thoughts Veeky Forums?
Thoughts Veeky Forums?
fucking love the mars one
too bad its like 2 euros and im poor
It depends on price, you can buy a cheaper snack, by shitty-know mark and have the same countain of protein
The most delicous proteinbars are made by Nutramino. I recomend chunky peanut and caramel or caramel and vanilla
pic related
not bad if you don't havy anything else to eat, just like i do, i take it preworkout, i eat it at work, go home, change and go to the gym, gives me a nice pump because of its full of carbs and shit
But it doesn't taste the same. That's the point.
Only tried the Mars one and it tastes like any other protein bar - dry and fairly bland - rather than like a Mars bar.
protein versions taste better than the regular ones they sell in eastern europe thats for sure
Fucking delicious but I can never find them anymore. Also expensive.
I'm a huge sucker for Snickers so yeah I love their protein brand. It's not the best profile you can find out there, and it's definitively not the most affordable but damn it's good
I hate this shit, the reason the price of Whey went up was because they put protein in all those drinks, now it's going to go up even more.
The price probably went up for you because your currency tanked. They've been putting whey in everything for years.
protein supplements are generally worthless if your diet is on point
wow its almost like they are called "supplements"
used to supplement whatever your diet lacks in.
mmmmmm Mars Bars
god that's pathetic, can't even afford a candy bar...
I have never eaten a Mars bar.
I wonder what it's like
Those things are awful they can't be the best ones. I've only tried those so I wouldn't know.
I don't like it, so perhaps I'm bias. The chocolate is very thinly coated, hard, but no crunch, as if you're biting frozen chocolate without a crunch.
I think galaxy chocolate bars are the best match for the biting sensation.
The chocolate itself tastes like cheap generic easter egg chocolate.
The insides from what I can remember is this white stuff, fondue like, its quite thick and smooth, the texture is pleasant, but the taste is not. Like cheap fondue in a cheap easter egg. Like those £1 easter eggs. Seriously.
There is like some soft cookie filing that I like to scrape out with my teeth occasionally and enjoy that separately to the chocolate bar.
Overall I'd recommend Snickers but who knows.
Let me know if this helped you understand the taste.
Sounds like eating a bargain bin turd
poor in muscle
Remember when they got the NFL to endorse Snickers the same way they endorse Gatorade? Remember how long that lasted? Hint: it wasn't long.
Probably way too much sugar just like all other protein bars
>Mars bars with no peanuts
>Snickers with a fuckton of peanuts
>Mars bar has 1g of protein more
>soy protien
So, what you're saying is it taste like easter eggs?
Just eat a can of tuna if you want quick protein on the go, fatty.
Start a campaign to get your country out of the EU then so you can afford protein bars.
Things to look for in a protein bar:
>lower carb/fat content than actual meals
>little to no sugar, sugar alcohols are acceptable
>high fiber
Things to avoid
>sugary bullshit loaded with fats
>no fiber
>worse protein:calorie ratio than most clean meals
Kirkland bars taste mediocre at breast, but they have great macros
>mercury bioaccumulate don't real
Protein is such a buzzword now. It's the new 'calcium'
>calcium over feeding is bad
>protein over feeding is bad
Grandma, pls
I thought the price said 18 cents and got all hyped
Agreed. I love thinkthin peanut butter protein bars. It has a bit of sugar but it's like 20g of protein for $1.33 they sell them by the box on Amazon. the chocolate coating is on point if you like sweets.
Anyone remember about 7 years ago, some retards said Pepsi & Coke were going to buy up all the whey protein and prices were going to double or triple, so you better buy up as much as you can? Reminds me when I see this shit. These products are pure garbage, just a marketing ploy.
>18G per par
>60 bucks for 18 bars on amazon