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Health #413
What is the best video to learn low bar squat?
Will learning a martial art make me athletic? I want to be a strong girl who can kick a guy's ass if I wanted to...
Go to Veeky Forums
Workout music
How much do you think I need to weigh?
Best way to loose belly fat?
Powerlifting General - /PLG/
Why do pajeets take rejection badly?
Hi I posted my pic in a pic thread last night and everyone said I had to lose weight but my problem is my depression...
Veeky Forums starter packs thread
Pick your path fit
Tips on improving endurance
Is The Golden One Natty?
Is 2/3/4/5 achievable natty?
Have you ever considered quitting your wagecuck job and instead living a criminal life such as selling drugs or carding...
How do I get Zac Effron's best bod?
Just read about the WWE scandal of the locker-room calling her "Piggy"
Veeky Forums humour thread
Had blood test
Healthy as fuck
Last two digits is your real Height
HELP Veeky Forums! My gf said I go to the gym too often, and said "she doesn't like how I'm starting to look"...
/FAT/ General
Is clarence natty?
Who /squatlovers/ here?
QTDDTOT-Steven Edition
Insomnia thread
Bluetooth Headphones
You think about her and she ruins your lifting, what's her name Veeky Forums?
Truly Fucking Ugly
The first picture in your Veeky Forums folder is now your body goal
Cardio, loneliness, and heart disease
Itt completely retarded and useless exercises
ITT: That last rep face
What's the worst muscle to get sore for you?
There should be a board called /fat/ specifically for weight loss because there is such a difference between the...
What do i do here
Ideals Thread
Does anyone here have any experience with Yohimbine or a YHC stack? Does it work? Is it a meme?
Let's say I wanted to consume 10,000 calories a day but maintain my weight with exercise
Who here /fat/?
You will never train in increased gravity
Is 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight a meme?
Just talked to a human female in the bar here and asked her to come over to my apartment later...
So Veeky Forums, my grandama is a doctor. She has aways helped me with everything, specially health related stuff...
Why do I have a fetish for girls getting fat when I never get above 12% in a bulk
Anyone want to hear the story of a man who went from the best two years of his life, to losing everything...
Fat Fuck
Pull out my rock solid 6 inch erection
Hopsin Mode
I didn't realize how insecure men are about their height until I came to Veeky Forums. What do...
Hey fit
How do I get the /Brad Pitt/ aesthetic? Does it matter what I eat, or is it purely calories? Pic related
Be me
CBT thread
Dr. Fung: 'Autophagy from fasting = No Loose Skin From Major Weight Loss'
Yo Veeky Forums I snapped my shit up. Got a back injury that stops me from lifting for 2 months...
Tfw you wake up to piss 8 times a night
Stand up sex
Alright, user! Just one more question: Are you sexually active?
Why do normies obsess over biceps?
Symmetrical strength thread
Facial Aesthetics Thread
What percentage of your calories should come from each meal? How many calories from snacks...
Veeky Forums led me to Veeky Forums
What is the best source of
What's the heaviest you've ever been
Chad thread?
gym on Mon, Wed, Fri
Why are fat people who get skinny so irritating...
Post your lifting motivation
ITT: Post your favourite lifts
What's the point of lifting if you'll never be handsome?
What lifts do I need to look like this and how long would it take me without steroids?
Rowing Central
Help with leg workout
Why haven't you accepted the Big 3 of Aesthetics Veeky Forums?
I fell for the MILK meme
Anyone here ever tried to get into their country's special forces? How did it go?
Share your sips with me
4 nipples
I was a morbidly obese fattie when I was younger. I lost hella weight and now I look like this. Advice...
Rate my progress
How to have sex properly?
What do i say?
My doctor just told me to stop eating potatoes because the carbs are gonna make me lose less weight even if i'm getting...
/goal/ body thread
Laughing at all you DYELS wit her your shit physiqes you should consider suicide since you'll never have the chance to...
Where were you when Blahino btfo manletdestiny?
