Living alone

>mom and dad live far away
>been living wth sister for almost 5 years
>sis is moving to college, wont see here again until Christmas
>for first time in my life, i will live all by myself in a little apartment

how do i keep my mental health while not affecting my lifts.

also, share any tips for ppl who want to leave independently

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That fucking poor bear.

No one's going to save it, people will just come and look at it.

Also, I live alone and my mental health is fine. Man the fuck up OP. Go to the gym, and just go home and read or play video games or something.


You and your sister ever do stuff?
>mental health question...for a friend.

holy shit this, why the fuck would you do that to some innocent creature.

I live alone too, sort of. Don't have a lot of contact with friends/family, live with landlord who's like in his fifties, and I'm either in my room or out lifting.

It gets a bit soul crushing, but I either go out and lift, go to the store to get a few misc grocery items, or go out and play card games with a few buddies once a week/once every two weeks.

Lol innocent. No such thng in nature moralfags. Or does your kikeonastick have a place in heaven for teddy too? Lmao..

Hopefully in the future they put /pol/fags or whatever autism factory you spawned from, in cages, so normies can pay to laugh at you and throw shit at your deformed face

it's that or die. a lot oof the time zoos preserve the life of an animal for human entertainment. zoos really need to be better about keeping animals happy though

lmao buddy just stop you're not any better than he is so don't act like it