Okey Veeky Forums I've made some maths and I reach to the conclusion that this "sword" weigh is ~180Kg so I'm curious...

Okey Veeky Forums I've made some maths and I reach to the conclusion that this "sword" weigh is ~180Kg so I'm curious, is even possible to use it?
If so, how much force do you need to wield it?

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Keep in top OHP, drop on foe.
#1 swolerdsman

It wouldn't weigh nearly that much you FUCKING retard.
That being said it would be heavy.

Full view.

And it's thick as hell, it probably weighs around 180 kg.

From a physics standpoint, this would be utterly impossible for any man to wield. Every action creates an equal and opposite reaction, so even IF you had the strength to swing a 180kg sword from side to side, it would launch you with the same force in the opposite direction.

The only way Guts can wield it I assume is because he became inhuman to some degree during the eclipse.

An engineer on plebbit did the math and calculated that it should weigh around 388.65 lb, so you're damn close. Pic related.

>If so, how much force do you need to wield it?
I can't give you a formula explaining exactly how strong you have to be or how much force you must apply in each situation to wield it as Guts does. But I do want to say I think an exceptionally strong man with world class technique should be able to basically judo toss it in the direction of an opponent while holding the handle to achieve the effect of a two handed sword swing. At a minimum, we're talking someone like Teddy Riner here, both in size and strength. But Guts wields it with one hand because it's a manga and poetic license, yada yada yada.

He was inhumanely strong even before the Eclipse though, it probably has no explanation other than "it's a comic".

Sword normaly weights under 2kg. Go figure.

The only way too use it is like cheat curls
Lot of force to start it
Let it swing
Tip rests on ground

no, it is retardedly oversized. Even his smaller sword from before joining the Band of the Hawk would be too large to use as a normal sword.

OP is wrong

the dragonslayer is much thicker than a 45lb plate

prove it


The sword he had as a child was too big for him.
It's a good thing he hopped on Starting Sword™ and KDMAD™ (Killing Dozens of Men A Day) at an early age.

>reliable proof

Where the fuck do you think you are, faggot? This is an Australian unicycles and gocarts fansite, not an academic summit. No one has to prove anything to you. Suck a dick and get AIDS.

I hope all of you die young

Take a poop in front of us.

>ey man lets have some fu-

weaponized autism

>retard doesn't understand that you can make pictures any size you want
behold, the dragonslayer is 400kg. Ignore the basic science of density, I am the supreme authority on this, as I can post on Veeky Forums


Oh gods. Yes it requires inhuman strenght and no, it cant be weld. Even if there was someone strong enough to swing Guts' sword efficently he'd still be better off with a normal sized sword. The weight of that slab is just a handicap to the wielder.

>doesn't even noticed the pictures are somehow concordant to real life plates
>taking it way too seriously anyway
>calling other people retarded

nice paint skills too autismo

fighting normal humans, definitely, but against the monsters he has to deal with, the dragonslayer is pretty good. Normal swords would be like stabbing people with pushpins. Sure they are annoying, but you aren't gonna kill anyone with them

Considering it's a manga, rule of cool is also more important than functionality. And a repeating crossbow/cannon prosthetic hand is cool af

Two handed swords weighed around 7 - 10lbs, and human men weigh around 150 - 200lbs (on average, don't sperg out, fatso). So if gut's sword weighs about 380lbs (roughly 38x a normal sword) then guts would need to weigh about 7,500lbs to wield it like a normal sword, and that's not even taking muscle power into account, this is just so the weight of the sword doesn't send him flying every time he picks it up

in burgerland, even fucking engineers use those retarded units?

do you have an alternate set of dimensions?

please wow us with your mastery of science and prove the weight of the sword

This fucking manlet made a real one and seems to be able to move it just fine. Reddit BTFO


you can't, your average longsword weights about 1.5kg and it still takes time to get used to it despite being so light

oh sure, try to swing it again if they dodge it, which they will


Why the fuck do you british and canadians say "maths?"

When you people were trying to contract the word "mathematics," did you TRY to be as awkward as possible or did it just come naturally?

It still looks a little too small.
Like it's 3/4 of the size I want it to be.

>starting sword


>judo toss it in the direction of an opponent
Why was this so funny

It would be impossible, especially if you consider the fight between guts and zodd after Griffith's return

Guts is 6'8 and the dragonslayer is longer then he is tall, so safe to say the blade alone is 7 feet long. The one he made was only

It's also a lot thicker than the metal he used. The dragonslayer is about 3 inches thick

>Guts is 6'8
He's 6'3

no canadians say maths unless they are shitposting or euroboos

I assume they are smart enough to convert to whichever unit system is needed at the time.

It will never weigh that much.

lol people actually think berserk will ever be finished

its the asoiaf of the comic book world

>judo toss it in the direction of an opponent

Hafthor struggled to use a 3-4 kg sword in one hand. Normally a 2 kg sword is a 2 handed sword. That sword would require over 100 times normal human strength to use. Considering it is longer than a regular two handed sword I would say 130 times normal strength to two hand it and 500 times regular strength to one hand

Next chapter in under a week my dude, only like 100 more to go

Berserk will finish sooner then One Piece I can bet on this.

well at least Kentaro Miura is working on in unlike the fat disgrade that's grrmatin.

One piece hasnt finished yet?

What the fuck?

they do not.

I always tought that the Dragon Slayer was probably made with some special metal wich was probably lighter or something like that.
Yeah if a fat manlet could swing that shit, a trained force of nature who swing swords too big for him since he's 5 years old could probably use a sword that 3 times heavier than this one.

> Longer thand he's tall.
Nah man, it's not. How would he be able to put the sword on his back and walk without the point of it scratching everywhere he walks?
Also he's 6'3.

What is it gonna scrape against the sky? the hilt rests above his head dudesky.

You guys think this guy could wield the sword?

Yeah, I think Oda or his editor recently said he's around 70% done.

Prob has at least 10 years left desu.

That Togashi ass pull was pretty annoying, but Alluka and all her bullshit is 10x worse than it.