I'm too lazy to change my diet in a major way, but I want to get Veeky Forums...

I'm too lazy to change my diet in a major way, but I want to get Veeky Forums. I'm a scrawny 20 y/o with an average diet, a mix of some fast food and mostly frozen pre cooked stuff. Can I still put on muscle? What if I added some protein bars or powder into the mix?
>Inb4 stop being lazy

Diet is essential in getting Veeky Forums.
Or do roids

Ahh shh shh let it die

>comes to fitness board
>"I'm too lazy to get fit, can I still be fit?"

Come back when you fix that

The entire point of my post is that I don't care about diet. I'll probably start caring once I see changes, but right now I just can't bring myself to do what I hate (cooking).

I'll bump until someone gives me a very simple one word answer

I hate cooking and don't see the point if I can get results adding to what I already eat.

Learn to cook a bit. Its not hard, doesn't take much time and will help you get fit and more healthy. May even help save some money.


are you even lifting? did you even read the sticky?

>The entire point of my post is that I don't care about diet. I'll probably start caring once I see changes
Some combination of a healthy diet high in protein diet ( meat and dairy) and understanding of macros is needed for a change to happen.
Read the sticky, read some books, do begginer routine.

If you don't get any progress its your shitty attitude towards food that will most likely be at fault. Get off your high horse

if you're really serious about it, you could add protein bars into the mix and another small fast food meal maybe some milk with every meal too. thats what i did and gained a good amount of muscle.

but then, i started taking it really seriously, and i realized that while i gained probably 10-12 pounds of muscle my first year, if i ate properly i could have gained 20-25 pounds of muscle instead.

so i bought a scale and figured out what i was gonna eat every day that had a high amount of protein, a good amount of fat and the rest carbs

what im saying is you will regret not taking your diet sooner or later. maybe this is a lesson we all have to learn in retrospect. after seeing wasted time in the gym and stalls that we could have easily surpassed.

if you workout and eat a lot of stuff, you will grow, both in muscle and fat, you will get stronger, if that pushes you to do better fine, if not you can just continue onto builtfat and just stay there

Thanks, yeah I think after a few months I'll stop being a fag and care more. Much appreciated.

no. you wont put on decent muscle.

Since you're a total noob, yes, you can put on muscle. Even if you eat garbage like mcdonalds frozen chicken tenders. Just make sure you eat enough protein, train hard, and get enough sleep.

I'm betting though, that since you don't have the discipline to fix your diet, your routine will be some half assed shit that will be lucky to get you five pounds of muscle in your first year. And once your noob gains are spent, you will have no choice but to fix your diet if you want to get any further. Realistically speaking, if you train really hard your first year, you can maybe gain ten pounds of muscle before your nutrition issues grind your progress to a halt.

>if i ate properly i could have gained 20-25 pounds of muscle instead

Not without roids man, not even your first year.


diet is AT LEAST 60% of being fit. go read sticky

You have the attitude of a fucking loser

>I came here to find a magic cure without putting in the effort
>I'm now going weapons grade autistic at replies telling me that doesn't work

I unironically suggest you kill yourself

you need to get enough calories and protein

bw in lb x 15-17 = caloric intake needed for bulk
bw in lb x 0,7-1 = protein intake in g
per day

thats it, anything else is details
If you get that from 6 pre cooked meals of chicken and rice, fine
if you get that from 3 meals with cereals, lunch from canteen, pasta in the evening and some shakes, fine

Especially if you do bodybuilding as a hobby
Remember, you do this for the long run
Choose habits that you can sustain for years to come

you dont have to care about diet, at least not that much. just dont eat too much sugar and get enough colories and protein. your hunger will increase automatically and youll eat more once you start lifting. its not the perfect way of doing it but you will see results in any case.

just leave bro. you're not ready for it