Routine / Programs

What routine / program are you guys running? Interested to hear what ones work and their results, I've been on a PPL routine for a while.

Other urls found in this thread:
I do my own variation of this, make it 6 days a week by doubling up on back days. replacing dumbell rows with barbel rows and a whole bunch of stuff. This, I think, has a great combination of power, hypertrophy, and aesthetics.

I go to the gym with my bros and do whatever, then I do 3 sets of fucking your gf.

current i'm doing, moved over from old routine and seems to be at least an improvement. I want more chest exercises tho

Basically Hepburn method plus accessories

A (tuesday/friday)
> ohp: 8x2 > 8x3 + 3x6 lower weights + 2x10 even lower weights
> deadlifts: 3x3
> rack pulls above knees: 3x6
> curls: as many sets of 6-8 I'm able to do

B (wednesday/saturday)
> decline bench press: same rep scheme as ohp
> squats: 5x3 once a week
> seated rows: 3x8-10
> rack pulls above knees: 6x8-10 lower weights
> triceps extensions: same as curls

> 8x2 > 8x3
Start with a weight I can do for 2 reps, adding as many reps per session as I can; once it hits 8x3 all sets across, weights go up.

PPL now, gonna do Candito LP soonish.

a 4 week program seems pretty short, do you just cycle it every 4 weeks with upped weights?

Yeah when I say i do my own variation of this i really mean my own variation. I think it's an excellent base to learn from.

So I just keep adding weight every week starting strength style to the lifts. I also add lots of volume, like all the compounds i do 6 to 10 sets.

Still, I went from nothing, never lifting weights, to having volumetric shoulders in 1 year while cutting on this routine.

i follow a lower/upper/full template.
usually switch each week between low reps/high reps.
lower body days usually include at least squats and rdls
upper body days always include benching and rowing, and ill to a big finisher (either arms, traps or shoudlers)
full days usually include dumbbell presses or snatches, and deadlifts or cleans. ill also to a conditioning circuit of bodyweight exercises and sprints as a quick finisher

It's a bit more complex, but this is the basic gist of the squat focus block

pullup-20-30 total reps

light sq-4x4

dl variation-6x1
ham curl-4x8-10
light bench-4x4

i'm running an upper/lower i formed myself. basically, i looked at various ULs and modified frequency and volume according to what my body can recover from right now. i also break things down into 3 categories: primary, assistance, and fluff. primary lifts are bench, rows, squats, deads, and ohp, and i go for strength progression. i'm currently only doing 1 assistance exercise, which is stiff legs. when i regain some more strength i'll make things more complex, but rn i don't need much assistance. fluff work is to work on underdeveloped muscles (neck curls, bicep curls, rear delt flies, lateral raises, pull overs)
Upper (mondays, wednesdays, fridays)
rows for 4-6 sets of 5, switching between seal rows and bent over rows
pause bench for 3-5 sets of 5
ohp up to a top set of 5
2 fluff moves
squats for 3-5 sets of 5
deadlifts working up to a top set of 5 in small increments for dat dere volume, or stiff legs for 3x6-10
>i also use an ab wheel a few times a week, and bike about 16-17 miles on days i don't train legs

forgot to add, i train lower body on tuesdays and thursdays

Massthetics Deadlift only program.

Every other day
3x5 bench press
3x7 weighted decline sit up
3x5 squat
3x5-8 dips
3x5 chin ups
3x5 barbell curls
3x5 deadlift
3x5 military press
3x5 pandeley rows
no rest periods, do bench press the sit up the squat then bench until sets are done.
Finish in gym in about 45 minutes
running on rest days

On my way to A E S T H E T I C


Chest: Chest Press
Back: Machine Row
Shoulders: Machine Military Press

Chest: Pec Dec
Back:Cable Lateral Pull-Downs

Shoulders: Cable Lateral Raises
Triceps: Cable Tricep Extensions
Biceps: Bicep Curl

Quads: Leg Press
Hamstrings:Leg Curl
Calves: Standing Calf Raise
or Outer Thighs: Abduction Machine

Quads: Leg Extensions
Hamstrings: Seated Leg Curl
Inner Thighs: Adduction Machine

Abs: Seated Ab Crunch
Abs: Crunches

Same as Monday

Am I missing anything, /brothers/?

thoughts on this routine?

How do you only do 3-5 diff exercises? You only work out 20-30 minutes?

Maybe this exercise will help you for better body transformation


Squat 3x5
OHP 3x5
DL 3x5
Dips 3xF
DB Supinating Curls 3x8-12
Squat 3x5
Bench 3x5
DL 3x5 w/ 80-90% of 5RM
Weighted Chin-ups 3x5
Lateral Raises 3x8-12
Incline Hammer Curls 3x8-12

This was recommended by a fellow Veeky Forumsezen when I complained about stalling on SS, inability to do PCs and the bench lagging behind. The strength is the goal.

Should I really do lat raises, if my OHP progress is fine?
During curls and chin-ups my forearms are hit harder, than the biceps. Am I doing something wrong?
I hope fucking curls do not interfere with the main lifts, what do you say?

I'm switching from brosplits which I've been doing consistently for 1.5 months to this program. How does it look to you guys?

Giving a nudge with some tits

That's a shitload of volume to do all the time.

Why not work up to that volume in steps of a few weeks and then go back to increase weight, like periodization.

Pic related.


Someone wanna give me the most efficient PPL routine, assuming I'm not lagging anywhere and have 3 hours for the gym.

