For how many reps can you curl a helicopter Veeky Forums?

For how many reps can you curl a helicopter Veeky Forums?

I don't get why they keep showing Captain America's strength when he's literally the weakest Avenger besides Black Widow (who's not on steroids)

do we know what his strength is at? could he lift the truck like spiderman could?

about 6 or 7

He is stronger than ironman and hawkeye

One of the comics mentions that the only ones stronger than spiderman are thor, hulk and the thing
Proportional strength of a spider and all that jazz. Plus he's still a kid in the movie

He nearly beat Iron Man to death. Cap is really strong.
He's not as strong as Spidey but he's a better fighter.


cap is supposed to be as strong as the strongest humans at their peak

So basically he's just Brock Lesnar?

probably a bit stronger than that

>a capeshit thread on Veeky Forums


yeah that pissed me off, in the first iron man with the first iteration of his proper suit, he gets shot down from high altitude flight with a fucking tank round, and passed through the wing of a fighter jet, destroying it, and for the sake of the plot is able to get beaten in a fist fight with one of the most underwhelming heroes that struggled against loki. tony couldve killed loki when he showed up in the avengers and reached a stalemate against thor who also STRUCK HIM WITH LIGHTNING only to power him up, fucking gary stu bs he's worse than trunks

Except he's not. Fury has said that he can bench a minivan without breaking a sweat. As in that's not even his 1rm. He's literally stronger than Iron Man and is able to go head-to-head with Hulk and hold his own.

Besides, who doesn't like to see Evans showing off his body?

>He nearly beat Iron Man to death. Cap is really strong.
Lol he didnt

Remember it was 2 vs one

1 on 1 and iron man would have rekt cap

They showed that in the movie

Brock Lesnar with a shield and no drug testing?

all the steroids in the world pumped into Brock Lesnar with an indestructible shield

What always confused me about Captain America is why they didn't make more super soldiers like him. It only took them like an hour to give him his strength roids.

In the MCU he isn't though. He's better than Hawkeye at everything that isn't shooting a bow, he's a match for Black Panther when BP intends to kill him and he isn't willing to return the favor, he's Bucky's equal, and he's on even footing with most of the other high technology suit wearers in terms of physicality, with the possible exception of Iron Man, but he proved he could kick Tony's ass in close quarter combat, when Tony is lethally angry and Steve is just trying to disable Tony's suit.
He can run at least one 1 minute mile, he runs 13 miles in under half an hour for his morning warm-up, he benches 1100 for reps, can pose steady enough for an old, slow, film camera OHPing an 800 lb motorcycle that has 3 models sitting on it, and can hit a heavy bag a minimum of 3 times harder than Mike Tyson's peak (this assumes the chain he broke was ready to go and had negligible resistance).

These are minimums, and it's hard to prove an upper maximum. But the old comic books listed his strength as the strength of 10 Olympic strongmen.

I think they actually did, at least in the comics. The excuse they always gave though was they couldn't recreate the exact serum

They try, but the original formula is lost because of a Hydra attack, and the guy who invented it chose Steve Rodgers for his pure heart because the stuff tends to make men into monsters.

Lots of villains started as attempts to recreate the formula.

There are several heroes that got their power in super serum replication attempts as well, notably Power Man (Luke Cage).

wasn't there a bit where stark supposedly has cataloged the entirety of captain america's fighting moves, so if needed he could put him down?

>entirety of captain america's fighting moves
That's the thing though, Captain America is supposed to be the most skilled tactical genius/martial artist in Marvel, you catalog all his "moves" and he'll beat you with innovation.

Thor is a god, but Capt can fight him to a stand still, despite being marginally weaker than the weakest of the Asgardian companions, (if he has the shield, because of the kinetic wankery the shield does) because Capt can read the fight better than a god who's spent about a thousand years fighting the galaxy's toughest foes for fun.
Or something.

It's cape shit so it's all wank anyways.

>Captain America is supposed to be the most skilled tactical genius/martial artist in Marvel
Spiderman is actually. Cap is played up as such because without it he's pretty much fucked as a character.

He's basically a flying bulldozer with precognition, makes sense.

>Thor is a god, but Capt can fight him to a stand still,
This is dumb. Thor can literally blow up a continent from space.

Not saying you're wrong because:
>It's cape shit so it's all wank anyways.

But it's so dumb.

you're all such fucking nerds

Bitch, who gives a shit anymore?

>head-to-head with Hulk and hold his own
t. /co/