Why aren't you sipping the superior sips?

Why aren't you sipping the superior sips?

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I disagree with his politics but I do enjoy his sips.

I'm gonna need to buy his sips now.

never gonna make it


Kys you clickbait shill

Fuck nazis

Back to /pol/, idiot.

hello samefag. fuck off to plebbit, Veeky Forums is a nat-soc board and always has been

#swole left amirite

swole left is an oxymoron

literally half the board is gay and 90% of this board doesn't give a fuck about politics

/pol/ is /r9k/ tier

put your head back up your asshole and pretend everything is fine you naive fool; one day when it hits you on a personal level and you realize how fucked things are you will hear a large 'pop' sound, which will be the time your head leaves your cavernous multi-culturally enriched asshole.

Hello newfag. Learn how to read those numbers down in the lower right corner you fucking dunce.

I only drink true sips

>gayest board on Veeky Forums

lol fuck off you edgelord faggot

>; one day when it hits you on a personal level and you realize how fucked things are you will hear a large 'pop' sound

I hate lefties but you natsoc are just as bad, you're just not in power at the moment

You are not wrong sir

*sips fedora*

lifting did the opposite for me, i was a natsoc cosplayer on /pol/ until i actually went to a gym, talked with a couple of black dudes there and realized they were chill and pretty funny, realized how stupid and insecure most of /pol/ is and never went back since.


Do you talk that way to your gf?

While I agree with your views you realize they are anecdotal, right?

I'm not saying every black person is perfect, but it woke me up to how generalizing I was being.

>was unironically a racist
wew lad, what country are you from

>personal anecdotal experience beats develpoments that involve millions of people
fuck off man

Of course one can get along with almost everyone
Doesnt change that the future for eurpeans is fucked

Youre not supposed to larp as an disciple of a failed ideology but just ignoring reality will fuck you up given enough time

Anecdotal evidence is still useful, if not dispositive. Personal experience is often more relatable and compelling than stats or whatever, so providing that type of anecdotal evidence can encourage people to try the same thing he did.

S I P B O Y S 2 0 1 7

Just ignoring syntax will fuck up your ability to express yourself bro

>I come along with some nice foreigners, therefore I let millions of them migrate to my country what causes terrorism and rape of our women
>but fuck you you nazi #refugees welcome



You make much English

You give much arguments

You does many how you say uh

/pol/ is shit
But so are blacks.

It's just not fun hanging around touchy morons. No other race is miserable in the way blacks and especially mulattos are.

I was the exact opposite. When I was 13-14 I lived in the country and since I was never exposed to cities, gays, mexicans and black people often, i assumed they were like me and my white town.

Then I went to fucking houston. Yea sounds like a redneck city huh? Hell no. That place was full of trash. I saw homeless blacks bumming cigerattes off of black cops, a gay guy even tried to get my number, he must of been college age but still. And the people were assholes ALL THE time...

That's when it hit me. I prefer to live amongst white people, for obvious reasons. They are more polite, have more respect for the environment, and generally disagree with flaming pedo homos.

Then again, I live in texas. Maybe theven northern whites are gay af. Idk.