/fat/ - Fat Fucks General

Who is /fat/ for? Fat members of Veeky Forums who want to lose weight

>Even though it is easier to ask, ignore the read the sticky fags
>Calculate your Body Fat Percentage
fitness.bizcalcs.com/Calculator.asp?Calc=Body-Fat-Navy (Gonna need waist/neck measurements)
>Calculate your TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure)
If you eat 500 less than that daily you lose weight, can go lower but never very low
>Plan your weight loss week by week
>Track your calories and macros with MyFitnessPal, works best on smartphones

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I'm not gunna make it.

i had like 5 (bakery style) cookies today.
could even be 6.
i feel like a fucking asshole. wasted a whole day from that, cookies should be outlawed.

Was 380lbs at the start of November, weighed 223 today, Started Fin the same time as my diet, bald spot gone and my hair line is going back down my forehead. Getting laser eye surgery in 3 weeks so no more glasses.

Really turning my life around at this point, I just wish I didn't wait till I was 32 to do it

nigga just stop eating so much, why u need a thread for

That Wojak freaks me out OP

learn from your mistakes pham.
now you know what you need to do next time

Did my Tdee 23 days ago on an estimate of my weight since I dont own a scale, been on MFP for 22 days now cutting. How long until I see results? Or feel them? I was told as someone numerically morbid obese the weight would fly off but I honestly cant tell and dont know if Im cutting enough. I havent gone over 1900 and my tdee was like 2400

>160lb lose

You psmf it?

It's very hard to see the changes without help as it's so gradual. Use something like before/after-pictures, a scale or measuring tape for your stomach.

No, just counted cals and eat clean

Am I being inefficient at weight loss? I'm current eating 700 kcal less than needed and I'm losing weight, but I'm not at all caring if the calories are carbs or fat. Would I lose weight faster if I go low carb?

Have a cold kill me.
On the brightside I have next to no appetite.

Calories in vs calories out, nice work bro

after a month of going to the gym for 5 days a week, do you change your calculations to moderate ? instead of sedentary

Up to you whether you eat back your calories or not.

> first day at gym
> have doms all over my upper body (i skipped leg exercise lul)

/fat/, how do i get over this?

keep training you fucking fat cuck bitch

You gays like sitting your Nigger buttons?

but my body is too fucking sore. i cant even fully stretch my arms. do you want me to die?

DOMS is a good thing

you dont need to fully stretch your arms to train legs. now go workout legs tomorrow

question is, when do i go back? do i still workout even with a sore body? cant even a do 1 curl rep

yes sir

I wanna die

im not gonna make it

6'0 165, ~18% bf? feel like I can't get bf lower

Good work man.

How low cals did you go?

800 or so under maintenance which I know is a little to low but I'm maintaining it

Started at 220 lbs and now I'm down to 162 lbs after a year. I'm having a REALLY difficult time saying no to sweets. It feels like I'm being hypnotized. I wolfed down 3 cinnabon cinnamon rolls in minutes. I restrict calories almost for an entire day since I do intermittent fasting, but by the end of the day, I'm not craving food. I'm craving tons of sweet shit.

Any advice? Any alternatives that worked for you guys?

solid day boys.

How'd you guys do?

i allow myself into 1-2 cheat meals per week.
this way you can look forward for that day and not go off on your diet

Lost 130 pounds. I gave everything i have to give and i just can't give no more. Im at the end of my rope and wanna die.

>tfe on

are you a giant or something
post stats

Why are you eating three different types of oats in the morning?

Pretty solid.

I'm 6'4" and weigh around 300 lbs. I've put on all the weight within the past 3-4 years or so. I used to be very active, running 5 km every day no matter what, jump rope, sports, and of course lifting. I tried running couch to 5km not log ago and dropped it. I've never liked running, but forced myself to do it anyways. Since gaining 80-90 lbs, I'm out on running, go ahead and judge me. My favorite method of exercise was always lifting, namely that 5x5 program, the name evades me. I was bench pressing 300+, squatting 400+, you get the idea. I've lifted all my life, what I'm interested in is a program that would suit someone who knows proper form and used to lift big, but needs to start fresh. I have enough knowledge to figure something out on my own, I'm looking for input and advice, unless someone can point me to a program that exists for this very reason.

Tldr; don't stop lifting don't get fat, namaste

What do you mean? I'm 165 cutting to 155.

Bulked to 180.

I post in these threads because they are the most consistent and positive diet threads on Veeky Forums.

It's pretty interesting reading all these stories of people here, from the fat to the obese. Pretty motivational stuff t(b)h, some of you guys literally starve yourselves at 250+lbs.

I enjoy the texture of quick oats, steel cut for the minimal better nutritional profile, oat bran for added volume.