List your real shoeless non e-statted height
Haha thats interesting user, so tell me, how"scoops" did this piano tell you to consume?
How much sleep do you get on the average day Veeky Forums? I get around 4 hours a day
Hey guys, never posted here b4 but i was hoping for some advice so it seemed like a good thing to do...
Is having fat better than muscles for sports like caving?
Ideal female body
Does no fap actually work if your virgin? Day 4 and I'm losing my mind
How much do i have to squat before i get to experience this
/PLG/ - Powerlifting general + Strength training
What grew noticeably first?
What got you into lifting?
Good feels Thread
How much alcohol do you consume, Veeky Forums? How much do you think is too much?
VEGANS BTFO: Eternally
THIS is the idea female body
CBT - I AM THE KING OF Veeky Forums
Ok Veeky Forums, how the hell do I into Patrick Bateman mode? Minus the psychotic killing
When she squats but your knees are bad
How do i keep rice from sticking all over this picece of shit rice cooker?
How much weights I have to lift for a gf like this?
Myers Briggs personalities on Veeky Forums
Help Veeky Forums is my chest and bicep day plan too much?
Well heya Jimmy! Get a load of this!
What is your current program Veeky Forums?
Would you rather born with this face with your current body or born with your current face and current body never gains...
How fast can i lose weight i i work out 3 hours a day?
What percentage of the male population do you think can lift 1/2/3/4?
6 am sips aka first sip of the day
You walk into a room see this
Gains philosophy
How to lose weight without gym?
Walk into gym this morning
Dick calculator, boys, measure up, and be honest
Can short girls ever compete?
How to achieve golden era aesthetics?
Can't stand this cunt
He doesn't have sausage and egg for breakfast
Bloating and bf
NoFap day 2
Water Fasting
What martial arts do you do? Thinking about training in BJJ
Barrel Chest
Loose Skin
SS transition
Has getting fitter made you ballsier?
Lets talk about autistic things we do at the gym
ITT: We pretend to be female anons
Is marijuana healthy?
Mad Gains Bro
Tell me about your day boys, I need some feels. Mine was shit
Fat hate
Nicotine for diet
Uma Delicia
Anyone here eat toast and if so with what and what kind of toast
Finally hit 225 on bench today
Go to gym
Gold Standard Flavors
TFW 22 years old loser
ITT: We are our siblings
Is 5'6 at 165 pounds good of swole for a dwarf?
Name a better workout album
Should gays be allowed in the gym?
Can we talk about posture?
How do I achieve pic related body?
Proper squat technique: how low should you go?
Testosterone Boosting Methods?
/fit manlets/ - have you made it?
Tattoo Thread
Girl told me she got double teamed the night before our first date
When ur girl comes over and asks if you have anything to eat, but all you have is oats, eggs, chicken and broccoli
Is 23 too old for braces?
Veeky Forums movies
I really need help bros, and I don't know who else I could possibly ask...
Only god can judge me
OHP day tomorrow
/CBT/ KING OF Veeky Forums edition
Should I lift if my dick is only 5 inches?
Why the fuck are skinny fat people ever told to bulk...
What program will achieve Zyzzmode, Veeky Forums?
Curlz iz 4 gurlz
Sexual Fitness Thread
Ctrl + f
The prophet
Hi guys. Im transitioning from male to female, so obviously Im lowering my test levels...
I no longer want to be a skinnyfag, but have as of right now have no access to weights or a gym...
Does being Veeky Forums help you snatch heavenly blessed beauties?
/FAT/ - Fatty general
Stress eating support group :(
Why is oatmeal so great?
Come on you sub human non blue eyed faggots. Roll to improve yourself
Has anyone here 'made it' after the age of 30?
See two dudes fondling each other and making out with each other in the gym lockerroom
Hey Veeky Forums, first time here. I'm a fairly chubby 6'0 male who would like to start working out...
Running thread
What mode is this and how do I obtain it?
What do you listen to at the gym?
