Guys, I originally started making poppy seed tea to help with Dims and recovery from leg surgery after they discontinued my opitates.
I'm brewing 2 lbs a day now and get sick if I don't dose. What do I do?
Guys, I originally started making poppy seed tea to help with Dims and recovery from leg surgery after they discontinued my opitates.
I'm brewing 2 lbs a day now and get sick if I don't dose. What do I do?
drink less and less until you are not addicted
Go to a NA meeting you fucking junkie.
That eventual withdrawal is going to make you kill yourself.
Go to rehab. Its what a strong man would do to fix his addiction.
Fix it bro. Just stop.
t. ex addict now ripped and fucking babes
Thanks m8, I know that's the best idea. It's just fucking so hard because Amazon will deliver a fucking bag same day to my house. Everytime I get dopesick it's 1 button press to get more.
Gonna check into NA, no way I'm doing this alone.
Get ahold of some Tramadol. It's great for coming off of opiates. It used to be OTC till a few years ago, but now it's prescription based. It's not a narcotic and it should be easy to convince a doctor you want to try it out for pain.
Or go to mexico or canada where it's still freely available.
oh hai guiz iza lika da opiates cause my daddy use to molest me
is that why you use heroin for op. to get over the pain of your fathers hard cock penetrating that tight asshole of yours
>poppy seed tea
is the brand in your op pic good
Yes, the bags vary in potency but I've never not gotten high.
Only 10 bucks for a bag on Amazon, same day delivered.
When I first started I would be high for 24 hours off a single dose
wait, you can actually get high off of this? That would explain why the bakery by my house runs out of poppyseed kolachs almost after opening every day.
Lock yourself in a motel room for a weekend and kick that shit. Alternatively, go to rehab, you are addicted to opium and it will destroy your life if you don't get rid of that addiction ASAP.
You can get high off poppy seed tea, but pastries and food with a little bit of poppy seeds like bagels or kolaches won't get you high.
You masturbated to this thought, didn't you!!
Perhaps he's using an EC stack for fat burning and not smoking crack with niggers you mong
>brewing 2lbs a day and gets sick if he doesn't dose
>using an EC stack for fat burning and is totally not spiraling into a crippling opium addiction
Sorry user Jesus said I had to repent and that means no more fornication even if its with myself
He thinks an ec stack 2x a day is an opium addiction
he literally smokes meth, coke, and heroin at his little gay soirees. please tell me more about MY CRIPPLING ADDICTION with your pozzed self.
Actually lets hear about your AIDS medication
Now that was just too much
do they get u opiate high? I might have to do this.
Also taper and switch to KRatom
i just order some how do I make it op?
>rehab and NA for a 2lbs a day """""addiction"""""
lol just harden the fuck up pussy, that's like 80mg of morphine MAX, just taper over a week or so
I used to do 4-5kg a day, just taper it's not too hard
Is there really too much
They literally posted a 14 year old getting chopped up over on /b/ last night from one of the gore tor sites. We both know that was nothing
yo I just bought this
well you tell me if this is right thing and how do I make it? How much with a low opiate tolerance?
Stop being mean to me, senpai.
>browsing /b/
Yeah don't do that.
jesus, is this what american education is?you know you can google something before making a fool out of yourself right?Tramadol is a synthetic opiate, and since you know nothing about what you are saying let me tell you, it means it IS a drug of the same family as morphine/fentanyl/heroine/codeine/oxy.Its 'great for coming off' of them because its the same shit, it was OTC the same way drugs like cocaine or heroine were available without prescription in germany at the end of 19th century, because they were fairly new discoveries and required reclassification just like tramadol which was put on the marked in 1977 (around 1997 in US).It is regarded as safer because has less impact on respiratory depression unlike morphine for example, but will addict as any other.
t. fucking dr who actually has to prescribe this shit to ignorant people like you
dont do what. Are you OP? Just tell me how to make it motherfucker
so why dont u give advice to OP instead of flexing your med student dick sucker..
Why the fuck would you want to make that poison anyway? Are you a junkie?
Being so mentally weak he can't gather strength from the most high to not ingest poison into his body
See Kakarot. You should have taken over that planet long ago
IF used a couple times a week it's just fine. I enjoy the Euphoria from opiates. Who doesn't
No, it's not fine.
Taking opiates for recreation is the dumbest fucking thing you can suggest.
Enjoy your junkie life. That's what you are, a junkie.
OMG save your fucking preaching. God put opiates just like every drug on the earth here for a reason.
Moderation is key, I just like the opiate high the best..
Kek, your usage of opiates in "moderation" is gonna get a lot worse real soon friend, and this is from someone who knows drug addicts.
Keep up that junkie logic if you want, but just know it's gonna bite you in the ass.
my knee jerk reaction was triggered after seeing someone uneducated in pretty serious topic talking complete bullshit without grain of doubt or research which would yield result in 0.23sec of google search,its not flexing rather rage caused by ignorant people, and since many take advice from this board its pretty good idea (at least imo) to make others do a reality check once a while by reading that someone is literally lying, not on purpose, but purely of laziness and ignorance.
But ill bite
there are 2 ways of doing this, you either go cold turkey and cease immediately, like detox, preferably in some clinic or if you can relate to close family for support and supervision, to make sure you stay clean.Clinic is most optimal since they can relatively treat withdrawal side effects with tranqualizers for sleep and other accessory shit if needed (seizures may occur, with varying severity).This option unfortunately leaves you in solitary confinement which can relate to job problems etc.
