Confess your sins

>tfw just ate an entire tub of haagendasz strawberry cheesecake ice cream
JUST fuck my cut up senpai.

you're obviously never going to make it if you cave that easily. just do the world a favor and kys

>discouraging others
You never made it.

Had a couple of these
Clean bulking is hard

I feel like shit after that ice cream.

I pretty much never cheat on my bulk but I still gain weight way too fast (0.5kg/week) because I have a HUGE appetite from my days of being a whale.

im sick of the cut/bulk life brehs.

>been on Veeky Forums for over 2 years
>never been in a gym or lifted any weights
Yes I am that guy who gives you advice and tell you that you look like shit

Ate 1/3 row of oreos last night. Been doing pretty good on my diet for 2-3 months but pops had to bring home the double stuffed

Fuck abs anyway

Just remember user. A new system never kills its enemies first. It kills its friends first.

I wouldn't just be whistling Dixie if I were you

i haven't gone to the gym in over a year

I had a martini yesterday. Came in under my calorie allowance, but still.

I hide boogers under the couch.
I always sniff my cum.
I rub my ballsack and smell it.

Do you run at least?

I've been browsing Veeky Forums for a few years now and i never picked up a dumbell.

No but I smoke


Oh fuck didn't see you there. Kek. How many of us is there here ?

Why are you on fit then?

My dad gave me some sponge cake and custard.

A lot I think lmao
It's entertaining

I scrape off my dick smegma and rub it between two fingers, then smell it.
I often jerk off just before falling asleep and lay my dick on top of the cum, when I wake up the cum is still juciy and sticky, with a refined rancidy smell, I sniff it.

Jerked off yesterday and the day before that. I can easily manipulate my diet and stick to it but why the fuck can't I stop jerking off.

>why the fuck can't I stop jerking off
I fap 5-10 times a week it's healthy senpai.