Do any of you guys have any idea on how nicotine effects gains...

Do any of you guys have any idea on how nicotine effects gains? I used to smoke but started vaping after I started cutting because it's less harmful supposedly.

It has no effect other than slightly raising your heartrate for a few minutes

I've noticed it kills my pump so I don't vape around my workouts

personal experience: vaping made me short of breath. it was harder to breathe, i would wake up with my throat feeling shitty, and i'd cough throughout the day. not quite as bad as smoking cigarettes, but still limiting my potential.

give it all up. chewing nicotine gum and then switching to normal gum helped me wean off the addiction.

How long did you stick with the vape. That's normal for the first 4 or 5 days as your body starts to flush everything out of your lungs since you're not smoking

long enough. here comes the vaper logic.

Oh boy, the anti vaper paranoid.
Work for the FDA or big tobacco?

Despite all the memescience and smokerslogic on that shit, your lungs don't absorb as much of that glucose as they say as quickly as they say, and it really fucks your vo2. Not to mention the nicotine causes you to be irritable without it, which can fuck your gains up on the odd day you don't vape. I mean fuck man, if you're so desperate for it go get some chaw or snus, but I spent 3 years smoking a half pack a day, then a year vaping, and haven't smoked for a year and can tell you outright I've had twice as much success without it and I feel way better mentally. If you're lifting just for aesthetics, this shit isn't going to matter, but then why would you ask.

>here comes the vaper logic
Don't be a snobby cunt i just asked a question


See I haven't experienced much shortness of breath but I have admittedly been on a bulk and not doing alot of cardio

I am going for the aesthetic look. Thanks for the info

What are you vaping right now lads?

Also, quality of life has improved a lot after switching from cigs to vape.

Mulberry Breeze atm. Kiwi, watermelon with menthol finish

I would also like to know this. I snoke 1-2 blunts a day and worry about the long term healthy effects

Marijuana can lead to gyno and demonization. In terms of health it's not alot better if at all than smoking

Anytime homie, best of luck in your progress. It might make a huge difference in vascularity and cardiovascular efficiency, though, to try reverse tortoise breathing and diaphragm vacuums.

The gyno is a thing, not to mention a drop in your dopamine production which will severely hurt your gains, and the fact that weed contains almost twice as many carcinogens than cigarettes. I believe a study just came out showing an increased risk for heart disease as well. Don't give me that shit that you're smoking it for medicinal reasons either, the only medical factor is CBD and most dispensaries are focused on high THC strains. If you're smoking to get high, fuck it man just start making edibles or juices. Pot apple juice is fantastic.

You can vape that too bro. Destroys all particle and carcinogen from smoke argument to hell.
Vape or eat. Harmless.

Have definately noticed the hit to vascularity. I cna have a great pump and popping veins then I'll hit my vape for a few minutes and it's gone

>I used to smoke but started vaping
>not being able to quit cold turkey
Millennials are fucking weak

Not him but I bought a vape and never used it. It's just prolonging your addiction.

Not relevant then

I probably could quit cold turkey, but I enjoy the habit aspect of it too much.
>inb4 vape fag

Nothing wrong with vaping.
Neckbeards living in their parent's basement haven't noticed how widespread and popular vaping has become in society.

>Vaping some black licorice right now

I've very much doubt nicotine will have any noticeable effect on gains.

Just got some new supplies in yesterday
>currently vaping raspberry cheesecake

Nicotine is poison.
Sure there are worse compounds in tobacco.
But that's like being happy with testicular cancer just because you don't also have prostate and lung and bowel and throat and eye cancers.

>at least I've only got melanoma!

Quit that shit. It does nothing for you.
Unless you're a gook, you look like a fag.
Inb4 chinks can look like faggots too.
>yes, but they all look the same, so differentiating between faggots and non is nigh impossible.

just vape cbd with 0 nicotine juices

Why is it poison?

>if something is popular it must be a good idea
Sure thing faggoh

cant tell if troll

nicotine is literal poison. like people used to use nicotine concentrates to kill other people

Just because something in large quantities can kill you doesn't mean its bad for you. If you drink too much water at one time it will kill you.

i dont think you understand what it means for something to be considered a poison

nicotine and water are not comparable whatsoever

>if something is popular it must be a bad idea
Sure thing faggoh

Nicotine is neuroprotective and enhances performance both mentally *and* physically, increasing both focus/concentration and measurably improving time to exhaustion in endurance athletes.

Vaping lets you dose way lower/more controlled than other methods while still enjoying benefits. The main risks other than prop-65-tier memes like "muh cancer" are to the vascular system, which are universal to all vasoconstricting stimulants (like caffeine) and in no way unique to nicotine. These risks are also negligible, and easily countered by an overall healthy lifestyle. And physical, biological dependence (as opposed to force of habit) can be eliminated within three days of quitting.

Nicotine is absolutely patrician, and has a long history of being utilized by creative and industrious people. 10/10 drug, will be buying more vape supplies first thing in the morning.

>A highly-concentrated solution of a stimulant can be used to induce cardiac arrest and kill

wow what a fucking shock, thanks for the revelation senpai

If cigarettes weren't so fucking terrible for me i'd smoke them non stop.

But god damn will they fuck your lungs fast. Quitting after 8 years cold turkey and I feel so much better 2 weeks post-cigs.

Tried vaping, didn't like. Lack of a good throat hit and shitty flavor/smell compared to good old tobacco.

The thing i miss the most is the light stench of smoke on my jacket, for some reason i loved it.

Super worth it health wise though to not be doing that shit anymore though.


>A highly-concentrated solution of a stimulant can be used to induce cardiac arrest and kill

that is indeed what poison can do

what was the point of your post again?

You're conflating a property of "stimulant" with a property of "poison" to try to hide the ball like a queer. Tremendously intellectually dishonest. You might as well call common NSAIDs "poison" too just because massive doses can destroy your stomach lining, or call literally every other substance on Earth "poison" for its own particular effects at above-toxic-dose levels.

The "I'm so smart and condescending" act only works when you're actually clever, faggot. Get your shit together.

so caffeine is poison too?

Yes and salt

i dont understand the reason you have for posting all of this

nicotine is literal poison. it is toxic to the human body. what on earth are you trying to argue about?

>tfw cold turkey'd nicotine last year

Hard 2 weeks but you'll feel no cravings after.

>i dont understand the reason you have for posting all of this

The assumption was that you would have the reading comprehension to understand it. But you clearly do not.

ill ask again.

what are you trying to argue about? nicotine is poison. that is a fact. there is no arguing that it isnt. stop trying to make an argument out of nothing

>lists upside
>lists downside BUT DONT WORRY other things have downsides too so whats the big deal

You do know that table sugar is considered toxic, right? Even water has a toxic threshold. Calling something a toxin doesn't really amount to much unless you're talking in the context of the LD50.