Is acne a sign that you have high test?
Is acne a sign that you have high test?
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no, it's a sign that you eat like shit, don't drink enough water, and don't change your pillow sheet often enough
>coping this hard
stop letting your girlfriend suck jamals cum and afterwards lick your face off
or since this is Veeky Forums, stop sucking tyrones cock and let him cum over you
it's a sign you have oily skin and will look 30yo at 50.
shut up
as soon as i cleaned my pillow and bed sheets, the little acne that i had went away and came back after a month or say without washing the sheets
>the little acne
you don't have true acne issues, you just have a few pimples once in a while, so stop thinking you have any clue what goes on with people who have actual problems
t. someone whose acne outburts are triggered by insulin spikes and can only be treated with medicine, not "lol wash your face faggit" bs I head all my teenage years and never worked
high estrogen actually
Pretty sure acne is oestrogen
shit genetics
>that you eat like shit
What exactly does eat like shit mean according to Veeky Forums? From what I understand the healthiest way to eat is being Vegan but that goes against what this board is about.
Signs of hyperestrogenism may include heightened levels of one or more of the estrogen sex hormones (usually estradiol and/or estrone), lowered levels of follicle-stimulating hormone and/or luteinizing hormone (due to suppression of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis by estrogen), and lowered levels of androgens such as testosterone (generally only relevant to males).[1] Symptoms of the condition in women may consist of menstrual irregularities, amenorrhea, abnormal vaginal bleeding, and enlargement of the uterus and breasts.[1][2] It may also present as isosexual precocity in children[1][2] and as hypogonadism, gynecomastia, feminization, impotence, and loss of libido in males.[3] If left untreated, hyperestrogenism may increase the risk of estrogen-sensitive cancers such as breast cancer later in life.
>bitter faggot with worse problems than others thinks he is automatically an expert at it
people like you are the most cancerous of all
no one gives a fucking shit about your problems, and just because ours isn't as prevalent doesn't make our opinions any less qualified than yours, you ugly sack of shit
Common side effects from testosterone medication include acne, swelling, and breast enlargement in males.[5] Serious side effects may include liver toxicity, heart disease, and behavioral changes.[5] Women and children who are exposed may develop virilization.[5] It is recommended that individuals with prostate cancer not use the medication.[5] It can cause harm if used during pregnancy or breastfeeding.
Before puberty effects of rising androgen levels occur in both boys and girls. These include adult-type body odor, increased oiliness of skin and hair, acne, pubarche (appearance of pubic hair), axillary hair (armpit hair), growth spurt, accelerated bone maturation, and facial hair.
The most common conditions associated with hyperandrogenism are polycystic ovary syndrome or PCOS, a set of symptoms caused by androgen excess in females, and various cancers that can cause androgen excess. In females, the condition usually present are some combination of acne, seborrhea (inflamed skin), hair loss on the scalp, increased body and/or facial hair (hirsutism), and an elevated sex drive or libido. The symptoms of hyperandrogenism are usually most effectively treated with antiandrogens.
Increased muscle strength and mass, shoulders become broader and rib cage expands, deepening of voice, growth of the Adam's apple. Enlargement of sebaceous glands. This might cause acne, subcutaneous fat in face decreases. Pubic hair extends to thighs and up toward umbilicus, development of facial hair (sideburns, beard, moustache), loss of scalp hair (androgenetic alopecia), increase in chest hair, periareolar hair, perianal hair, leg hair, armpit hair.
>I go a month without washing my sheets
Absolutely fucking disgusting
Endocrinologist put me on test when I was a teen and I immediately went pizzaface mode. After I quit test it got a little better but never truly stopped. Since I started lifting and drinking a lot of milk it's getting worse again. It definitely seems to be related to some sort of hormone imbalance but not necessarily too much test because some of the worst pizzafaces are grills.
Girls can have high test levels too though. Look up PCOS
Some girls are prescribed spironolactone to treat their acne.
Fix your gut. Drink kombucha or eat fermented foods to fix you leaky gut / inflamation and eat a lot of vegetables to detox. Acne is when your body can't clean you of all the toxins in your organs in time so it does it with your skin. Learned it the hard way trust me.
I've literally never had acne. Someone explain
>literally never had a highly genetic problem
dont listen to kombucha guy
by his logic you can fix world peace by drinking literal fungus
>From what I understand the healthiest way to eat is being Vegan
Healthiest way to eat is to eat food as it is in nature, simple as that. The less it's processed, the better
You have naturally dry skin. Not a bad thing but you are more prone to things like dandruff.
no it means you don't take care of yourself properly, plain and simply.
It's nothing magical, you just repopulate your gut with good bacteria that absorbs the nutrients like you should and cleanse your organs so you don't get inflamation (wich leads to acne).
Keep eating accutane pills and giving money to the (((pharmaceuticals))) goy.
buch is good tho
>no one gives a fucking shit about your problems
hes talking about his acne in an acne thread, also im on antibiotics because even though ive done everything recommended i still have acne
have you tried not eating like shit lol
what does it mean when you have oily skin and have dandruff?
You clearly have never had a problem with acne... Not that user, I have a very controlled nutrition and I'd see my friends eating shit all the time. And while they had at most the ocasional pimple and some whiteheads, if I slipped for a week or so, I'd soon be in for a face full of inflammated points.
>4 posts off
dandruff is oily, that user is conflating dandruff with dry scalp flakes.
Fake news.
when's the last time you saw a big strong chad with acne? acne is almost exclusively reserved for low test nerds.