Second is to slowly tapper down.It requires steady supply of substitution drug like methadone/buprenorphine and must be, in some degree, supervised by professional for drugs and checkups.Unfortunately this is for most least effective way and many relapses are present.It doesnt fuck up work and normal life tho, and helps mostly people who are WILLING to quit.Personally i prefer second option, but everyone must remember that craving will stay with you for the rest of your life in lesser or greater extent.
are you foreign or why are you typing like that? you're already sounding like a junkie
your attitude is not the way to avoid addiction, wariness is the way to go. many many addicts started off where you are now and used the exact same line of reasoning.
t. has maintained < 1-2x/month opioid usage for 5 years
Yea been there done that. I live in the opiate capital of America palm beach county. We had pain clinics on every block, people came from all over the country to fill their script..
I even got addicted once like 8 years ago, quit cold turkey went through hell.
Still I have a fucking 8 pack and a degree, i'm not a degenerate. I can use drugs in moderation because I am strong mentally and physically.. I will make this tea twice a week and enjoy the Euphoria that comes with it..
Suck a dick you weak fuck.
>I cant handle drugs without becoming a dicksucking degenerate
>Nobody should use drugs.
Left wing cocksucker
>advise against making poppy seed tea because it is known to lead to opiate addiction
Whatever you say you insecure fuck.
>left wing cocksucker
Where did you even get this from?
White people make opiates hoping to mess up the blacks. It backfires and their white kids become strung out junkies
Sounds like karma
>white people make opiate
>nigger logic
How's that crack addiction coming along Jamal?
Have you tried glutamine?
Opiates are the literal worst, I've had 4 friends die from fentanyl overdose in the past two years.
but the chinese invented opium
Just waiting to watch when your gay blackmale video releases. I can even time the newfaggy shit you're gonna type
Sorry user. My family makes too much money to smoke crack. Pull up and try to whitney Houston me though. The dracos here waiting for you
It was b8 m8 to draw out the troll. We know the Chinese started that stuff
For a first time dose, take about 350 g of seeds and put into an large empty gatorade bottle or something with a lid, fill with water. Add a good amount of lemon juice, screw on the lid and shake for 5 minutes.
I then poke a hole in the bottle and squeeze out into a cup and drink it. You can also run it through a strainer, just Google a recipe there are a lot of ways to do it.
You won't be getting nearly any opiates off of that. Just quit, nothing that bad is going to happen to you.
Have you tried it before? Not OP but I've done it once or twice and got so high I was nodding off
It's placebo. The seeds themselves don't have opiates in them, but you often get trace residues from other parts of the plant which is why poppy seed bagels might come up in a drugs test. Nowhere near enough for any real effect tho.
This whole thread is very much getting high off banana peel tier.
thanks brah. Will do.
Your very much wrong, all it would take is a Google search to realize what an idiot you are. I've also used opiates before and know that you can't get a morphine high from "placebo" effect.
Don't talk about shit you don't understand.
Be safe user!
350g will probably kill you if you don't have a tolerance. the better brands can have ~1 mg morphine/1 g seeds
>inb4 moralfag
my man. between this tea, phenibut, kava and kratom Legal high is becoming easier and easier
i bought this.
I have tolerance, I use Kratom a few times a week
a poppy thread on my Veeky Forums?!
says a lot that I just got super excited to read this
anyway, speaking as someone who lost literally EVERYTHING over the EXACT SAME shit, stop now. Or go so hard that you wreck your life. Sometimes you need to hit the very bottom before you can climb back up
If you did a google search and were an opiate user you'd not only know that tolerance builds, but also that someone with no tolerance would need to take in upwards of a kilo just to get a mild high off a potent batch of seeds.
As it is you're a faggot trying to be cool on an image board.
That's a strong one, I've bought it before. 350g will kill you.
I don't know if kratom has cross-tolerance with actual opiates, but it doesn't sound like you have enough tolerance to pop 1/3g of morphine at once
cool i'll start with 150g. It shares a tolerance, they are cousins. This is why people can't use kratom to get off an opiate addiction
thanks user btw i legit would of used 350g. I pretty dumb IRL so.. appreciate it
spot the guy that doesn't have a job. protip: it is you
That shit shuts down your endocrine system.
That's why body builders use GHB to get off/ calm down
Educate yourself
If it's just poppy tea you can get off cold turkey just don't give up
>the better brands can have ~1 mg morphine/1 g seeds
You'd be lucky to get .1 mg in a gram.
are you the same faggot that didn't know you could get high from seed tea or is this a constructive post? I've been neck deep in the seed world for a minute and never seen an actual mg per g analysis.
Oh wow, the faggot is getting angry. If you want to make poppy tea you use the straw not the seeds. Unwashed seeds top out at about 200mg opioids in a kilo of seeds. This info is easily googlable.
>Unwashed seeds top out at about 200mg opioids in a kilo of seeds
oh right, you're trolling. carry on I guess
No need to get butthurt about it.
>wah wah I thought I was a junkie!
I mean come on, you dodged a retard bullet.
you are in some serious need of introspection my faggot friend
and I've got 10kg of muscle on you
By all means post pics froggot.
lol is it that obvious?
Is the subtle rage you can detect in the way I type.
I'm out of work, looking for work. Drugs and the gym are the only things keeping me from jumping off a bridge...
What the fuck are you even talking about retard?
>This is why people can't use kratom to get off an opiate addiction
wut? I thought kratom was exceptional at getting people off opiates because it provided similar effects but with a lower withdrawal/addiction symptoms? I've taken kratom a few times but not opiates, and I've never been addicted, so please correct me if I'm wrong.