Stress is fucking up my body Veeky Forums...

stress is fucking up my body Veeky Forums, I am constantly tight and tensed up like I am on guard against being attacked, and my body is constantly spasming and aching. How can I fix this? How can I get my body to relax when my mind is always stressed? It's gotten to the point where I cannot lift anymore, because I keep picking up injuries.

Get a concealed carry license. You're welcome
Anyone puts you in mortal danger you act within the confines of the law to defend yourself.


Order some phenibut my man srs

how does it compare to diazepam? I'm taking 6mg of diazepam daily and it's like candy, I feel nothing.

Try drinking cammomile tea

Also try meditation

im also always on yellow alert. just get used to it and begin funnelling it into productive habits, like constantly making sure youre not in danger of being attacked, identifying anyone you may think of as suspicious, knowing where all exits are, always being able to see your car, knowing how many people are in a room and who if any are armed. cmon user its fun, be autistic like me

Haven't taken that stuff u mentioned breh, so really can't tell. Phenibut is legit tho, but do your research before using

Ashwegandha root. You can buy it online. Worked wonderfully for me

A man immerses himself in what he fears. If you fear being attacked train BJJ and Thai kickboxing and go to tournaments and take fights, immerse yourself in being attacked.
Experience is the only real way to conquer fear, everything else is just biding time for you to deal with an exacerbated problem later in life.

You can take this and that or have whatever and one day you'll be without that thing and find yourself emotionally juvenile and unable to deal with the world.

Here's some pseudo science legend shit for you.
Some people think there are genetic switches related to stress in the womb and as a child that if switched on can lead to feelings like you're having.
These children born in times of conflict are genetically programmed to become warriors for their tribe. Fail to guide these young fighters or force them to deny their nature and bad shit happens.

I actually want to take up MMA but my issue is it's gotten to the point my muscles are so fucking tense I can't even do my usual strength training. Also, I think people are maybe getting confused about my issue, I said
>I am constantly tight and tensed up like I am on guard against being attacked
I don't literally fear being attacked by a stranger, I'm saying my body seems to be constantly mimicking the fight or flight response of someone about to be attacked.

Maybe you should see a neurologist.

Do a martial art.

Being tight and tensed while under attack is the worst evolutionary misstep of the human brain. Anyone and everyone should go out of their way to break that.

It's not even just fighting. If you fall down the stairs or something it's usually tensing up that kills you. It's why drunks are more likely to survive crashes and falls. They stay limp.

Box or fence or wrestle. Something where you spar all the time and have to intentionally fight tensing up.

Yea see a medical professional this could be really really bad.

I'm gonna swing by the doctor's tomorrow and get him to refer me to a physio, I'll maybe bring up neuro too and see what he says. Problem is, it can take months of waiting in the UK to get this sort of thing addressed. I was sort of hoping for some immediate ways I can start reducing this.
fuck, do you really think it could be that bad?

First have bloodwork done. Electrolyte balance disorders can manifest with symptoms like that.
Stress can be managed with various techniques but all of them require a lot of dedication. I like mindfulness the best, search for it on youtube, there are very good explanations.

and if it is bad...looks like b's gonna get some gore videos

This is the right answer

Unironically gonna suggest a stretching / yoga regimen here.

I just do 10-15 minutes a day and I always feel great when I finish.

I can spend upwards of 30 minutes stretching, foam rolling and lacrosse balling shit but within an hour of doing so the pain and tightness just comes back.

Do this first in case it's something serious.
Otherwise try supplements and meditation.
Also try CBD oil.


Sucks that you live in a third world country friend