Dumping FPS. Starting with my all time favorite. Share yours.

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is this thread autosaging?

How long have FPS FPH threads been autosaging on Veeky Forums?

Guess who browses pol


>"the commercials say it's a good way to start the day"

reading that hurt my soul

I wrote that. I based it on my mom. Feels real bad.

OPs can't bump their own threads, i think

Thanks. That's fuckin' retarded.









keep em coming pls

So he browses /pol/ and Veeky Forums?

Boogie, if you do read this you could become our champion. If you turned shit around and told /v/ what they wanted to hear, you'd have an untapped market demographic like never before.

How does someone lack this much common sense?

OP can't bump shit. Halp.





>Fatties getting
>Gets high school to put up some body positivity shit
>Brothers gf (linked) says some shit about how it's getting annoying
>Flooded with orbiters and planets alike all calling for her to be shut down.
>Mfw I have no face

not really. Then if you had a shitty thread that noone but OP was replying to it would never leave the board until it hit 300. Veeky Forums would become a race to see who could post the fastest.

>pickens sc
>literally the town next to mine

that woman most likely lives within 10-20 minutes of me

Jesus christ if these are remotely true I want to teleport to these events just to beat that downie to a pulp.

Then the family for not doing it instead.




How long are fatties gonna confuse biology with physics?

I honestly can't tell what's satire anymore

Like it seems like a normal dumb HAES bitch but then that last line

> I had a 6 hour emergency surgery for a shattered ankle

Makes me feel like it's Veeky Forums subtly trolling tumblr. I-I'm just lost in this world now

For someone supposedly so confident in themselves, they sure feel the need to tell everyone.

that might be the worst self description of a person ive ever read

>crushing vigilance over what I consume

Somehow I don't believe her.

She's wasting her time trying to explain herself to people who are missing her point which is 'don't say you're proud of something just because you don't want to work towards a balance should you be too big or too small''. People just got 'you're saying fat people are gross and look, I have a bf so men do like fat women, AND I'M HEALTHY." She's fighting an angry wall of flesh and their 'allies' who don't want to look fat-phobic by seeing her pov

>if these are remotely true

You've obviously never been around retards irl.

Poor girl

She sure showed us.

It makes me so depressed that my mom looks like this.

this straight just pisses me the fuck off. she has no idea what the fuck she is talking about.

and i assume she meant postural orthostatic tachycardia?

What went wrong?

Fuck wrong thread

Never understood this comic. Is it satire or a HaES thing?

the rightmost column is something someone added after the fact

he stopped wrapping.

>fat kid who doesn't know any better acts like a douche on one occassion and has a tendency to flirt with some chick
>because of this, workers at fat camp conspire against him
>he gets diabetes in the end
This really just made me sad. I mean it's clear to me why some Veeky Forumsfags might revel in this story as some "sweet victory" or whatever the fuck, but I just don't see it that way.

Thank you

satire user

14 year olds aren't children in my eyes, that's what makes this so easy to smile at.

A lot of user's gripe about that kid is that he flirted with that one lez chick, which a younger kid wouldn't have done. I don't think of him as a child, just a typical teenager who happens to have very shitty parents.

Agreed. I'd understand not wanting revel in it if he's was 10, but 14 is too old for that shit.

god ol simmons was all about health at every size
sweatin to the oldies is basicly a way for people who are to fat or out of shape to get started with good habits TO BETTER THEMSELVES

Wasn't Jillian the trainer who gave her contestants drugs? Like weight loss pills or something not allowed in the competition?

Now this thread is a bit more like it.


This should legit be the story for a fucking book or movie

>development of eating disorders, which have the highest mortality rate of any mental disorder

That'd be bipolar or schizophrenia

Entire time reading this I just wonder WHY bother helping this person? It doesn't add up
>laundry list of disgusting self induced problems
>gave up on life
>Lmao let's work our hardest to get her back on track, guys! :]

Meanwhile a farmer died under a tractor or a stabbing victim bled out.

That's too good to be real. Zero way that's real. I REFUSE to believe that there exists such perfection (relative to my mind's amusement, mind you).

No it's actually anorexia nervosa - different by comparison to schizophrenia etc in that the illness itself kills you, rather than makes you want to kill yourself

Kek, usually how long does it need for an obese person to get prebeetus then proceeding to full blown beetus? A decade of being obese?

Another qt ruined

>But... But... Muh chronic pain!

It's the ultimate fucking cop out for these lardass wastes of humanity, this invisible condition that causes them so much pain they get to ignore their problems and avoid having to do anything.
They aught to be fucking shot.

god damn I hate fat people so much.

I can't get mad at people with trisomy 21; it's literally not their fault - dey dindu nuffin. I just feel bad for the family.
At least those with trisomy 21 die early - unlike the worst of the autists for example, who have normal life expectancies.

I wanted fat person hate. This just made me... sad. :(

>I'm 20
Jesus Christ IM 20 and I can't tell if I haven't realized how old I am yet or if this chick is aged beyond

I just realized how glad I am that my mom is into fitness.

