/FAT/ General

> tfw to smart to count calories edition

>> 41295335
previous thread over 300lbs

Who is /fat/ for? Fat members of Veeky Forums who want to lose weight

>Even though it is easier to ask, ignore the read the sticky fags
>Calculate your Body Fat Percentage
fitness.bizcalcs.com/Calculator.asp?Calc=Body-Fat-Navy (Gonna need waist/neck measurements)
>Calculate your TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure)
>Plan your weight loss week by week
>Track your calories and macros with MyFitnessPal, works best on smartphones

Other urls found in this thread:


whoever keeps trying to link new threads at the end, learn to link properly. >>xxxxxxxx no space between number from new thread and >>.

good work out this morning, now i can relax the rest of the day

Where is the fucking skeleton general? /FAT/ is on here everyday by I never see one for recovering skellys

Holy shit I went to /pol/ for w/e reason and they're fucking retarded.

Glad to be back among my /fat/ bros.

I drank a 12 pack of beer today and didn't eat shit else.

I'm really drunk so fuck yeah!

because they all die they never recover

take the redpill mate. it hurts at first but then you find true joy.

that wojack ant even fat

What the fuck am I looking at?

all the leaders of the communist revolution that happened prior to hilters rise. The leaders were all atheist marxist jews. they intended to take over germany and then hand it over to the soviets. when hitler said the jews wanted to destroy germany he wasnt referring to deli owners but these people.

The communists also killed several million ethnic germans.

Sadly, the Left in good old 'murricah have, for some reason, left this out of history books.

While I'm 100% convinced that there was a conspiracy against Nazi Germany by the Jews (the word 'Nazi' was itself a slur), I'm not sure the Nazis handled it the best way. I mean, the best way to beat the left is to let them think the way they think and then destroy themselves.

as fascinating as it is, are theses jewish marxists trying to lose weight or is all this off topic?

> lose a bucket of weight
> still a broke boi
> cant afford new clothes

i didn't plan this through i guess

havent all previous threads been literally people complaining about being hungry and posting myfitnesspal pics. by this point everyone should know, eat under maintence, do cardio and shit. might as well talk about other stuff.

Can I presevre muscle or gain strength on a 1.5lb a week deficit if I eat 200g protein at 240 pounds?

Thrift stores. Goodwill specifically generally only takes nice things and most are all $3-5 each

you dont need 200g of protein. that 1g per 1lb is lean muscle and its still an overestimate.

went to the doctor yesterday , 25 pounds down
bloodpresure is down getting blood tests as well

Why did you use a sad pepe user

I haven't had a regular shit in two weeks.

you stop and it stops being enjoyable
it's why Veeky Forumss can't understand /fat/s

it's the gap that sucks

noice work

>lose a bunch of weight
>buy all new shit
>donate all fatty shit
>gain enough weight back that I have to buy slightly bigger shit

I better fucking get back on track this summer

better to be skinny in fatfuck clothes than fat in Veeky Forums

But will I keep my gains and be able to continue to improve in calisthenics

Any meal advice for bringing lunch to work?


shouldn't it be
1. get skinny
2. get proper gainz

1. get hidden gains under the fat supposedly
2. stay fat

cook a weeks worth at once
put it in tupperware
take it to work

I incorporated pushups and meditation into my life to help my focus and now I don't want to lose my pushup gainz with a crash cut

Simplest advice you can get.
Occasionally skip lunch if you're not going to have a hectic or exhaustive day.

Remember that most liquids that people mindlessly drink have more then enough calories for an entire meal or can be the entire daily calorie allowance of women or smaller men. So drink only water

Eat veg and clean meats and maybe a fruit, or a well balanced home cooked/prepared lunch. Homecooked food is almost always healthier than anything prepared or premade.