I usually only eat oats on heavy lifting days, that's why my carbs are so high.

Thanks for the advice. I'll invest in a calendar and set cheat days like that.

Does anyone recommend those flavor squeeze things you squeeze into waterbottles to flavor them?

I personally find the company of fat people to be much more enjoyable than extremely in shape people

the world would be an awful, awful place if everyone was in amazing shape and 10-18% body fat

I used to wrestle in college so I used to cut weight fairly frequently. Generally, protein rich foods leave you feeling fuller longer. Compare say a patty of meat vs a Twinkie. Both around 150ish calories. After one Twinkie you don't feel full. Now that's an extreme example but it demonstrates that a high carb diet won't fill you and thus makes it easier to slip (that's why people slip and eat a fuck ton of cookies or other junk food). It all depends what's in your diet but there's a reason chicken or turkey is always brought up- it's God tier when you're trying to cut calories. That's not to say you don't need carbs all together, you'll feel like shit without them. Just keep them in moderation.

Yes. When you start working out the soreness goes away.

i got an ex-fatty friend that made it few months back. he got a little douche-y for some reason after losing all the weight.

Whey protein shake.
Greek yogurt with whey.
Protein bars
Halo top ice cream.

I think it happens more to people that went from fat to fit. They seem to have a chip on their shoulder, for whatever reason. I went from fit to fat and my personality hasn't been effected. Also, the people I know who've been fit all their lives are normal. Some are bros, some are cunts, nothing unusual.

>only 6 cookies
>not a whole bucket


>Some are bros, some are cunts, nothing unusual.

ya true

same. I actually had a couple friends like that. I mean I don't blame em they turned into sick cunts, but still... little empathy goes a long way these days

>Greek yogurt with whey.
this shit is so sweet and tasty it feels like a cheat code

I just made a protein shake of 2 cups of almond milk, and 2 cups of vanilla creme whey, and it was probably the best tasting thing I've ever had

why did I never figure this shit out before?

2 scoops of whey***

>a high carb diet won't fill you

Maybe if you tried some carbs other than highly processed wheat dust with sugar.

Fat people aren't human they don't deserve empathy.

some don't, but some do.


I'm having difficulties getting my fat goals for each day. What could I add to my meals to make up for it?
I'm and this is a very typical day for me.

Was the almond milk sweetened? I was thinking of picking up some today to add to my smoothies.

Bump this shit.

was constantly yo-yoing between 220-225, was ready for a slight increase today, got on and down a few ounces

Nice one, now to see if the drop increases tomorrow again. Current diet is going very well.

Any recommendations for diet cereal?

I don't want to lose weight,I just want to be fit.Bmi is currently 26.What do?I can only do 10 women push-ups in a set

Do sets.
Also do inverted rows and progress to chinups.

ok senpai thanks for the advice,planning to join the military soon so gotta get fit at least

5'9" king of manlets reporting in. I used to be like 200lbs, started dieting in October and I'm now 156lbs. Want to lose about 10 more lbs, but I've plateaued hard, going to have to double down. So many people notice how much weight I've lost, especially around my face. If it wasn't for you guys it never would have happened.

Still have fat on my belly though that I can't seem to get rid of. How do I get a flat stomach and no love handles without starving myself?

Guys, hit a plateau. I don't know if it's because I started taking Depakote or because of my water intake, which has decreased (it's way colder now). Feels pretty bad. I lost 10 kg already, but now I'm stuck and kind of depressed. Obviously not giving up, but damn... This is like a slap in the face

Does anyone have experience with dmaa?
I'm currently taking a fat burner with dmaa, mainly because of the superb appetite suppression but i sleep about 2 hours less each night due to it

Do I get more tolerant to it after a while and sleep better?

is there any point in lifting at the gym or should i just do cardio?

My old job (hotel) had free cookies out for guests but employees would snag them too. I could have 6 or 7 apiece at 300calories each

What's worse is if you were alone, you couldn't really take an actual lunch break so you'd snack throughout the day to not lose energy

I gained so much weight stress eating at that job.

cut out the shredded wheat and milk

there, you just cut out 880 calories and 1280 mg of sodium

add some fruit back to get some of the calories back if you want to hit 1500

Lifting is always beneficial senpai.

I'm just thinking time basis wise.

I'm pretty /fat/. Probably better to do cardio instead of lifting?