I've read most people have a vitamin d deficient but holy shit this shit is magic
How can I buy 2000 calories of food with this
If you dont do boxing or a martial art as cardio you're risking becoming a meme
Anavar makes girls better
I'm 18 but get bullied by my 11 year old brother (seen in pic)
Does reaching 1/2/3/4 guarantee decent musculature?
Losing Moobs asap
Bleeding Nipples
I'm 6'2", 155 lbs. Skinny but no muscle mass. A little bit squishy everywhere. Basically...
Does Veeky Forums pay on the first date?
Has anyone tried any Infowars products? They seem seem legit desu
Bulk vs. cut pics
What's the ultimate Veeky Forums movie, and why is it fight club?
Is limb lengthening the way of the future?
I don't want to be incel
Measured by DMV when I was 15 for permit
Exercise to be like pic related?
When will this meme die?
I hate smokers
The greatest athlete in human history is a manlet
ITT: people at your gym who probably shitpost on Veeky Forums
You all realize /manlet/ is a meme right? As long as you're at least 5'6 height is irrelevant...
How many squat racks does your gym have?
The fact of the matter is Planet Fitness
Are protein smoothies good to replace meals?
Current Body Thread
ITT: We pretend to be our mothers
What are some ways to get in shape without going to the gym...
Shitty genes thread
Tfw 6'7 lanklet
Some people are naturally skinny due to metabolism/genetics
We're a little more than one third into the year Veeky Forums
Meal prep general
Nutritional value per 100g:
Post yfw last rep
Calories in a mosquito
Not pissing while squating ? Enjoy your nogains
Veeky Forums is pathetic
Review of 29 studies reveals cheese has no negative effects on cardiovascular health
What is Veeky Forums's opinion on Alan Thrall?
Small feet master race
You may not like it but this is what an ideal female body looks like
Is he /ourguy/?
How does this make you feel?
/plg/ powerlifitng general
Should I do it lads?
How do I train a 17 year old
Favorite lifting shoes?
When I wake up in the morning I have an uncontrollalble urge to piss
Tfw seeing your ex with another dude
Will I ever be Veeky Forums if I'm tall yet short, bros? I'm 5'10", which is above average [spoiler]for grill...
When did this become the norm lads? This is considered a national dish in Scotland
How To Do a Proper Deadlift
What does Veeky Forums think about calisthenics?
Symmetric Strength thread ready set go
QTDDTOT Questions that don't deserve their own thread
What's in your gym bag, Veeky Forums?
What qualifies as a cheat day by your standards?
How can I lose weight as a fat Hawaiian? Am I doomed to my genetics?
Keto / fasting
Name a single good reason to barbell bench instead of dumbbell bench
Is a man's main goal constant improvement of himself or should there be a space for someone's sentiments at one point
Fit purchases?
I want a refund
Would you date a little bit overweight girl if she had decent facial aesthetics...
*blocks your path*
Why is metal the go to lifting music?
Is protein powder a scam?
I want to strengthen my mind
"oh my gawd eat a cheesebuger!"
Wristlets report in
Low bar squat
Avoiding Becoming A Manlet?
Sleep Aids/Medications
What's a good way to start pull-ups...
I look like this. Give me ONE reason to lift
/fraud/ general
Routine / Programs
All right Veeky Forums, viking, samurai, or knight? Do your fitness goals and routine line up with your choice?
I really got my ass chewed out
Tfw almost full cyan man except my chest STILL is pushing babby weight
Do calories rule your life...
Veeky Forums, what is the best protein powder? Not by flavor, but by quality
McDonald's is unhealthy!
Should I name my newborn son Chad?
How do people react to you in public, do they respect you, fear you, hate you?
Abs general
Jesus fuckint christ i cannot make this up...
Why is it that I lift for a year and I look like a lumpy pile of dough but this dude beats his girlfriend like once and...
Whats the most embarrassing thing you've seen at the gym?
Have you ever been so full of angry energy you can't concentrate, be productive or study?
High test
Ya curlin' in the squat rack'n
Meditation General
Are woman capable of love the way men are?
What the fuck, is this real? How did he not lose all his muscle?
Would you consider me as fat?
