when will this meme end? Charlie Hunnam is 5'10 and 180lbs and claims all he does is pullups, dips, situps, squats, and pushups 4 times a week. Why are people ashamed of admitting they lift when it is so fucking obvious?
Hollywood liars
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Well those might be the only exercises he does. That and steroids.
I know steroids would help a significant amount, but doing purely body weight exercises would that honestly be achievable?
Steroids are the single most important thing, yes. You can eat pure shit as long as you eat enough calories and just do body weight exercises. Wouldn't recommend though
Your body is designed, for lack of a better word, to adapt in different ways in different environments as a result of different stimuli. Lifting heavy objects itself doesn't make big muscles, lifting heavy objects trigger specific types of muscle growth. Different types of lifting netting different types of muscle development.
The point is that the use of steroids makes your body a shitload less picky about what stimulus and environment results in muscle growth.
but he looks like he only does those things
he's trying to sound cool by acting like he doesn't workout. I knew a few dudes that did that and it was really weird
Wiig fit and zumba
This is probably my goal body
Is this possibly natty? He doesn't look exceedingly large and his delts/traps aren't popping out a ton really
he's 6'1 and fairly cut right here. In green street he was borderline skinny, in sons he was buffer but with higher bf%. I doubt he ever did steroids.
Lift for more than a week and maybe you'll see results too