What were your lifts the very first time you ever stepped foot in a gym?
Also what was your height/weight before you started lifting?
What were your lifts the very first time you ever stepped foot in a gym?
Also what was your height/weight before you started lifting?
>at beginning
>5'8'' 125lbs
>bench 50lbs for 5 struggling reps
>squat 85lbs for 5 struggle reps
>deadlift 95lbs for ok 5 reps
>5'8'' 165lbs
>squat 325lbs ORM
>bench 225lbs ORM
>deadlift 335lbs for sets of 3
everything 45 except for deadlifts at 95
6'5" 165
5'8 around 150
>everything was 3x5
>press around 90 lbs
>bench 135
>squat 155
>deadlift 180
Squat was like 135
Deadlift 135
Bench 95
All I remember, height has not changed still 5'11"
How long have you been at it?
>6'1" 185 lbs
>bench 125lbs 1rm
>squat 135lbs LMAO 25 CENT SQUATS for reps
>deadlift 225 1rm struggle
da press: 30lbs for reps
6'2" 185lbs
>front squat 265lbs for 4 reps
>bench 220lbs 1rm
>deadlift 415 1rm
>da press 145 for reps
5'7 at 120 lbs
OHP 65
Bench 95
Squat 135
Didly 135
Now 5'8 at 170 lbs
OHP 195
Bench 275
Squat 315
Diddly 405
Training since I joined the military 3 years and 1 week ago. Honestly never thought about my progression until now. Thx for bringing it up bud.
1.5 years
Given I've been doing powerlifting style routines for the past year, I should be a hell of a lot stronger than I am right now but I'm a fucking shitter
Well, the sheer fact you've managed to gain 40 lbs in that amount of time is actually inspirational to me. I'm brand new to this shit and I fluctuate between 125-130 lbs at 5'8'' so now I have a new year and a half goal. Good luck brother.
Because powerlifting is retarded. Try at least 6 months of a normal bodybuilder brosplit like Arnie and you'll see what a meme powerlifting is. I mean, in my case, I bodybuild brosplit 6 days a week, and I lift just as much as the "powerlifters" at my uni. Going to the gym and deadlifting super heavy weight for 5 reps then sitting on phone for 20 minutes is not a workout!!!!
A lot of it was fat, mind you. I was around 175lbs 2 months ago but so much of it was fat. Been cutting since then and down to 165, still with bitch tits and bitch love handles.
Upper body wise I haven't grown much in the past 6 months or so because I pretty much never do hypertrophy work. Legs have fucking ballooned though from all the squats and deadlifts.
If I were to continue to cut into low teen percents of body fat, Id probably be in the mid to low 150s. After I lose some more fat I'll do a lean bulk this time around and switch to a strength-based routine that has much hypertrophy work, if it exists.
Don't dirty bulk, friendo. Shits not worth it. You'll make gains, but you'll have to cut like a motherfucker and lose some of those precious gains
>deadlifting super heavy weight for 5 reps then sitting on phone for 20 minutes
that's not powerlifting
Very much considering this. I fee like I should have stuck with hypertrophy for at least 1-2 years before trying to get into PL. after that time, switching to PL with a decent amount of muscle would make PL style training so much nicer.
I fell for the
meme. Fucking hell. I can't wait to finish this retarded ass cut so I can finally get to do hypertrophy and look good in clothes
What's the point of powerlifting? Honestly
It's fun to put lots of weight on the bar and PL meets are hype and fun as fuck.
Tell me, how often do you load 4 plates on the bar, for any lift?
I love it but fuck do I need a better physique.
>tfw you get so absorbed in increasing your PL total that you wake up one day and realize you are t-rex
I guess at least I get a crowd of pajeets clapping at me whenever I do diddlies
>5'7 65kg
>like 16
>30kg bench for 5
>80kg squat for 3
>100kg dead for 5
Now- 18 5'10 83kg
Bench 110 for 5
Squat 150 for 5
Dead 175 for 5
It's worth it brah
At least switching to an upper body-focused hypertrophy routine will feel like a nice and easy break from exceptionally heavy squats and deads
I'm full blown shit-skeleton, so I have like 2% body fat... I still want to make 150 lbs so I can be something other than dying african body type though. Noted on the dirty bulking too, although I'm not sure if I'm even capable of retaining any fat to begin with.
>17 y/o
>unknown bf, from memory roughly 16%
>11.5 inch arms (only thing i measured)
>60kgx5 deadlift
>40kgx5 squat
>25kgx5 bench
>20kgx5 ohp
>19 y/o
>6'0 (pls grow more ree)
>225kg deadlift
>190kg squat
>130kg bench
>60kgx6 ohp
>17 inch arms (reeee)
>49 inch chest
>29 inch quads
>37 inch waist
>18.5 inch calves (very low insertions, fat kid genetics. Trained less than 10 times in 2 years)
started due a combination of the zyzz legacy video and knowing i was the weakest person everywhere i went
thanks Veeky Forums
>Try at least 6 months of a normal bodybuilder brosplit like Arnie
oh yeah and don't forget to roid
at beginning 5"5 210 super obese
125X5 bench
185x5 squat
didn't try dead but probably like 185x5
now 5'7" 151
bench 260
squat 350x4
dead 370x3
Bar for everything-> 215lbs 6'2", don't have measurements.
Still 215lbs
190lb ohp
260lb bench
340lb squat
340lb dead
My spines full of metal and shit so I don't push lower compounds as hard as upper. Even then, I spend more time doing ohp than anything else.
Wife/family tell me I'm huge but I saw myself shirtless in a photo and I've got moobs so I just now started trying to lose weight.
Skwaat: 295
bench:135 x 10
ohp:115 x 6
I was 5'9" and 170lbs skinny/chubbyfat
went from:
>OHP 25 3×5
>Bench 45 3×5
>Squat 60 3×5
>Deadlift 70 1×5
>93kg 190cm
>OHP 74k
>Bench no
>Squat 130
>Deadlift 150
>90kg 190cm
in a year and change.
Also I can do snatch and cnj now.
So now you're fat with skinny arms
ss not even once
10 rm
>5'10 60kg Auschwitz skelly
>bench 10kg (lol) 3*8
>squat 20kg 3*8
>didn't into deadlifts cause I was a noob
now, 9 months later later
>5'10" 72kg king of DYELs
>bench 42.5kg 3*10
>squat 55kg 3*10
>deadlift 80kg 3*10
bench 50kg
diddly around 70-80kg
squat around 40-50kg
height 5'11 68kg / 150lbs
140 is bench(used to half rep in dad's garage)
95x5 lb squat
115 x5 dead
95x1 press
230 bench tng
330 squat
395 dead
180 press
bar hurt back so squat 0
could only lift bar so bench 45lbs
dead lift 95 lbs
5'8" 251