Why do we depend so much on caffeine?
Surely just by being young, healthy, regularly exercising and having a good diet we should have enough natural energy
Yet I want 400mg of caffeine spread out throughout my day
Why do we depend so much on caffeine?
Surely just by being young, healthy, regularly exercising and having a good diet we should have enough natural energy
Yet I want 400mg of caffeine spread out throughout my day
because you are an addict.
> we
speak for yourself, addict
Because it's addicting you fucking cuck
it's addicting as fugg
but it IS possible to live without
however if you have ADHD it's not worth going without caffeine, it "fixes" us retards and makes us function somewhat
>tfw heroin addict
So is masturbating, but not everyone is addicted to that
checkmate, cuckold. Better luck next time.
>only 400mg
not ingesting ~800mg a day
get on my level you pleb
You win, this time.
Do you still lift?
because most people are addicted, notice how people who don't drink coffee function fine.
No? I just LARP that I do like everyone else on Veeky Forums
Because we don't sleep nearly as much as we're supposed to
Speaking from experience, treating ADHD with caffiene is like treating malaria with tonic water, it helps but not that much.
Hello me.
>posting and giving advice on Veeky Forums for three years
>never touched a weight or set foot in a gym my entire life
This is the real answer. Liking the taste and having a morning cup is one thing. Depending on it throughout the day is because you don't sleep enough.
You make it out like you NEED coffee, you definitely don't. You feel shitty and tired when you don't have any because of withdrawals
yeah i should have clarified that
I think some people are more susceptible to it than others. I usually have a couple of cups of coffee a day mostly out of habit, sometimes up to 4 or 5 if it is a busy day. Didn't notice any effects really, except when I would drink one on an empty stomach it would make me feel a bit off for a while. Decided to cut it out completely for a month, and to be honest it was really easy. Noticed no difference in energy levels, and drank caffeine free fruit / green teas in its place. Back to drinking a cup of coffee a day now because I simply like it.
My flatmate however claims to NEED a coffee in the morning to function and several throughout the day to keep energy levels up and claims he could never give it up. I never felt like that, so must just be variation between people.
I don't depend on it, but I do enjoy coffee, so I drink it a lot. I don't find it gives me energy, it just makes it hard to concentrate and makes me sweaty and shakey. Not really badly, otherwise I'd stop.
i have drank coffee maybe a dozen times in my entire 25 years. i just never felt anything from it
I felt shitty and tired even before I started drinking coffee
after having one coffe at 1pm it's not unusual for me to have difficulties with falling asleep at 12pm, so I use it only when I face real challenges
I take 10+/- espresso shots in the office daily.
I deal with Americunts, Indians, Asians(Nips, chinks, kpop) daily, sometimes all of them mostly just Amerlards and Indians.
It's not uncommon for me to get into double shifts just to get in conferences with people all across the globe. I'm not even in a decision making position nor am I being payed enough to deal with this shit, just grinding through this because I actually enjoy my job. I'm only a code monkey.
I will take every single bit of caffeine I can get my hands on.
Despite that, I still do PPL and boxing daily for a total of 2 hours in the gym. Boxing is helping a lot because after I go for several rounds I get really tired and sleep immediately when I get home if I just went straight to bed but I'm a degenerate so I still blogpost on Veeky Forums instead of resting.