sexual advances were creepy if you were a Chad hahahaXD". Just do some of your own self reflection and think about what you did that might have been too forward or autistic. But again it could easily have just been a bad experience that you have to get over.
Xavier Lewis
she has +5 thiccness
Isaac White
Yes this is based advice.
Looking back I feel like I only made this thread because I wanted people to tell me that it wasn't my fault or tell me that I have no chance.
Thank you, user, and thank you Veeky Forums for listening to my autistic shitposting.
I am recently divorced and just trying to get my social life back in order. Lifting and posting on this God forsaken site is the best thing happening to me right now desu.
Joshua Martin
>be milf >not pretty but not ugly either >get dozens of approaches a day >pretty low sex drive because i could get dick at the flick of a finger >go to the bar for free drinks and occasionally fuck with horny faggots >enter the bar >10 guys instantly turn to eyefuck me >this awkward looking dude is too drunk to notice me so ill fuck with him >disgunbegud.exe >sit next to him get his attention >"is he like ... buff?" >eh what the hell im just gonna touch him >he's really buying it >now i just need an excuse to cut this and give him blue balls >omg omg omg i know imma call rebecca and ask for ideas >*SLAP* >ROFL did he just touch my ass >well that's settled >TYRONE COME GET THIS CREEPY GUY OF OF ME K THX >OMG HEY CHAD! R u and stacy still a thing? follow me to the bathroom either way u stud ;))) :ppppp
Charles Carter
No, she doesn't. Thickness requires hips and ass
Lucas Martinez
unfunny, but probably what happened.
Gabriel Parker
I know what yah mean. In least you don't have a stupid situation to back it up. My video teachers acts like I'm very slow. I was late the first day sophomore year and I had no idea where I was going. Instead of a normal person and asking someone I first argued with a teacher for 30 minutes just repeating over and over that I had no idea where I was going(pretty sure it was an AP one too; and I had an audience of AP students that I knew) she got exasperated with me and said 'Do you want me to walk you?' and I ran the other way. My history teacher stopping to ask if I was okay. In stressful situations I act like a total moron okay? So I went to another building and went up the stairs(BTW the video room is on the first floor) and somehow ended up in the senior hallway and asked annooother teacher for help. A senior walked me to the class and I was on the other side of the school. Right across from my English class. Just for me to walk in and totally loose it. I think I had a panic attack right there in the classroom. You see I walked in 20 minutes late with a senior holding the door open for me and everyone staring at me like I was putting on a show. The problem? There was no seats left. I finally made it to the teacher's desk and he asked if I was okay and if I was 'exposed' to be in this class. I told him 'IDK' over and over. Than he said 'well just take any seat. I felt like yelling: What seat?!!!!???? So I paced some and than just sat in front of him because A) I was exhausted... and B.) I just wanted to be left alone. Soo than he walks me to a seat separated from everyone else but has a computer. I must of looked completely out of it and total panic mode because every five seconds in when he was introducing the class to the material we would be doing and whatnot he would be coming over towards me and asking if I was okay. I even have panic attacks.I'm fine with being the quiet, shy random weirdo. Okay... Maybe not so much. xP
Nathaniel Powell
I kek'd
Nolan Hernandez
??? No one asked you to open up but okay.
Joshua Lee
I feel like he accidentally posted in the wrong thread
Lucas Johnson
just dont be unconfident
Ryan Bailey
> I'm 8/10 face are you sure about dat
Eli Carter
Can almost guarantee the call thing was fake and you did something to fuck it up that you left out. Then the childish ass smack sealed the deal. Grown men don't do stupid shit like that.
Austin Perez
>Grown men don't act sexually or playfully with potential lays Now THIS is autism
Charles Price
Not a bad thing to smile a lot. Girls are attracted to men who are happy. I see guys at clubs sometimes with permascowls on their face and to me that seems like an easy way to not look very approachable, or in a girls perspective, someone who would be fun to be with. My opinion at least.
Thomas Cooper
If a woman is into you she'll enjoy having her ass grabbed or slapped. OP's problem is that he can't tell if she is or not.
Jason Barnes
You act confident by not concerning yourself with other people's opinion. When considering whether or not you should do something, take "but what will people think of me if I do this" out of the equation.
There you go.
Jackson Sanchez
Listen to him
Hudson Phillips
Whatd you say to her?
Whatd she say to you?
At what point did you start touching her?
Michael Gonzalez
Wanna know how? Let women pick you. Look hot and have fun, that's all you gotta do.
Brody Foster
>>she says she has to go outside to make a call >>as she walks away I smack her butt she said that to get away from you 2bh. you were probably grinding on her or something and she felt creeped and wanted to get away, then you smacked her butt
Luke Parker
Wrong board maybe?
Isaiah Ward
I always enjoy reading these stories from a different POV
Jonathan Diaz
>grown men
Camden Lewis
>In a hipster club, start dancing with a german chick who's an exchange student >Soon enough we are making out like horny teenagers, this goes on for a while >Time comes for me to ask her back to my place >She looses her shit, goes full SJW on my ass and pretty much calls me a rapist >She's delucional to the point I get mad as well and start yelling at her >After the incident she goes around the club "warning" other women about me
At this point you are probably thinking I bolted out of there.
>Club has two floors, go to the second one >Eventually pick up a redhead with great boobs >I've been with her for 3 years now
Now the lesson of the story is bitches are sometimes crazy. Be glad you found out before you put your dick in.