Balding General
What did Veeky Forums eat for dinner today?
Tfw college just got orange sips
Is getting Veeky Forums even worth it for manlets?
Do Asian Chads even exist, Veeky Forums?
I ask you Veeky Forums
How do I fix this? I can't afford to go to a podiatrist
How did your life change after getting Veeky Forums?
I'd just like to thank you faggots
Is this a meme
I literally have pictures of fat slobs on my wall to help me stick to my diet...
Feeling short while being 6'6
Lockerroom Stories
If you could sacrifice 1 IQ point for 1 inch of height, how many would you? What if it costed two...
How insecure are you really anons, be honest
Kundalini Yoga
When did you realize you're never gonna make it?
Lifting for a couple years
Exactly whats wrong with Brosplits and PPL that everyone hates them on this board?
How do I stop wanting to have stick thin legs? I feel like a fat shit when my thighs rub together even though I'm slim...
I just fucking tried the nofap thing for 10 days and now i cant even get hard when i see real life pussy...
Dinner thread
Hit 1pl8 ohp, 3pl8 squat and 4pl8 diddlydoo for single after 7 months of lifting
Veeky Forumsfood gone wild
How can one maintain strength while fasting during the blessed month of Ramadan?
Getting pumped for a lift
This is a decade of lifting. This is the natty limit
Which national cuisine would the most Veeky Forums approved?
Ab Roller
Spend years wanting to get Veeky Forums
How do I achieve this?
Why are women so stupid (when it comes to fitness and health)?
So im fat, im 210 LBS
Is The Golden One a good Veeky Forums role model? Do you think chicks actually like his body or personality?
I rarely go outside, but when I do, I am always on alert, ready to react to any threat...
Thoughts Veeky Forums?
Food for Veeky Forums
Anyone who says blonde hair and blue eyes look good on men is retarded
145 lb skeleton with fat gut
Can somebody post the guf of the skelly trans guy doing a squat with the pussy pad
Gonna save u guys some heartache
He doesn't shower every day
What's the point of continuing to lift after 3-4 years if I still don't have a gf?
Mirror me is a 7/10
Bodyfat estimate? It's hard for me to drop more without starving
Who /failingexamsandlosingstrength/ here?
When the numbers go up
Lifting music
What causes depression?
Low Libido and the relation to fitness
Anyone else here hit the gym only 3 times a week with ppl routine because you're being a lazy fuck like me
Staying motivated
Hey guys, I was wondering if any of you had an exercise routine I could do while in my office...
/fraud/ general
Is this how roiders look off-cycle?
Does lifting weights really help you get girls?
/SKELLY/ general
What supplements are you taking, Veeky Forums?
Motivation thread? Motivation thread
Is anybody else here fit and autistic?
What are some Veeky Forums alternatives to brown rice and whole wheat pasta...
Hey guys, what's the best routine to get huge arms and an 8 pac?
Why isn't he fat or bulky?
Guys, what does SS+GOMAD mean? I'm new here
Loose underwear
Begin new PPL routine
How does Veeky Forums feel about this idea
Is it true that women are supposed to be heavier than men? I understand that women have higher body fat...
Is anyone here actually an athlete?
What facial hair styles are Veeky Forums approved?
If I wanted to feel bad id just ask me what my one rep max is
Is long hair aesthetic?
Does no-sugar really work or is it just a meme?
Get a 30% off coupon for 1 food item
Monstercucks, are you even trying?
Keep lifting user
Tfw gf of 5 months cheated on me
Alright faggots you win
How important is height for men?
Have any of you undergone dramatic fat loss?
Just got my heart crushed Veeky Forums
/bwg/ - BodyWeight General
QTDDTHOT - Questions that Don't Deserve Their Own Thread
Post those faces
What is the best martial to get Veeky Forums or the best if you're already Veeky Forums?
Will you be fit enough to protect yourself and your women when Muhammad Jihad and Jamal Tyrone invades your home...
While ago fell for the pre-workout scam
So, I just was cleaning the wax of my ears with the pointy cover of a pen, and the wax started to come out with blood...
