Ab Roller

Are Ab Rollers a meme Veeky Forums? Probably one of my favorite ab workouts. I feel like it's a good overall abdominal workout with some stress on the back muscles.

This shit feels like death

Its a meme but one that works. Ab roller and hanging leg raises are the two goat ab exercises.

Doing crunches holding a weight to your chest is really bad for your spine

ive stopped doing them cause my knees gets bruised and it looks like i suck dick for a living.

I usually throw my towel under my knees and it helps.

That's why you put a folded towel or a sponge on them...

>caveman discovers fire
>user can't fold a towel because of the 'tism

Fk sake


>can easily do 3x15 of these on my knees
>can't do one rep on my feet

Amazin ab workout. I cant do them, intense pain in my left hip up to my lower abdomen. Im foamrolling and it seems to help but it will take some time till I can do them again

Dragon flags are top tier as well.

going from 0 to being able to do a kneeling ab wheel is easier then going from where you are to a standing ab wheel.

your gonna need to be doing some progression. i have been working on it for 5 months. still cant do a fully stretched standing ab wheel. but kneeling ab wheels are almost cardio now.

I have to superset them with something or do like a 100 reps to get any results from them, they are absolute shit on their own.

Same boat.
Im doing 5x10 atm and barerly feel them anymore.
Wish my gym had a weight vest to use or maybe its time to try standing.

Just place a 10kg plate on your upper back, should be stable enough. I do them 3x10, preddy good workout desu

The only ab-workout I don't passionately hate, but it makes my eyes explode out of my head.

They're really fucking hard to do but I never feel like I've sufficiently worked my core after I'm done

I see it more as a stretching exercise. You aren't going to build impressive abs with it.

>You aren't going to build impressive abs with it.
you better explain this cause it seems pretty stupid

don't bother asking el autismo to explain it.

OP, i always thought it was a meme, but tried it anyway- it's like 12 bucks for one off amazon. ever had ab DOMS? with this shit, you will, it's fucking awesome.

Why are you on your knees?

What part of it don't you understand?
>the dyel calls me an autist

Nigger how do you not know what i meant? And it was only 1 part. Im saying explain why you arent going to build impressive abs with it. Do yuo have any sources on this? What makes you say it? Things like that are you fucking stupid?

>I see it more as a stretching exercise

It doesn't matter how you 'see it', if done right it works the muscle you fucking sperg.

>implying I'm somehow a dyel and you're anything special

if you want some sort of recognition, go tripfag around like a little princess.

I was in the same boat until today. Experiment with putting a platform on the ground and then the mat/towel on the platform to add cushion to your knees. This increase in height will add more weight on the wheel from the increased vertical angle. Tried today and I'm back to doing 5-8 reps and feeling it.

Holy fuck you dyels are obnoxious. I should actually turn into a tripfag to guide this herd of stupid skinnyfat morons.

Post your impressive abs you got from doing abs rolling, I could use a good laugh.

260lb BP, 165 OHP at 150lb BW, hardly a 'dyel'.

GFY, special snowflake.

Nigger all im asking you to do is explain it. Can you please just explain your reasoning?

>150 lbs
Have you tried eating?

5'7" 'manlet'. around 12% BF. still probably outlift most fags here.

I love doing these though next day if I sneeze it feels like God just gut punched me

You know this from excessive dick sucking not ab roller usage right?

I cant believe someone actually thought this was funny

Probably because ab rolling is an isometric exercise, which is good for building endurance, but not for building muscle mass. You won't build big biceps by holding a dumbbell in a static curled position. You won't build blocky abs by holding your stomach tense. You need to fight resistance, things like weighted leg raises and cable crunches.

Ok so why not both? Its pretty well known the best 2 movements to combine into a workout routine are ab wheel and leg raises.

GIT GUD and do it on your feet

Don't try to fully extend. See how far you can go and still get back and progress from there. Do it against a wall if that helps.

>I have to superset them with something or do like a 100 reps to get any results from them, they are absolute shit on their own.
Do them on your feet then. If you can do 100 on your feet you're either doing something wrong or you are Chackie Chan on Super Soldier serum.

>The only ab-workout I don't passionately hate, but it makes my eyes explode out of my head.
Try to breathe in slower/later when you extend.

>pretty well known
Nice broscience

>Nice broscience
how si saying something is well known bro science? Especially since im agreeing with you?