i've come to an unfortunate conclusion
willpower is genetic
therefore being fat is in fact, a genetic condition
i've come to an unfortunate conclusion
willpower is genetic
therefore being fat is in fact, a genetic condition
you're a faggot.
fucking hell i think this is the greatest cope of all time
True, genes play a part in everything. Nurture is another part of it.
Pretty much, yeah. Don't tell yourself that as an excuse though. The only way to find out if you have willpower is to try.
>Nurture is another part of it.
They're motivated, motivated to stuff an inhuman amount of shit down their throat because it feels good and society doesn't shame them for being incabale of running mile.
>Willpower is genetic
>willpower is genetic
Please provide scientific proof of this
>what is conditioning
>what are social environments
your study is flawed
do a double blind split twin study.
>heritability: .48
>shared environment: no
that's some neat shit Seymour, you go the full study?
i've never seen someone get blown the fuck out so concisely and completely
>get blown the fuck out
nigger check yourself, a picture of two fat brothers with the same environment is zero proof of genetic willpower. I wanted a real study, with which I was provided a screen shot of one page there was no hostility in any of those interactions and no winner.
please drink bleach until you die.
My roid rage sense is tingling
Pre workout isn't genetic
> too bad I don't know where to buy it, I'm guessing dicks
Btfo and assmad af
can someone explain the values in the heritability column? i'm guessing 0 means no correlation at all and 1 means 100% correlation?
Everything is already deterministic by nature, you are aggravated by fat people and if you change your mind you were destined to do so, they had no choice in being fat in the first place.
Free will is the biggest meme
Fat is dietary, and I don't mean
>lel just eat less
People eat shitty shitty food with mostly carbs and fat and wonder why they are always hungry. Then their solution is to stuff more fried dough in and still be hungry, despite intaking thousands of extra calories. Fat people get fat because they are stupid.
Pretty much.
shitty food is addicting because it's scientifically designed to be addicting to people who lack willpower, so stupid argument... once you get a taste, it's pretty much a rap my man
I don't believe this 100%.
If the food is designed to be addicting, then in theory, couldn't anything be designed to be addicting?
Lean meats?
I think the food is addicting, no doubt, I'm a powerless slave to your pic related, but I don't think they're made that way.
I think grease, sodium, and sugar taste the best.
Had there been a study on the chemicals of the brain while eating different food?
Mcdonalds covers their salads in sugar.
>Lean meats?
Always covered in something or other and called diet.
Semen combined with an intense enough orgasm is a more powerful mood altering combination then cocaine and prozac.
This is why my lezbro doesn't talk to me anymore.
pretty sure it's because our brains naturally crave fat & carbs, cuz these were scarce macros
so take a person with low willpower, give them an unlimited supply of fat & carbs, and design them so the meals are just the perfect amount to light up all the neurons, and you got yourself modern fast food
I don't get him. He's addicted to opiates but when I'm high on them I forget to eat for days.
What about people who were fat but got fit?
Did they achieve genetic manipulation?
Fat was scarce? I guess non domesticated animals are leaner, but wouldn't early humans get plenty of fat from the animals they hunted?
Take a conventional chicken breast, remove the skin and visible fat, and that's 7x fattier than wild game
sugar & salt too, extremely addicting
personality/trait conversion IS possible, but it requires the perfect mindset and set of conditions to happen... which is why millions of overweight/obese people struggle to lose weight, and even if they mange, few years down the line they're right back from their starting point.
Meat was a lot more rare in ancient times. We didn't eat chicken and beef 3 times a day like we do now.
Sugar is the real hidden Jew of food though. People bitch about dietary fats and carbs and muh gluten when the true addiction that is killing America is sugar.
>People bitch about dietary fats and carbs and muh gluten when the true addiction that is killing America is sugar.
What about the people who recognize that several things play a role in the worldwide obesity epidemic and you can't just blame it all on sugar?
Fat already is a genetic condition. "Calories in calories out" is a myth that has been debunked time and time again. Your body doesn't even work off units to heat water, it works off of ATP.
Pic related: man who drinks 8 pints of beer/day and loves his food yet does no exercise. Doesn't look fat does he?
Calories in calories out is Chad pseudo-science used to justify bullying.
Addiction slaughters willpower, curb your addictions and then get back to me on willpower being generic.
Man... I don't know what to do for you. Just do whatever you want because you won't listen to any advice and never build up any willpower. Eat a lot and die young I guess before you end up on 600 lb life.
is that a foot-long in his pocket or is he just happy to see me?
Depends on what they kill. If all you get is rabbits, you need to eat all the guts and the skin because they are so lean that you'll ruin your liver if that's all you have to eat.
If you were a mammoth or marine mammal killing Chad though, you had all the fat you could stomach.
You post a picture of ZUN and claim that he just eats whatever the fuck he wants? We all know he drinks constantly but that doesn't mean he's fucking pounding down 4k calories a day. He's just a fucking drunk. I've seen plenty of lushes who are skinny. You're being a fat faggot who can't stop shoving shit in your face. I know personally TWO people who have fat fucking obese families (everyone 300+ lbs) and they both lost their weight on their own. Willpower is something cultivated and not something you inherit from your family. Fuck you for this bullshit bait and claiming peoples hard work is somehow an anomaly. It's hard work, it's supposed to be hard. You just want an easy out for your poor habits and lack of discipline. Just like every other fat fuck who can't control themselves.
So it seems like personality is half genetic and half environmental
opinon noted
Well, there it is lads. The worst post I have ever seen on this board. Take it all in.
>Nurture is another part of it.
how retarded can you get?
>born into an abusive family
>beat by your father constantly, barely fed, no love from your mother, berated constantly
>born into a good family
>father is a role model, fed healthy food, mother is loving and supportive, receive positive reinforcement
do you seriously think these two kids would grow up to be the exact same if they had the same genetics?
>If the food is designed to be addicting, then in theory, couldn't anything be designed to be addicting?
lul your anecdotal evidence doesnt mean shit kid.
also compared to our ancestors only 100 years ago you have no idea what hard work is lmao let alone the hunter gatherers we descended from.
I'm sorry my dude but you got roasted. He caught you being a fag and fired off a quick one for ya.
You said what?
willpower can be trained like muscles, theres scientific books written about it