Funny because nattys/DYELS will still think this is pure natural hard work. There's a limit brahs...
Is my beard decent?
I'm going to get a virgin girlfri-
Will I still be able to claim natty if I ingest this?
I originally came to fit from r9k when i was overweight. Now im down to 100lbs (Im a 5' womanlet)...
When did you realize that you cannot lift the autism away?
Question for users with fit significant others. So my wife isn't very fit and has really low libido...
A transgender is more handsome and has more gains than you
What's with all these weed threads lately ? Mdma is clearly the most Veeky Forums drug
Thoughts on body hair on women?
Name a better pre-workout
*works out next to you*
#Swole_left looks intimidating as fuck
Im a skeleton. Im 5'7 1/2 and 140 lbs
How many machines do you use?
Who do you of it with?
Should scientists conduct a study on 18-35 males who have started lifting all because of a fictional 2D character...
Should I go through gyno surgery...
Burns 200-400 cals per 30 minutes
How to get gym cuties
How the fuck did Chris Pratt go from chubby to fucking buff in such a short time?
How does Veeky Forums feel about Obamacare?
/FAT/ General
C'mon user! Take off your shirt and hop in the pool!
How's my back looking guys?
Tfw : hottest girl at gym
How the fuck do I lose 20 lbs? I'm 150 5'11". I hate being skinny fat
Your at a bar with you're girlfriend and this guy slaps her ass. What do you do?
Grills growth stories
Recently fucked my 100th girl at only 23, how many you guys on?
Counting calories
What are some of Veeky Forums's hobbies besides lifting?
Be twig doing bicep curls with pathetic 28 lb dumbbells
/plg/ - powerlifting general
Who /smalldick/ here?
Why do people think nofap is a meme now? It works
PLEASE tell me you arent a Freddy Veeky Forums
Any comments?
Do you have a beard Veeky Forums?
So I got that neon pee everyone talked about earlier this year when I jumped on a multi
How to achieve this body Veeky Forums?
Tell us about your gym, Veeky Forums
Tfw smoking 75 cigarettes a day
It's another uneventful sunday on a uneventful life
This is what normies find impressive
Veeky Forums do you have any advice for pushups? I need to increase the number of pushups I can do
1. Do you own a weightlifting belt? What kind?
How do I achieve otter mode?
What goes through your mind when you're working out?
What happened to Frank Yang?
Any geniuses out there
He counts the bar
Day 2 of No Fap. Already starting to feel way more energetic. Is anyone else abstaining from masturbation?
How important is it to stretch when working out and should you do it before or after lifting?
Fat Acceptance
Fat women now believe we lift for them?
Injury general
How do I achieve a body like this?
What are some keto foods/snacks
Attractiveness general
Hey Veeky Forums
All this shit is going inside of me. I'm rich btw, this alone cost 80$. u mad?
Let's say you're close to making it, enough to start pulling girls based on looks...
Do energy drinks help woth lifts? Is it the vitamin b12?
How much time you actually spend at the gym?
I have a real existential crisis here Veeky Forums and would like your gentle advice if possible. Please go easy on me...
Routinne thread
Okay Veeky Forums how much can you OHP for 1 rep? Try not to e-stat as much as possible im actually curious u fucks
/plg/ - powerlifting general
Cocoon Mode Tips
Dear, Veeky Forums im a fat /b/tard. help me not be
Male Tier List
Current Body Thread
Good Feels Thread!
Tfw cutting
How do you use cannabis?
Hey Veeky Forums, did you ever considered killing yoursself?
Brit thread
Poor mans pre workout
How much of a difference does eating clean make?
4 years
2 days after our break up and she has already drunkenly slept with someone else
Creating a meme routine:
What is wrong with my deadlift form?
How do i into orb mode? is this achievable natty?
Deload or Entire Week Off?
Veeky Forums i'm a 23yo virgo who finally found a girl
What type of lifting produces the biggest mass gains?