Or you can YOLO and eat whatever you want. BUT make damned sure it well within your calorie allowance for the day. If it goes over eat less for dinner or skip dinner altogether.

you shouldn't be crash cutting anyway

I'm just saying don't use gainz as an excuse to overeat, we're all /fat/ty here, I know how you are

I was more asking for recipes or ideas

skipping meals is bad especially if you're trapped somewhere there is only a vending machine and mcshits or whatever you have near work

chicken rice broccoli in tupperware
rice chicken broccoli in tupperware
broccoli rice chicken in tupperware
broccoli chicken rice in tupperware
rice broccoli chicken in tupperware
chicken rice broccoli in tupperware

You'll have to figure Friday out on your own

4 boiled eggs
hot sause
1 half head of cabbage
eat the eggs first
then eat the cabbage with the hot sause

are you a fucking moron?

4 eggs then the cabbage?

obviously you eat an egg, some cabbage, an egg, repeat

hotsauce on errything

jesus /fat/ is as bad as Veeky Forums

>hit thrift stores
>it's always filled with moms literally buying everything wearable so they can resell it on their facebook trading groups for profit
>their facebook clothes sell for as much as clothes from a decent store

>Broke nofap

Never making that mistake again

>Go to walmart
>Get the plain canned beef in broth and the soup of your choice (lentil is great)
>Combine the cans, heat and eat

Gets me through my 30 minute lunch break for only ~$4, some good shit

you joke but i eat rice and chicken every day, only thing i change is the veggies.

Nofap is a meme

I'm starting to think so as well. I'm not the guy you replied to but I haven't jacked off in almost 3 weeks and I don't feel any different.

I wish. I was a week into it and the energy buzz was the only thing keeping me going during the carb/calorie cutting.

>Heavy fatigue
>Sinus headaches
>Aches in back and joints

30 min of dick rubbing wasn't worth it

What is the mechanism by which orgasm by masturbation causes rapid physical illness, but orgasm by sex doesn't?


it's me birthday girl again, beach trip is only 10 days away. I still think I look like shit even though I'm only a few pounds away from goal. Considering doing a protein shake fast for a week.

What's a good pace for losing weight? Started in September '16, went from 169lb to 145. Feel like I could've done better, by my initial calculations I was supposed to be 140 lb this month.

2lb a week is comfortable, more if ultrafat

>800 kcal
What in the Hou Yi do you think you're doing?

almost there anons, last 15lbs..

>tfw stretch marks already
>haven't even lost that much weight

4'11 grill?

For manlets/women that is perfectly fine

5'8 135ish lbs scales are fucked
friends are coming to the beach, I have to look better than them because they all know I work out and they dont, so doing a crazy cut.

I did a shit ton of cardio today.

Wouldn't that be 1000 kcal deficit? I'm not a neet

you get stretch marks from gaining weight faster than your skin can stretch, not from losing weight.

idk if it's stretch marks then, it's like loose skin, sorry.

like if i pinch my skin around my belly it's getting loose.

>Where is the fucking skeleton general?
Why dont you make one?

It's pretty easy to eat that little

I could show you what real stretch marks look like but I don't want to post my fatass online

Seriously fuck these cunts. Biggest shits on the entire internet. I wouldn't mind if they altered them or did something like take them in for smaller/bigger sizes but they just straight up put hem back on fb for 2-3 times the thrift store price

Me so far today, feels good man. My Gi is starting to feel small around my stomach. I have training again tonight so I'll probably have a 1000ish cal dinner. Gonna cook up a shitload of mince and veggies.

height n weight?

What better place for bulking advice than /fat/?

1 month in started at 290 now im down to 270

6'3" and as per scales this morning 85kg (but gonna say 88kg as it's probably mostly water weight from a 13hr sleep)

I agree and disagree.
I gym 6x a week and if I fap before a gym day it makes it difficult to go. Like the motivation factor is 0.

So I fap the night before my rest day every week and that's it. Nice orgasms and motivation doesn't become an issue.

i'm 6'1 and weigh 90 kgs / 200 lb

i think following a beginners lifting routine and doing some cardio on off days while eating at/ slightly below maintenance is a sound strategy. what do you guys think?

noice, i just did my kangeroo + broccoli cook up an hour ago

You know, Hitler wasn't actually all that right-wing. He was nationalist, but he wouldnt have been able to take power if he wasn't restricting liberties, which is pretty left. And the people who ruled the republic before Hitler (who were generally socialist) were not Jewish. Socialism did destroy Germany, then Hitler took over and made it fascist as well. That doesn't mean he was on the right.

