can i get some tips for longevity? what should my diet & workout look like if i want to live for as long as possible
Can i get some tips for longevity? what should my diet & workout look like if i want to live for as long as possible
I heard fasting makes you live longer
vegetarian relatively low fat, focus on cardio only
live like a pussy
Drink the blood of children.
Why the fuck do you want to live as long as possible?
I'm blowing my brains out at 60 no matter what.
And to anyone that isn't a loser like OP
You're welcome
>focus on cardi only
Retarded. Every human being should be doing some sort of strength training 2-3 days a week. Especially old people. Weakness is one of the main reasons old people fall.
fruit, veggies, avoid high amounts of saturated fats and simple carbs, strengthen your bones and muscles by lifting, strengthen your heart by doing cardio
fuck off
That´s how you get alzheimers. You seem to be oblivious to the fact that your brain is a high fat organ. Ergo you need high fat for maximum life quality.
Trip so I can filter you shill
>live like a monk, grow your own food, raise your own animals, 10hrs of sleep daily, no stress, genuinely happy
>get cancer at 50 anyway
why bother? enjoy your stay on planet earth and pig the fuck out @ pleasure island
Veg of all kinds
Clean meats mostly fish and chicken and wild game.
Little to no sugar
Keep hydrated
Eat between 800-1500 calories a day depending on sex and size.
Exercise is basic calisthenics some stretching and long walks.
Get sunlight, cut back on or eliminate all electronic polution. Drink rain water if you live in an unpoluted place. Learn how to completely eliminate stress from your life.
Find something mentally stimulating.
Keep physically active.
it does. calorie restriction leads to longevity
literally just keep running forever OP and gain that sweet immortality
>posture work
>hip and shoulder mobility
>strength training core, especially horizontal pulls
>training for falling down/judo
>Neck strengthening
>hand dexterity
>eye exercises
>feet strengthening
Be a monk, basically.
Healthy vegan diet. People saying "eat meat" have never researched nutrition.
OP, keep in mind that you're going to get old and your body will start to fail no matter what you do. You have to mitigate those effects somehow or else it becomes a slippery slope. The #1 killer of otherwise healthy old people is malnutrition - which can mainly be caused by lack of mobility. You stop moving, you stop burning calories, and you start to lose your appetite.
Be flexible, stay mobile, eat well.
Youre gonna get to 60 and change your mind fag
Roll for longevity
lifelong calorie restriction is the only way