Never finished push b or legs b but whatever

Push A
BB BP 5x3 (165lb)
DB Incline BP (55lb)
OHP (95lb)
BB Decline BP 8x3
Standing Cable cross overs
DB Arnold Press
Tri' Cable Pressdown
Behind back dips

Pull A
DL 5x3 (225lb)
BB Row (115lb)
Wide-grip chin-ups 15x3 (145lb)
DB Lateral Raise//Cable Rear Delt Ro
BB Close Grip Curls
T-Bar Rows
BB Wide Grip Curls

Legs A
Front Squat 5x3
Leg Curls 8x3
Seated/Standing Calf raises

Push B
Standing Cable Crossovers 8x3
BB Incline BP
DB Incline flies
Rate me

Okay, so lets just say that I started with actually doing something with myself (and it fucking hurts).

Is pic related okay?

is that dnaguy's ppl?

worked well for him, 2much volume for me tho

I have the same score as you but I'm almost the opposite, my OHP and bench are above average but my squat is shit.

I mean, anything's a good start.


You must have shit strength gains if you are supersetting everything

Back day:
Pull-ups, Overhand Wide Grip 3x6
Pulley Machine Pulldown To Chest, Wide Grip (seated) 3x6
Pulley Machine Pulldown To Chest, Hammer Close Grip (seated) 3x6
Pulley Machine Row (seated) 3x6
Dumbbell Row, Bent Over (standing) 3x6
Barbell Tipup, Bent Over (standing) 3x8
Barbell Row, Bent Over (standing) 3x6
Reverse Machine Flys (seated) 3x6
Barbell Biceps Curl (standing) 3x10
Dumbbell Alternating Biceps Curl (seated) 3x10
Dumbbell Alternating Biceps Curl (standing) 3x10
Overhead Pulley Machine Biceps Curl (standing) 3x10

Shoulder day:
Dumbbell Bench Press (incline) 3x6
Dumbbell Lateral Raise (bent over) 3x8
Dumbbell Lateral Raise (standing) 3x8
Overhead Press (standing) 3x6
Bar Dips 3x10
Pulley Machine Triceps Press (standing) 3x10
Pulley Machine Robe Triceps Press (standing) 3x10

Chest day:
Barbell Bench Press, Wide Grip (incline) 3x6
Dumbbell Flat Bench Press 3x10
Barbell Flat Bench Press, Wide Grip 3x6
Machine Fly (seated) 3x0
Pulley Machine Crossover (standing) 3x10

Some excercises are getting switched every 6 weeks, like barbell and dumbell flat bench and some others.
Most of these are reverse pyramid so i start with my heaviest weight and do 6 reps. 2nd set its less weight and 8 reps. Once i can do 8-10 reps on my first set i up the weight.

Can you guys post a picture of your body along with your routine?


I do PPL, with cardio at the end of my lifts and a few accessories throughout

Leg curls are a meme, especially when you're hitting hamstrings with RDL. I don't think you need that many exercises on leg day, but if you want more then a compound movement like a lunge is better than an isolation like a leg curl or extension. Isolations are hell on your knees as well, because the force applied is not balanced between your ACL and PCL.

On the pull days, I'd replace one of those curls with a second ab exercise. Do standard curls one day, hammer curls the other, and hit both cable crunches and weights leg raises. Your core needs more volume and your biceps are already getting plenty from the pull downs, pull ups, and rows. I should add oblique work as well.

Honestly I have no idea what I'm doing I kinda just made my own routine. Bully if necessary

>Leg day
Box jump/Burpee pyramid
5x5 Dumbbell snatches
5x5 Power Cleans
5x5 Squats
5x5 Deadlifts
3x10 Weighted Step Ups
Finish off with weighted dips+pull ups

5x5 Incline Bench Press
5x5 Flat Bench Press
Bench Pyramid
Turkish get ups for two minutes
EZ Bar routine that involves doing over/under wide and close hand curls for 3x10
Finish off with Dips/Pull ups

>Cardio Day
Do 500 meters in pool
Go to gym and do calisthatics like weighted sit ups, flutter kicks, push ups, box jumps, pull ups for 20 minutes
Do 1.5 mile run after.


Then I just keep doing those on repeat, what am I doing wrong?


>Grip training
>one arm chins
>Overhead Press
>behind the neck press
>Weighted push ups

>Grip training
>Pendlay Row
>Rows on hyper extension machine
>Weighted push up

>Trap bar deadlift
>Weighted box jumps
>Floor gymnastics

I alternate A and B until I stall on one or feel burnt out, then I do C for two or three days in a row.

Any thoughts on this?

>what am I doing wrong?
Making up your own routine as a beginner instead of following a pre-existing, attested program. You do not know enough to create a functional, efficient, effective routine.

Like this shit. You created a week long split that includes no back work whatsoever except for some pull ups on chest day lmao and deadlift on leg day, at 5x5 no less AFTER squats. You've designed a routine that will produce shoulder and back problems as your muscles become increasingly imbalanced.

Please stop wasting your time creating a routine and follow one that already exists and comes from a reputable source. Want strength? Do SS. Have an athletic background and want to go straight into aesthetics? Do a sensible PPL like the >Leddit one or do an upper/lower like Candito's.

ICF 5x5 but I'm thinking about cutting out the squats and deadlifts because it feels like my lower back never rests enough. My spinal erectors always feel fatigued and I think it's because I have anterior pelvic tilt. I don't know what to do. Sacrifice squats and deads until I fix the pelvic tilt or keep squatting and dead lifting and have all of my other lifts suffer from a fatigued lower back.