Be a skeltal
Who did it best? also roll for your workout buddy. if you get paired with boogie the gains goblin you will never make it
"Dammmn user you got so buff!"
If you aren't taking cold showers every day, you are not Veeky Forums
Have you ever gone cold turkey on sugar? How did it go?
Is there honestly a more Veeky Forums sport than rugby?
Veeky Forums related ASMR
Never had pic related in my entire life
Why is he lying on the internet? He's clearly a fraud
Veeky Forums do u meditate?
Struggle with 85 kg bench for reps
What are some good ideas for taking Tinder pictures with no friends? For example here's one I've thought of:
Hello /hm/ can you tell me what are good blowjob excercises...
How strong do you have to be to lift yourself up?
Legionnaire recruit training schedule
Stretching calves all day
/fat/ - fat general
Steroids General
Cut >10% bf
RLG -- Religious Lifting General
Watch first episode of dear white people
Does having a deep belly button affect potential ab gains as you have space missing that could have been abs?
25 pound, 8 month difference. Just dieting. No gym at all. Just dieting and watching nutrients. Thoughts?
Fucking prostitutes
See cute girl at the library
Did being fit help you transition from hook up mode to relationship mode...
Any attractive anons on? How differently do people treat you in public? Do you like it?
Is alcohol real bad for gainz
In need of advice!
Yfw last rep
Share your stories where you were in a confrontation with someone at the gym
Does Veeky Forums drink? Alcohol has been mankind's friend for thousands of years, why not indulge?
How to get eyebrow gains like this?
My plan
Weight loss goals
Veeky Forums faith
Smokers general
Why cant the gym receptionist be replaced with a fucking machine or some sort of no emotion royal guard??
Serious question
How many scoops Veeky Forums?
Why the hell would you ever use synthol?
Current max bench is 175lb/80kg:
ITT CUT DESTROYERS -- Get in, test your might, defy others!
Running Thread
What kind of physique should I get to attract 16-17 year old girls? I'm 24. (UK btw)
I'm a beginner and I've been lifting for a bit but I don't know if I should cut or bulk...
Just had my first whey scoop
What's more effective for bulking, GOMAD or BOB?
Tfw 5.0" wrists
Dont eat fast food
/plg/ - powerlifting general
This is pathetic
Get called skinny after losing weight
God-tier face/body thread
Work your ass your entire life
This just happened in Turkey
Post qt's
Is this achievable natty?
Why the Calories In, Calories Out Argument is False
If steroids give women huge clits, why doesn't it give guys huge dicks?
Tfw zero friends
ACAP General- introduction to ACAP edition
Starting texas method today
Do dumbell stuff
Pre Diabetes Food Chart
About your idols
Get tested for low T
/fat/ - fat slob general
Pls stop lifting its only about genetics
Can you curl more than NBA superstar LeBron James?
Remind me why I should bother exercising when three quarters of women are overweight or obese?
What does Veeky Forums think of the over-head press? I rarely ever see anyone doing them
Fictional Goal Body Thread
Genetically gifted bodyparts
What are some Veeky Forums approved haircuts/styles?
Proper way to wipe your butt
I'm meeting Rich Piana Next Week
What can I do to change this?
Post your scoobys
Rules of being Veeky Forums
Mirin thread. Just happened
Lifting shoes
tfw banned from the local gym due to multiple women reports
Hip abduction
Is Intermittent Fasting a meme? Be honest. If not, how effective is it for cutting? Say, in one month...
Here is the reason why so many Veeky Forums Bros are attracted to land whales:
Meme lifts
What religion is the most Veeky Forums?
Protein shakes, recipes, stories
I deadlift on a Smith machine
Don't be a pussy Veeky Forums
Are these protein bars i made alright?
Lower back injury
Help pls
Have to work hard to makey money
Ask for it fit
>tfw glutelet
You are offered $2 million if you survive and don't fall for 1 minute in a ring with Floyd Mayweather...
Anyone else getting in shape specifically to make other people feel worse about themselves?
What should i do once i reach my strength goals but not my aesthetic goals?