>restricting liberties, which is pretty left
Will you retards fuck off to /pol/

Kangaroo is delicious! So glad I live in Aus and it's cheap as chips

What the fuck people actually eat kangaroos? Fucking Australians.

Bruh, I'm 100% on board with you thinking Hitler wasn't Right.

Hitler was one step removed from Communism. The only difference between Hitler and Stalin was that Hitler hated Jews and Stalin hated everyone that wasn't a faggot(liberal).

yeah, it's the only red meat i eat now pretty much

yeah, most people don't eat it though, but i quite like it, it's just so lean though so on keto i have to add butter or something else, but still, on special you can get it for $8/kg whereas beef is like $20-$40 kg depending on cuts.

Yeah don't bother with that board dude, I spent a couple years there being "redpilled" and sort of realized how retarded and hopeless everyone there is. It's r9k tier. Just focus on becoming happy and improving your life

Stuck around 198 lbs --- 200 lbs for two weeks now

>thighs burn from rubbing together
>discouraged from doing cardio

I want to try eating less carbs than 1000 a day, but I always feel like shit and can't find the excitement to do personal things when I'm exhausted.

I just want to wear small sizes tshirts, bros ):

6'2, 280lbs

I fucked myself over this morning. I was out of chourico and bread, so my breakfast was really small.

Then I got busy during the day and ended up not eating again until like 10pm. By that point I was starting to feel dizzy and irritable.

I ate a 900 calorie PB&J sandwich w/milk and I'm about to make a hamburger before I go to bed because a) I'm still hungry and b) my doctor recommended I stay above 1500 calories

I'm still below what MFP says I need to lose 2lbs/week, so I should be okay right?

i find racist jokes amusing so i still visit but as long as you dont take it too seriously i think it's harmless

btw hitler did nothing wrong

My bad man, I hate when people make things overly political. To keep things related, are those little desk peddler things actually effective? It'd be nice if I could burn some calories at my desk, but I doubt those little things are anywhere as effective as an actual exercise bike.

Binged a lil tonight because I'm studying for my last final. Bought a lot of junk but got tired of it 10% of the way through.

I might make it

its a sad pepe becoming happy user :)

Throw the hamburger out and drink some diet soda, or eat some vegetables.

Don't give up yet user

How many cals in 4 cups of rice and 10 pieces of chicken? I'm getting a range from 1800-2400.

Did I fuck up today if my goal was to eat 1600 cals?

yeah, i got redpilled and shit but after a while I saw how bitter and angry and incel everyone was. They talk of salvation and masterace but do nothing. They are just r9k fags who hate on women because they cant get any.

I'm unironically ironpill now

The fuck is 10 pieces of chicken? 10 chicken breasts or what?
Jesus christ user

Without the hamburger I'll be at like 1300 calories

Apparently I've been eating too little calories recently anyway, so this will bring my average up to a healthy level

plateau is a myth, get that money boi burn that shit

small little chicken legs and it was throughout the day nigga.

Rice+chicken (4), Rice+chicken(4) and then 4 for dinner.

kind of a weird day for me but I was just craving chicken and rice all day

am I fucked though?

What size do you wear?

I fit into an XXL comfortably for the first time in awhile today. Some of them used to be kinda tight ;_;

No you're not fucked.
Next time have 2 cups less of rice, 2 less pieces of chicken, and veggies instead.

Did you weigh them? How many calories did you eat?

This calculation is a huge meme, isn't it? I always get crazy low body fat even though I still don't have a flat belly.

Thanks brudda I'll try and steam some or smtn. Maybe I'll just eat some broccoli raw on the side too.

bout to hit this jump rope though see ya later /fat/

Kangaroo is delicious you cunt!
I still eat regular mince but it's my favourite meat for that earthy taste; it's like if mushroom was a meat. If you go to he Veeky Forums archives and type in "kangaroo broth" you can find my recipe I use.

How low?

I don't remember, it was 13% or lower. But I definitely have more than that.
I'm at the point where my abs barely show during the morning, before I get bloated.

Good shit, bro. Keep at it, and you'll make it.

is it keto friendly?