Best lifting advice you ever got
>You deserve the amont of results from the work you put in
Best lifting advice you ever got
>tren hard or go home
>Pain is temporary, glory is eternal
Can be applied to more than lifting
Eat your cum when you masturbate to boost test
Changed my life
Those advices are shitty and crossfit tier
no u
more volume
> shitting on functional strength
Get out
"Lower, faggot!"
>Pain is temporary
Then why do I read stories about permanent injuries that cause pain for life?
All life ends eventually, so the quote aint wrong
depressing quins of truth
holy shiaaat
I dont know if it counts as lifting advice but it was given to me in the gym
>dont give your money to a fund buy index stocks instead.
>general life advice
>Never eat raspberries
this is true.
>squat plugs don't actually help your squats
nicely put
>You have to breathe during squats
Progressive overload. Single handedly the most important thing.
Workout plans, exercises, free weights, machines, rep ranges, high volume, low volume it's all fucking bullshit. There are people with amazing results that do completely different type of workouts because it ALL WORKS.
BUT. You MUST progressively overload your muscles. You need to have a goal when you step into the gym. You need to actively think about progressing on your lifts. It doesn't matter if it's isolation, compound, machine or free weight. Just try to do MORE what you did last time(s)
Fucking checked