Blood donation

Hi Veeky Forums,

I donated blood today and now my arm is fucking stiff and painful
I can't move it at all. My shoulder is fine, I'm talking about the portion around the elbow, where they take the blood

Try typing your post with only your left arm, it takes forever

>at least the cute nurse said my veins were great

What is your experience with blood donation? How to recover faster?

Donating blood ruins workouts.
I would rather follow my gym regime than saving some fat old fucks life.

Yeah I know. I don't really care about saving people, I just read somewhere that it lowers your iron levels, which increases your lifespan in the long run and prevent Alzheimer from developing

I have O- blood should I donate?

If you care about helping people, then yes

I nearly fainted the one time I gave blood. feels so bad.

Am I fucked if I ever need blood?

Not if other O- donated
Your blood is universal, but since it's also the only one you can get, they will use other types on people when it's possible, so O- people can receive some
Maybe this will motivate you to donate. Ultimately, it's your choice

Won't it make me lethargic, and my workouts harder?

Nah you just need to skip gym for a week, lift light weights the next week and and get back into things the third week.

Well my arm is FUCKING PAINFUL right now, but I suppose it will be gone tomorrow or the day after
You shouldn't do any physical effort 24 hours after the donation, because you might faint if you do.
So it's definitely a toll on your body, but it's temporary


Wtf 2 weeks to recover? How am I suppose to make it if I take 2 weeks out every time I donate?

Even if you train 5x week, you can schedule your Friday workout in the morning (or right before/after school/work), go to donate right after and be fully recovered by Monday evening.
Or just donate during deload week.
Are you seriously that adherent to your routine that you can't take two weeks off per year?
You are a horribly selfish human being or a complete idiot by the way. Most blood goes to road accident victims. It could be your mother or your little brother, you colossal fuck.

Don't ruin your workouts by giving blood to the vampire jews, especially not free.

>especially not free
I got a full lunch offered to recover, but I guess the market value of my blood is higher than that

Fuck you nigger nobkdy said he had to donate it's his fucking blood. Fuck your salty bitch ass.

You literally gave liquid gold to the jews while getting a meal filled with pesticides and other mind controlling sustenance.
Open your eyes and see them for the evil they are.

How often do you donate?

By law in my country there needs to be at least three months between two donations. So I do it 3-4 times a year.

Wtf is wrong with you? I'm back like normal the second day after the donation, and I'm not much reduced the day after either.

I want /pol/ to go back to their containment board, they're overspilling again.

I've donated blood many times and I notice I'm a little sluggish for usually a day or two after blood donation. If you really want to donate and you don't want to fuck up your workout consider donating plasma, it takes a little longer but the recovery time is usually inside of an hour unless you're really dehydrated or something, plus a lot of places will pay you like $40-50 for it.