You know, I don't even get mad at being repeated told to "fuck myself" because in the end who is going to lose? She is when all this "rebellion" causes her to live a miserable sickly life that ends in her 50s. Don't hate me for trying to save you. If you listen to me - to society - you save yourself from an early grave. Keep this arrogance of telling people to fuck off - well reap what you sow.

She's just really aged poorly. I'm 24, and she looks like she's in her late-20's/early-30's to me.

>currently a stripper
>a stripper

>"gentlemen, now get ready for our next performer...THE EYE-RIPPER STRIPPEEER!"


>i can't swim a fast stroke properly because my mouth needs to constantly be above water

i'm a high school swim coach and this has me so fucking confused right now, what the hell does that have to do with her nose

It could be caused by the fact I'm not a native english speaker but I've got my CAE certificate safe and sound in my pocket. Yet I really don't understand the hippo dialect and fail to comprehend that text.

Why does this board shill for this cunt?

should've let her drown. another burden cut off

i'm sorry, user. I feel you. My dad and mom are both 42, dad is 5'8 230lbs and mom is 5'10 240. I'm 6'0 and 199.6 down from 275.

I try to get them to just drink a fucking glass of water, but they joke their way out of it and drink a diet coke or sprite instead. Dad keeps saying he's gotta lose some weight, drink more water, eat healthier but he never does. He comes home from work and beelines it to the fridge for a jar of cheese dip for his toritos chips. Then makes two bags of ramens saying "i used to make 2 and have a sandwich..that's good, right?" yeah, dad..that's good..then he warms up leftovers..then mom cooks fried rice or hamburger helper, which he of course eats at least half of. He's been complaining about stomach issues like nearly shitting the bed at night, or extreme acid reflex and blaming the doctors. "They won't give me my damn Nexium!" while crunching down on 3 tums at a time throughout the day, following the ramen and sodas.

Mom keeps on drinking sprite like no ones business. At least 4 a day. She talks to another middle aged lady who "diets" and "eats light stuff" but is also overweight. They joke with me about my weight loss. "I wish i could lose weight like that!" and "what kinda diet are you on?". Of course i've tried to explain before about calories in vs calories out, but they don't listen so it's usually "ha-ha, the try-it diet!" before leaving. It's funny because now their house is stocked with Gluten-free shit, even the vitamins are gluten-free. They think that gluten-free, GMO-free, grassfed shit is going to take off their hundred pound excess. It's fucking not. They snack so fucking much on little cookies and shit, they can't possibly lose weight without realizing what the hell they're doing by treating themselves with those York thin mints.

My dad's grandpa died from doing exactly what my dad is. Eating. Not listening to the doctors. Ignoring body warnings like, i dunno, almost shitting the bed at 40 on a nightly basis.

and all i can do is watch. I put on "My 600lb Life" just to kinda nudge them, but they just joke about it. "Wow, he can't even wipe his ass!" you're gonna be the same way, dad! You're almost fucking there man. That show had more of an effect on me than it did them, they eat during it..not a salad either. "dinner", as if that is a term anymore. Dinner has no value to them anymore, it's just snack #13, warmup for the ramen and cookies. Fuck it makes me so angry.

And my dad actively tries to get me to stop dieting. He tells me my perfectly healthy cousin is "too skinny" and "ugly, skin and bones". He's fucking normal, perfectly god damn normal. My dad is a haes fuck now, apparently. He tells me i was perfectly healthy and strong looking at 230lbs 6'0 with no muscle definition. I was panting from just walking in the sun.

Sorry for the rant. I just have no one to vent to right now besides Veeky Forums.

>gravity well
My sides have ascended into orbit

If you follow that logic, you might as well become a heroin addict.

this world is DOOMED


Could be worse. My dad was severely overweight and diabetic, then he started exercising and watching his diet. He lost a good 80+ lbs, lost the diabetes and was generally way happier and healthier. Then he got sick (just a cold or some shit), stopped exercising and dieting. His diabetes is coming back, he's regaining weight and he looks incredibly unhappy all the time. It's hard to watch and there's nothing I can do about it.

Fucking bitch

>be lesbian
>have a son
How does that work? I thought you are born with your orientation.

Didn't happen

i wonder if she lives in one of America's fine, cozy trailer parks

You can condition people do to a lot weirder stuff than just switching your sexual orientation. Not everyone is born with this shit. Some deranged people do it on a whim, to shock, to belong to be accepted into a group, to create an identity. All those progressive LGBTQ creatures, do they look and act like happy, well-adjusted people? Or is it that they more often than not choose subconsciously to go down that route in order to create an identity for themselves and gain acceptance in a group.

That's a man, baby


That kid is either going to be some sort of ghetto chad or bullied into suicide

Doesnt matter to me, they still tell a good story.

8 out of every 10 women that say they are lesbians actually take dickings once in a while

>butter golem
thats a good one

Have they not heard of swimming? Shit, I even see old ass folks in the morning doing tai chi and I am sure they have more problems than this landwhale

>3 kids by the time she hits 20
Prime female right there