There could a be a link between the two. Testosterone increases sebum production, and sebum is what causes hair follicles in the skin to get clogged and cause the acne.
at the same time, it definitely helps to keep your fucking face clean and to make sure you're drinking enough water to keep the skin at a solid base line of health
That doesn't help for shit if you have cystic/nodular acne deep underneath the skin.
You are actually fucking retarded dude. Literally the same as the guy who goes to deformed 1/10s and says 'just b urself XD'
High test levels don't mean anything
>used to go a year or two without washing my sheets
N-n-nobody ever taught me to do so!
Though I do it regularly now. It's just so fucking hard to do laundry when your entire apartment complex has two fucking washers that cost $1.50 a load.
If you said that to my face I'd pummel you, kid
Is it really that bad?
I usually just sleep on my mattress because I don't want to set up the sheets every night
No, it means you have shit genetics. Daily reminder that acne products are all bullshit and you can get rid of acne with just soap and water
>tfw all of these but only a few pimples every now and again
I believe in taking care of myself, and a balanced diet and a rigorous exercise routine. In the morning, if my face is a little puffy, I'll put on an ice pack while doing my stomach crunches. I can do a thousand now. After I remove the ice pack, I use a deep pore cleanser lotion. In the shower, I use a water activated gel cleanser. Then a honey almond body scrub. And on the face, an exfoliating gel scrub. Then apply an herb mint facial mask, which I leave on for 10 minutes while I prepare the rest of my routine. I always use an aftershave lotion with little or no alcohol, because alcohol dries your face out and makes you look older. Then moisturizer, then an anti-aging eye balm followed by a final moisturizing protective lotion.
Same price for me bro and same amount of washers. I still do my sheets regarly but thats also because my girlfriend accidentally bleeds on them every month.
Sali acid +aht+peroxide killed my face acne 2x a day got rid of my acne. Still get periodic pimples, but I'm not as rigorous as before.
My back is covered in this shit though. Trying 3 months of acid treatment then I'm going accutane.
Speaking of acne, anybody know what these red dots on my thigh are?
Any ways to get rid of them?
i refuse to believe this
in grown hairs
what kind of child are you dating that she bleeds on the sheets every month? a couple times a year is understandable but ask her when she plans to grow up
t. a fucking girl that doesn't bleed on the sheets like an animal
well thats not healthy
are you exaggerating? how does she not catch it every month before she bleeds on the bed?
That's... disgusting. Are you poor?
It's actually a sign of high estrogen, guys that get acne when taking steroids attribute it to high estrogen and treat it with anti-estrogens for clear skin
Your skin is the largest organ you have. It's bound to have some sort of imperfection at times. Those things are simple, most likely ingrown hairs thanks to wearing clothes. Don't worry about them, and wear looser clothing. Change your underwear daily.
I have my liver and kidneys for that.
There's normie tier acne, which is a few zits here and there, typically the result of hormonal instability in teenagers that can be mitigated by lifestyle, diet and other small changes.
Then there's actual acne, which is a medical condition typically from hyperactive sebum glands that needs to be tackled with real medication/medicine. Starting from the least side effect intensive to the most intensive. spot treatments (hydrochloric acid, silicic acid, benzoyl peroxide), antibiotics, accutane.
Having people with normie tier fucking skin tell people with a genuine medical condition how to solve their problem based on their personal anecdotal experiences is basically just another version of "jus b konfident bro".
t. acne free at 22 after severe cystic acne after two cycles of accutane.
If you've got a bad acne problem, go and see a dermatologist, don't listen to meme normie advice on the internet. If your acne is bad those people don't have a fucking clue what they're talking about.
Dare I say, London?
not really, just a lazy student
Bullshit. I eat junk food all day, don't drink enough and I never change my pillow. yet I never had acne or any other skin problems.
I'm 22 and I tried bunch of prescription free stuff against acne. Nothing helped. And people saying acne comes up because of oily skin aren't right, not in my case anyway.
I have acne on forehead but area around my nose gets really dry so I have to use hydrocortisone now so they skin doesn't scale and then the nose it self is oily as fuck.
Also I have tons of moles on my face, they can be surgically removed but that costs shit ton. Migh do it a free uni.
Called my clinic they said that next thing to try is antibiotics against acne. Still not sure if I want to do it.
Sucks to have shitty face genetics. My overal body is actually issue free, seems like everything went in to face.
I be certain best friend had been realie taking h0me money part-time on their apple laptop. . there friend brother haz done this 4 less than 10 months and as of n0w paid the loans on their h0me and bourt a brand new Cadillac .
look at this...________
Get a load of this faggot
I had terrible acne. Only accutane will fix. Fuck everything else
Does black people suffer from acne?
I always hear germanic (white) people suffering from acne
Why germanics suffer from acne?
I feel you bro. I had severe cystic acne from ages 15 to 18. Only after 3 years of social withdrawal I had the courage to go on Accutane.
>lol user just stop picking your face
>user just use Clerasil
>bro just wash your face
What the fuck?
4 years here and first time i see a spambot
Just do it. Antibiotics isn't bad, there's basically no side effects and if it works then good, if it doesn't you can "upgrade" to Accutane (or a stronger antibiotic first) which will almost definitely fix your problem.
I had acne until I was 22 as well, tried everything prescription and prescription free until I did Accutane which is the only thing that worked. It also got rid of my oily hair and face.
I will after reading this thread.
Acne is really demoralizing. 17-18 ok but 22 isn't.
There were couple of them on /pol/ like 4 months ago. Mods warned not to reply to them since it can get you accidentally baned too.
I get legitimately triggered when people talk about their "skin problems" (usually one or two zits).
Also Accutane sides can be bad but it's worth hanging in there.
Am I supposed to exfoliate with St. Ives apricot scrub even if I have scabs from acne on my face?