I need help bros. Due to finals and my voracious appetite, I quit working out for 3 weeks and gained 18 pounds. I need help with my macros, under a low fats diet. Im 6'2 210 and 24. My tdee is 2500 cals and im vack at the gym with a ppl routine. Anyone with the same stats can you give me an example of your macros pleasr

Losing fat without lifting is a typical rookie mistake

You'll not only lose weight much faster with adding lifting to your routine due to the hormones and due to bigger muscles burning fat 24/7 opposed to cardio only burning fat during cardio, you also won't look like a shit dyel skinny fat skelly hybrid with stretch marks after your cut

you don't have a macro issue you have a over eating.
You're blaming over eating on your finals but if your finals were really that rough you would lose more weight as you wouldn't have time to eat.
same way people blame laziness on being fat, if you were truly lazy you would be underweight not fat.

>started 26/03 at 126 kg (277lbs)
>now 121kg
probably slow progress but this is the first time in my life that im not at my highest weight

You gained 18 lbs in 3 weeks? Might as well reconsider if you even currently possess the mental capacity to lose weight

Losing fat with a low fat diet is stupid and you should actively start reading about dieting my dude
Stop counting macros altogether for now and just focus on eating healthy and hit your caloric goals with said healthy food

You are 6'2 and 210 and your tdee is 2500? I kind of doubt that because my tdee is 3400 and I'm 6'4 and 230 lbs

What's your BMR?

I made/am making this mistake. I'm losing fat, but I look so weird cause my legs are still big, but my upper body is sad.

>lost 5kg in a month
That's pretty decent. Not shabby at all.

A kg a week is good progress man! Great work! Keep at it

what program?

thanks my dudes

I use to be 280 and i lost around 95 pounds completely at my lowest. I wasnt lazy, i was tired from sleeping 4 hours a night cramming for a month and a half. When i was tired and needed to keep myself up I drank loads of energy drinls and ate snacks to keep myself going and motivated. In 3 years i never slipped up but I did once now. I already relish in self-hatred. When i came on Veeky Forums for the first time as a fat asshole someone gave great advice and told me its the journey to making yourself the best you can be, not rhe end goal. This is the lowest point right now but not the end of the journey by far.
I lost weight by imf and iifym but at 15-20 bf my lofys started to suffer so i went into keto cycling and made my high carb days the heavy pull days. I never measure bmr cause with muscle its a shit way to measure yourself. I am around 20-26 bf% just by looking at those bf image charts. I just need macros man

How tall are you

5'5" almost 5'6"

Just drink water you mong

I am and all I can say is that everything you say is complete garbage

You'd rather drink energy drinks and eat snacks instead of maybe coffee and nuts (which would have helped with studying and as a snack.. but then again.. you're on a low fat diet)
Maybe you're just not completely ready for a weight loss. If you've really lost 95 pounds then good on you, but you're already gaining it back so yeah

Why do you even do shit like keto cycling or carb refeeding? Just stick to a fucking regular weight loss diet which is decreasing your kcal amount. Shit like this makes the average fatty give up way too fast because that's just how fat people are

You also say measuring your BMR is shit an unreliable but yet you believe in your tdee?

You lost 10 lbs in a month despite being 277 lbs at 5'5?

Jesus dude you need to step up your game because with that fat level you could have easily lost 20 lbs in a month

I mean, I was out of the country for a third of that time

Listen my small dude, I'm not even trying to talk you down.
Just know that you could lose much more weight if you'd put more effort into this

Yeah i know, Im getting right back into it now that I'm back

>local papa does 50% off every Monday
>ordering the same thing on the same day every week for years
>always break down

That's okay, I'll just order smaller sizes and only eat a few sli-

>eat two whole pizzas

do I have to remove pizza from my life to make it? And any tips for self control?

Not eating enough is real bad, right? I just started to diet last week and some online resources say I should have 2000 calories a day to be in a healthy deficit but that seems like a lot. I'm eating 2 eggs for breakfast, a large salad with chicken and egg for lunch and usually a tuna sandwich and veg for dinner, and may daily calories aren't at 2000 according to this calorie tracking app.
What do?

>2000cal is a deficit

Eat more

6ft 230lbs

Don't lie to yourself buddy you're 5'5"

You realize a whole pizza can be 4k+ calories depending on what you put on it. You've really got to track your daily calorie intake.

What I like to do, when I feel hunger pangs and am cutting, is drink a glass of water, followed by a (measuring) cup of milk, then another glass of water.

You can either eat less or exercise/move more, the latter seems to be more enjoyable.

I'll probably actually start going to the gym. I can't really lose much more weight, so exercise seems like the best bet.

It really does wonders for weight loss, with some sort of daily exercise (gym/HIIT/running) I manage to maintain or even lose some weight without even measuring calories. Still gonna measure them because I know I can let myself go if I'm not careful but it's easy as fuck when you're an active dude.

>just starting to see results and feel pretty good all round
>go out walking and see people who are not much more JUSTed than me at my worst

fuck that never again

24 hour fast today, lads. Will I make it?

only if I don't roll doubles