>Alcohol isn't protein/fats/carbs >The body converts it the same way it would fat during ketosis >mfw I can literally live on alcohol and eggs/meat
I have seen the light, brethren. No more chucking a load of butter and shit on all my otherwise delicious food and depriving myself of alcohol.
All of a sudden I understand how rockstars stay so thin
>inb4 hurr alcohol is unhealthy So is the 'standard' keto diet of 'le butter and coconut oil in EVERYTHING :D /diesofheartdisease'
Can I still workout when I'm drunk?
Henry Diaz
Your body processes alcohol before anything else because it's literally poison. This effectively stops protein synthesis until the alcohol has been filtered out. Alcohol also lowers testosterone l.
Basically you're a retard and you should kys.
Easton Price
But who was liver
Christian Parker
>enjoying alcohol to this extent
The fuck
Jacob James
Yeah dude you are seeing the light
Just chug a bottle of vodka as pre and then drive to your gym and load up your max for bench. Dont ask for a spot, they dont want to smell your alcohol breath. Suicide grip and enjoy your gains my man
Ayden Reed
The alcohol will eventually get broken down into fats in your body.
Andrew Brooks
OP is pretty retarded but so are you 1. Ethanol isn't a poison, its metabolites(primarily formaldehyde) are responsible for the toxicity 2. Ethanol consumption lowers but does not halt protein synthesis 3. You're kind of right in that the body will use any ethanol consumed as it's primary energy source until all ethanol is gone 4. Alcohol consumption has actually been shown to (slightly) increase free testosterone levels
Isaac Cox
Guy in the grocery store smelt like an alcoholic. Was really sad because he looked no older than 25
Hope I don't smell like that
Samuel Thompson
Mountain hermit here, vodka is the best pre workout buzz, makes me feel like a Russian before I put on a gas mask and do 50 pull ups, 100 push ups, run 5km and do 500m of tire flips in a gas mask. Fuck I love my life.
Elijah Richardson
>suicide grip >quite content with my life
can we have one of these threads now that this thread has been ended ?
Jack Roberts
cool! any citations?
Owen Wright
Its pretty dumb to say that ethanol isn't poison. Nothing that goes through your body without breaking down in any way is poison. But Id still qualify those substances as poison that will break down to harmful molecules.
Jose Davis
>ethanol isn't poison >just the result of metabolizing it is Ebin.
>alcohol increases test Simply ebin.
Ian Miller
Do you even know how lipid soluble materials work?
Alcohol kills gains is a broscience meme that talks about alcohol increasing estrogen levels or preventing protein synthesis or other bullshit but all alcohol really does is fuck with your sleep quality. You have a more difficult time achieving rem sleep while under the influence of alcohol due to the effects of the etoh on your brain. No deep sleep means halted recovery. However that doesn't mean that your gym time was wasted because without recovery, your muscles will still have damage and can just recover again later.
Angel Torres
Alcohol increases test for an hour immediately after the beer, then plummets for the most important stage of recovery, sleep.
Levi Russell
>muscles will still have damage and will recover later Hahahahahahahahahahahha no they do not
Bentley Sullivan
Yes they will. Muscle fatige (damage) will dissipate once you let your body rest for a prolonged period, which is why almost every intermediate or advanced program employs some sort of deload during its mesocycles.
Dominic Nelson
>alcoholics will come up with this kind of broscience to justify their addiction
Toppest of keks.
Brandon White
Are you fucking for real? Dumbass.
Kayden Ross
No shit. I'm talking about what you just said that "muscles will still have damage and will recover later". Fucking no, recovery doesn't just build up like a savings account. You drink, you dont build any muscle, the fatigue goes away but your body did no muscle building during that time. You do not get stronger, you do not build healthy tissue.
Levi Bailey
Did you even read what I wrote. Not once did I say anything about alcohol killing gains. I just said that only an utter retard doesn't classify ethanol as a poison. It fits even the narrowest definition of it.
Ethan White
op is right, I drink a vodka shot everyday And my gains are massive
Samuel Cooper
Read about alcohol on leangains he makes a lot of good points. I went form I'm never touching alcohol in my life to hmm it's alright it seems
Also I've never had alcohol, what should I drink first?
Brandon Flores
why? they arent funny
Nicholas Kelly
Benjamin Perry
151 rum
Elijah King
I've been having a couple beers when I do my workouts at home. It's pretty comfy. Cool, crisp, refreshing, and it gives me a bit of energy and motivation.
>start a fire in the fire pit >crack open a beer >sip sip >go do a set of chins on the tree branch >sip sip >pick up that junk water heater in the back yard >do some front squats >sip sip >more pull ups >more push ups >more planks >more squats >more sips >more resting by the fire >eventually put the fire out >go inside to play video games and go to bed
I'd say pick up a single tall can of beer, and try and work some body weight stuff in while you sip it down.
I like a stella artois, or a corona for some easy drinking, but your typical beers are a good starting point too, like Miller Lite, Budweisser, Rolling Rock
Mason King
Jokes on you m8 my gym is in my basement and my max is 50lbs
Christopher White
>'Alcohol isn't a poison, it just results in your body creating a poison to metabolize it, which still introduces a poison' Was that correction really helpful?