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I'm 350lbs and sick of this shit. I want to drop 100lbs. i remember using a weight loss pill that contained ephedra/ephedrine before it was banned and it worked for me. I don't care about the consequences to my health. Is there anything out there that works? Could I raise my base metabolic rate by using steroids?

Right now I'm 24hrs into a 500 a day calorie ketosis diet. Any suggestions?

>I don't care about the consequences to my health

yeah steroids would help you lose weight and gain muscle at very fast rate. even more so if you start going to the gym

exercise and don't eat as much. this has worked for fatties much more enormous than you and will continue to work until the last human is swept from earth in a fiery blaze by solar explosion. personal trainers, bodybuilders and all athletes in sports with weight classes make a career out of this fundamental principle.

but oh no, big old fat as fatass OP has to take some pill in order to lose his extra pounds. despicable and degenerate.

Thanks for the age old advice everyone else has always told me. I figure there's probably someone who has figured out a way to biohack the process at a chemical level using pills to get better results.

Will look into what dnp is. Thanks.

>Is there anything out there that works?
there's this new discovery called a diet.

it's even better when supplemented with exercise.

Cool story bro. In the OP you can see I am on one that I know I can stick to for a while.

I looked into dnp. Don't care about the side effects. Let's do this shit. Know of any sources?

>I am on one that I know I can stick to for a while.
>24hrs into a 500 a day calorie ketosis diet.
keto is fucking easy, but you're 350lbs and looking for shortcuts only 24 hours after your first attempt at a diet.

you're not going to have a summer body this year, so don't rush the weight loss. commit to the diet and consider supplements when you're sub-200.

Not my first try. I went from 285 to 245 via keto once. My regaining problem is lifestyle related. I pick up a hobby and let other things go. Ark the video game was a 16+ hr a day thing for 4-5 months. Now I'm done with that. I put on 60 lbs in that time.

I see no reason not to experiment with chemicals to get more weight loss with less effort.

I'm not aiming for sub-200. I'm just trying to get back down to around 260 again where I am fine with being.

>Is there anything out there that works?


Eating less and exercising more.
Reading the sticking is a good start.

>I don't care about the consequences to my health.
You obviously don't care about your actions' consequences to your health or you wouldn't have destroyed your body and become a disfigured human for years, if not the rest of your short life

Dude your 350 lbs an I know already your retarded as drinks a liter of cola a day.

Stop eating shit and can drop 100 pounds just by doing that, no fucking drugs involved.

>fine with 260
>bad habits that sap your will to not be a fat fuck

Come on now. You can do better than this user. Your problem is that no matter what you do, you're just going to gain it back. I can give you a magic fucking pill that you take once a day for 3 months to get to 260, but you'll just gain it back and ask for more, until you eventually kill yourself.

Maybe focus on your actual self instead of shortcutting it

> Not my first try. I went from 285 to 245 via keto once. My regaining problem is lifestyle related. I pick up a hobby and let other things go. Ark the video game was a 16+ hr a day thing for 4-5 months. Now I'm done with that. I put on 60 lbs in that time.

Remember this guy next time you pay taxes. You need to support an army of 350 lbs video game addicts.

dnp is the cause of many deaths and other scary shit. if i were you i'd research into it first

Na I'm a taxpayer and have never taken a dime of NEETbux. Retired by 25. Thx internet.

where the fuck are her nipples?

Been researching. Sounds perfect. Death as a side effect? I don't care. Just need a quality source and not chinese shit.

Haven't drank soda in 10 years. I only drink booze and water.

No candy/sweets either. Don't care for them. No chips/crap like that either.

I do eat too much food in general. I exclusively eat out at or order in food. I don't cook.

At 260 I'm fine. I haven't been under 245 since I was 16. If I got down to 260 I might decide to go lower but that's a goal for later. We'll see where I am mentally once I get there.

I wasn't under 240 since freshman year, but here we are under 240 at almost 22. 310>240 in around a year. And thats including me fucking around a lot with fast food.

Phukkn ROFL didnt rly read thread but op is a fuken sadcunt at that weight its so easy to drop weight dnp is for when you want to go sub 10% bf. Just rofl again get your chit together maybe make some lifestyle changes

From my research seems DNP can cut around a pound a day of fat through fucking with your body chemistry. Conceptually this is what is appealing.

Kill your self fag via dnp and save us 3 decades of paying for your neetcave and diabetes treatments