>I lift for wome-
I lift for wome-
I wonder if boogie ever considered how many people will call his wife a gold digging enabler whore after he dies
angle + relative obesity
She's actually pretty fat IIRC, but like 200 pounds instead of 500+
i lift for attractive women
>my wife would never chea-
>not wanting a woman that can shave your dick a speed peeler with her teeth
>making it
>that schnotz
Oy vey
fucking kekt
oh, fuck. he looks like a black version of fit.
>gnome nose
>hideously small teeth
She's a 6/10 tops.
With the big difference that he actually gets pussy
you have really low standards
and that he actually lifts
A fat cuck and a roastie.
Perfect couple.
I know he's a big YouTube personality and might be rich, but has anyone considered she has a fat fetish?
>using the term "roastie"
beta virgin spotted
roastie detected
She's fairly ugly, she doesn't need a fat fetish excuse.
The fuck is a roastie?
It's an ultra meme originating or at least popularized by the beta virgins at r9k.
Because they've never had sex, they have a gross misunderstanding of female anatomy. This ignorance led them to conclude that any female with an "outie" vagina (with large labia that resembles roast beef) is automatically a whore and their pussy is "worn out" giving it that roast beef look. They idolize "innie" girls as being the best and most pure, yet never so much as make eye contact with any of them.
t. roastie
roast beef pussies are ugly. get over it, roastie.
>when your genitals look like an Arby's sandwich and people rightfully make fun of it online
>Chicks constantly defend small dicks online so dicklets aren't sad.
>Guys instantly call a girl an ugly roastie when her pussy isn't 10/10
You fucking faggots
>Chicks constantly defend small dicks online so dicklets aren't sad.
If she is a 6 then I'm the living embodiment of the sculpture of David. She looks like the She's All That version of Azog. Grow up.
It still amazes me that virgin beta faggots think that somehow dicks have the ability to permanently damage and change a vagina's shape
>Chicks constantly defend small dicks online
Top kuk
I've seen hundreds of post of women claiming that oversized dicks can seriously hurt, and that small dicks can still pleasure a woman because foreplay is one of the most important part of sex
In fact, I(ve only ever seen men claiming the opposite
>training for aesthetics
>not training MMA to fight girl's boyfriends
It's like you don't even want to be the bull
Roastie detected! You still haven't found your beta provider yet, huh? When will you learn? Sad!
No point arguing with the spillover /r9k/ and /pol/ betas, do yourself a favor and post in a decent thread.
roasties really are gross though. some, I assume, are good people.
>Actual roasties browse Veeky Forums
>They are this insecure over their meaty curtains
Gave me a good lol
>muh anecdotes
Anons, if you enjoy the sensation of meat curtains tickling your knee pits, then by all means, go for it.
how many times do you think the redditor jacked off while writing this
Well explained.
Fuck those betas.
>The worst part is I couldn't help myself when I got home and I ended up masturbating while thinking about Dylan without his shirt.
Who could blame her?
this is obviously just some redditors cuck fetish
I've seen hundred of beta knights defending roasties that doesn't make the fact that se people will still shit on you for being a roastie
>m-muh pure compassionate maidens!
Jesus Christ he has a roommate just living there...probably dicking his wife every night.
Go blog about it fattychan
Boogie doesn't have a prenub does he?
>damn right there ain't no prenup lol
Does he even have any assets she can fucking take?
Youtube shekels
Fascinating question
How will he ever recover?
>implying she could do any better
She looks a snaggle toothed tranny lady gaga creature.
I hope boogie kicks that guy's ass!
Pretty sure that girl doesn't have the strength to lift that gut to even be able to get at his penis
t. dicklet