How do you make yourself appear more intimidating, other than just getting bigger?

How do you make yourself appear more intimidating, other than just getting bigger?

I have a weird fear that someone is gonna try to start shit with me.

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look like this all the time

Learn eye contact, I know former special forces guys that can utterly terrify other men just by staring at them despite otherwise looking like skinny manlets

Im stealing this bread.
How do you make yourself less intimidating?
I feel like people avoid talking to me because I look angry af all the time. But im not, its just how I am.

A lot of people are intimidated by tattoos and large flashy jewelry. But body language is key

Maybe you just look like you're on the brink of dropping your spaghetti so people avoid you, not wanting spaghetti sauce on their shoes

Smile more nigger

If you want to avoid fights deliberately going around looking like some kind of hard case is the last thing you want to do, trust me. Just be confident and mind your own business and 99% of random dickheads looking for trouble will look right through you. And if someone decides they actually want to kill you personally it's not going to matter if you're wearing a leather jacket and an eyepatch.

Pretty sure that's only in places like Eastern Europe where most people will assume that you're a гóпник that will skin you alive if you've piss them off, in the West even effeminate hipsters are covered in tattoos

>nervous user goes into a bar
>notices a group of bikers glance over at him when he sits down
>"g'yaaw shucks I bet those guys are gonna follow me home and beat me up"
>"ok think special forces think special forces"
>autistically glares at bikers like Gomer Pyle from Full Metal Jacket until they actually do come over and fuck him up

Follow my lead and be a manlet with bunch of tall friends that all have 225+ lbs and have been training brazilian jiu jitsu for years.

Also having that one crazy strong aggressive friend with no regard for personal safety but bloodbrothers kind of mentality towards you helps.

Get yoked.

>get big, heavy
>shave your head, grow a beard
>if u up for that, get a tattoo
>jacked af forearms, delts and traps (that means heavy deadlifts, cleans, presses and shrugs)

idk about other autists around here, but ever since i got out of highschool and got over 90 kgs bodyweight, no one started shit with me on the street or in bars.

Open carry.

I always think about that quote

>He who strikes terror in the heart of others is himself constantly afraid

Really scary looking people always look so ill at ease with themselves, like they constantly have to be putting on a big show about being tough

that's bull. most people today will find you intimidating if you are over 220 lbs and look manly (in a non hipster way), regardless of your personality. You can be the gentlest guy, if you are big and you look tough, people will assume you are scary. You don't have to look like a biker

Neck, traps, forearms, tattoos, actually practice a martial art like bjj and/or muay thai. Youll be more confident because you know you can break them. Confidence is scary

Become a lawyer and wear expensive suits everywhere. Nice car too.
Law scares people more than muscle.

Have goals in mind wherever you go so you don't idle around. It helps to navigate public areas in a car, scateboard, or motorscyle, because thugs like picking on pedestrians. Dress modestly, don't be self-conscious about how you look or how rigid your face is, because thugs pick up on insecurity, and it also causes your gorilla mindset to slip.

I'm thinking more of the kind of person Veeky Forums would think is intimidating

become the town rapist

This pretty much.
Also Posture and body language play a huge role, and your voice and the way you carry yourself could ruin it all if you talk like a little bitch.

not to mention genetics, tall, wide frame, big skull with defined jaw and low eye brow ridges.

Also having resting bitch face helps. I don't how many dudes I've had apologize for bumping into me or being in my way without me having to say anything.

>Leave school and become a dairy farmer
>Grow to like the outdoors
>Get fit
>Join the army
>Retire after 6 years
>Become mountain hermit
>Look like a hobo
>Only work you can get is on dairy farms and fencing jobs
>Try to reconnect with humans
>Forgotten how to make eye contact and just blankly stare into their soul
>Whenever you talk to someone you can't help but think of knocking them out and eating them
>People avoid you
>Get depressed and continue being a mountain hermit whose only connecting with humans is talking on Veeky Forums

Sometimes it's best to not be intimidating user, I just hope you can learn from my mistakes.

>i have fear
bitch im gonna knock you out

>whenever you talk to someone you can't help but think of knocking them out and eating them

> tall, wide frame, big skull with defined jaw and low eye brow ridges.

Sluthate pls go


Get HIV. Then you know whenever someone punches or stabs you, they'll get infected by your blood.

Face tattoos

As someone who has a resting angry face I can confirm that constantly looking angry will scare many potential friends away.

Also fixing your posture will definitely help

be tall
I never get intimidated by guys shorter than me. I just feel superior to them, whatever they look like

Wear glasses


If you ever read stories about tall people getting picked on by short dudes because of 'short man syndrome' it's either a made up story or a skinny beta lanklet

Shave your head.

>be me, a couple of years ago
>dyel as fuck and very average looking, most people looked straight through me
>floppy hair
>friend got leukaemia, so I shaved my hair off with him when he started chemo
>suddenly people looked at me with fear in their eyes and stepped out of my way

>now I'm less dyel but trying to grow my hair long again
>people just look through me again

Would wearing high heels work?

>he thinks Brock Lesnar ending The Streak was a made up story
Heightfags BTFO

kek one guy that I harass tried that shit and I m like, why is this subhuman staring at me all the time

Probably because they thought you were a neo-Nazi.

The Oklahoma city bomber was bullied for being a lanky faggot

Sometimes I wonder if these people ever regret this, but then I realize that in order to want those face tattoos, you have to already be too far gone.

he asked how to become intimidating, not a criminal thug

How do reach Lesnar Mode, bros?

Lol @ the mods immediately throwing up a sticky saying not to post black crime stats, since black people don't commit more crime, they just get arrested more by racist cops. No talking about possible causes on a science forum.

kek THIS

neck bridges, heavy deadlifts, eat in a permanent surplus, maybe some roids

I have the same problem. Its just because you don't smile very much.Probably shitty posture too and head/eyes down a lot and when you look up you look "through your forehead" which is basically very aggressive mannerism.

I really want to know how this guy pays the bills.

Look like a terrorist with resting bitch face and being tall? People going to think you might blow them up even though you might be the biggest pussy of all time



carry a katana with you all the time, wear sunglasses

Change blacks to cigarettes and crime to lung cancer and we've got just as ridiculous a situation

Probably. That's what I thought at the time. People are certainly intimidated by psychos and fascists.

Brock Lesnar doesn't look intimidating to anyone. You can clearly see, he has NARROW clavicles. He's a clavicel with no V-taper. Never gonna intimidate shit.

Can't tell if sarcasm or legit idiot or bait?

Don't you fucking see Brock has no V taper? Fuck

you are a faggot of the highest level

Cold showers

>Wanting to appear intimidating because you want to avoid people to start shit with you

Sorry OP but I am going to bust your bubble because you can't. The point is, someone who is going to get afraid of starting shit with you because of minor details like fitness or beard or any thing else won't attack you either way even if you don't have those things.

Fact is, someone who wants to start shit is gonna do it and not give a fuck about who you are and what you can do while someone who gets intimidated of some minor shit doesn't have the gut for it either way.

However I assume you are talking about normies then my point is invalid kek, I grew up around street maniacs provoking fights against multiple people by themself and never seen them back down

When I was in super good shape people told me I looked intimidating but every mother fucker at the bars would try to start shit with me.

Now I have a fat ass gut and bitch tits from drinking beer and eating like a redditor and people just laugh in my face.