Broken Scales
Be you
How do you like your women Veeky Forums, thick, fit or fat?
Would fit anons
What to replace hammer curls with if I hate hammer curls
When doing pause ATG squats:
What martial arts should I pick up? muay thai seems interesting but it fucks you up in the long run...
"please stop getting muscular, its not healthy to be attractive" - Australian TV
Why are you still drinking milk user? Dont you know that it lowers your testosterone and increases risk of man boobs?
4 months in. Tear me apart
So I've had a fucking night Veeky Forums. I got invited out by this girl i've been crushin on for a while...
Is this good for your gains?
Who else started lifting to prepare for the coming race war?
So you're in the club and this guy negs your girlfriend's ass. What do you do?
Going Vegan..?
Its okay to be fat but illegal to be thin
Do you guys remember 5 years ago when people loved ATG squats and encouraged everyone to squat deep...
Can we get a progress thread?
Have you had more success in your hook up and dating lift after years of lifting?
Manlets will always be unnattractive
Did getting fit make you less anxious and afraid to approach (attractive) women?
What mode is this?
Who here has a poverty squat?
From the sticky:
Are your bad genetics because of your parents?
Veeky Forums humor
Got this for my birthday, what should I do with it?
Awaken My Masters
How do you spend your rest time? I feel like an autist just standing in front of the squat rack...
What is Veeky Forumss opinion on this phys-ed video
So hey fit long time lurker just wanted to say something really weird and funny that happened to me recently
So what if she had a past anons, are you ready to wife her up now?
Just started lifting. How do I pick up gay guys at the gym? Is there a gay secret code?
Friday Night Veeky Forums Feels
Boosting T
I got 50 lb curl , with alex jones body. 250 lb. should I cut or recomp w my bear mode strength?
Is military physical fitness bullshit?
Do you even have a lyfe?
Best Veeky Forums albums
Gym ghosts won't stop haunting the smith machine and the priest is taking his rest day
Now that the dust has settled, who is the biggest Chad in human history?
If some people measure their workouts in the total quantity of weight moved...
/fat/ - fatty general
Eat MORE salt!
Anyone here a male escort
The feel bar is currently open. Come on in and share you /Friday Night Feels/ in here
Hey Veeky Forums, is it okay to send this message to a girl: "Hey Kate...
Daily Pushups
Steroids general :DDDDD
This is what the average non-lifting woman looks like (95% of female population)
/plg/ - Preußelifting general
Tfw no fit gf
How do you cope with the fact that the more you lift, and the bigger you get...
I'm sitting at 265 6'2 23% body fat with a 17.5 inch neck and a 41...
You share a board with people who lift for girls
I finally hit 1pl ohp today guys, I have nobody else to tell
Why girls do this
Is the 1g protein per 1 lbs body weight a meme
What are you doing to be Alpha???
The Vikings were "manlets"
Hello Veeky Forums first time posting here. How do I get rid of my stomach fat and get my abs to show?
My upper back is shaped like a fucking deltoid instead of a triangle; the girl on the right has a better V-taper than...
6 weeks after a moderate mcl injury, i have noticeable atrophy in the leg that was injuried. I can now walk...
/a e s t h e t i c s/
Ambushed with penis inspection
You're at the gym and this guy tells you barbell training is for pussies and kettle bell training is superior
Would you be up for doing porn?
I quit caffeine
Why does lifting increase the amount of fat chicks who hit on you?
Vitamins that help with memory retention. I'm currently taking B12 and was wondering if there was something better
Is peanut butter a meme? It has a fuck ton of fat and sugar. Why the hell does Veeky Forums hype it up so much...
Hey user, my friend over here thinks you're cute
Leg day at the gym
How can i get a healthy looking tan if i'm sickly pale and only burn in the sun?
Has any of you guys started living similarly to Dan Bilzerian since getting fit...
Man see a strong and muscled man
I'm about to give up Veeky Forums
Porn habit
Since autism/social anxiety/etc. is universal among the people of Veeky Forums...
Obviously everyone here already knows that any "man" under 6'2" is a manlet, but how about women?
Implying squats/deadlifts will make you look like this
Advice from Experience
/fat/ - fatty general
My wife just took this picture with her personal fitness coach and uploaded it to her facebook
Tfw no matter how much you lift you'll never forget her name
How do I into a true alpha male like richard spencer?
Big tits = good genetics
Rate my squat form. My PT tells me it's fine, but I wanted to double check with Veeky Forums
Height surgery
Joining the Navy
I lift for wome-
I've been trying to do handstands starting from the ground, but can't seem to push my body up all the way
Dont lose your manhood
Look at this fucking guy, the determination in his eyes and all of that fucking effort, to do what...
Get rekt manlets
This is what girls want
Brain fog
Decide want to get fit
What do brazilian woman do to get this body type?
What am I doing wrong Veeky Forums?
Killer abs
What the fuck can i expect from 1-2 months with this shit? Semi fat 19 yo. big shoulders, big gut, small arms...
Is it best to deadlift on the same day as squats, or alternate?
Pic rel is the face of the swole left
W-W-What now Veeky Forums? I've never used tinder before so idk what i'm doing. Please, give me your wisdom
Who else bath mates here?
Have you guys seen this documentary? So far it the message is "Your fat because of the food industry"
Thick Wrists Appreciation thread
How do you make frozen veggies taste good? I've always detested them...
ITT: We post our favorite lifts and sexual kink
/owg/ - Olympic Weightlifting General
What is easier?
Girl taller then me won't leave me alone
Veeky Forums, how can we bring back the good old days of actual fitness advice and related topics?
Reverse Progress
How do I achieve this mode?
Tfw you'll never be a 6'8 nba Chad
Walk into gym
Alright, Veeky Forums, let's settle this. What is the most aesthetic chin type? Dark knight chin, heroic chin...
S H O E S ?
Your First Mire
My gym crush wasn't at the gym tonight
ITT things you hate about yourself
Why is it that manlets usually have far better facial aesthetics than tall guys have...
Can you workout your core each day at the gym? Or does it need to be spread out over time?
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/FPH/: new Thread, last one reached limit
Where do I find an Asian Chad?
MTV against Toxic Masculinity: American Male
If you don't drink a gallon a day... are you even trying?
Looking to get a bigger butt, but i dont want to get huge thighs any tips
Weird Leg day
You Need to Fast
Gym bully stories
That girls who asks you to spot her doing 50lbs bench press
Tfw to intelligent to lift
Any Asian brahs (non-manlets) getting a ridiculous amount of thirsty/high test black girls approaching them?
Theres "men" under 6ft on this board
/plg/ Powerlifting General
Why would anyone want to have kids?
How strong you think was tyson in his prime ?
Plantar Fascitis
Is nofap just a meme?
If anime is your motivation for getting Veeky Forums and losing weight then you're a faggot...
I am so physically small it pains me
What age for steroids?
Why aren't you eating shrimp?
Is drinking water just a meme or really effective to gain?
Who here /faithlift/?
Am I fucked?
Women that waste your time
Pre workout
Masturbationless May
What's this guys chest routine? Anyone know?
Intermittent fasting
Last threads
/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood General
Video Games
/dng/ Dueling Network General
Video Games
/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General #139
Video Games
Today is the greatest day of my life. I have finally accumulated 1M LINK
/STG/ Suicide Threshold General
Food and Cooking
Anyone else feel like they're learning a shitload about markets from all this?
Did anyone else lift because of him
[Daily Bike Thread] - /dbt/
When will the most coin miners stop mining, because it isn't anymore profitable?
>boogie will never undo the damage he did to himse-
OmiseGO And Vitalik Buterin Donate $1 Million In Crypto To Charity For Ugandan Refugees
Warcraft Lore and RPG discussion
When your girlfriend tells you that you aren't big enough and you aren't a real man
/wfg/ - Warframe General
Video Games
Last time it worked
Don't panic
Hey Veeky Forums...
/agdg/ - Amateur Game Development General
Video Games